Love is the Way: Hope for Ourselves and Others – Bishop Michael B. Curry with Dave Asprey – #764

In this special Thanksgiving episode of Bulletproof Radio, I wanted to bring things back to center with a focus on love and community after the wild year of change and stress we’ve had. Giving and receiving love is one of the most important ways we can be better humans.

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In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...

In this special Thanksgiving episode of Bulletproof Radio, I wanted to bring things back to center with a focus on love and community after the wild year of change and stress we’ve had. Giving and receiving love is one of the most important ways we can be better humans.

“Beyond our national identities and loyalties, beyond our political sympathies and ideologies, beyond our religious and spiritual convictions and commitments, there is a universal hunger at the heart of every human being: to love and to be loved,” says Bishop Michael B. Curry. “It connects all people of faith, hope, and good will.”

I’m so pleased to be talking to Bishop Curry about this. He’s been the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church since 2015 and is the first African-American to lead the denomination. He’s recognized as one of the most popular preachers in the English language.

He’s served parish ministries for more than 40 years. Throughout his ministry, he’s been an advocate for human rights and active in issues of social justice, reconciliation, speaking out on immigration policy and marriage equality. He maintains a national preaching and teaching ministry and has authored five books.

His newest book, “Love is the Way: Holding on to Hope in Troubling Times,” touches on the three kinds of love: eros, which is romantic; philia, the fraternal, brotherly love; and agape, unselfish, sacrificial love that seeks the well-being of others.

“They are all related,” Bishop Curry says. “They all have the same source.”

I learned a new way of looking at love during my conversation with Bishop Curry. I hope you do, too. Happy Thanksgiving to you and those you love.

Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts

  • I was aware of that, but I had no idea of a pandemic, or that the depth of racial divisions would get revealed and unearthed in just new ways. – 2:07
  • The frustration of the limitation of the English language. We have one word for love, and that’s it.- 4:44
  • Love as the unselfish way that makes human community possible because apart from the unselfish way, human community is not possible. Selfishness does not build community. – 12:49
  • A self-giving love that’s not about the obliteration of the self. It’s actually a heightening of the self. – 15:30
  • Whatever field you enter into, make sure the world’s better because you did that. That’s your job. – 20:22
  • I want to suggest the God who is love made us as creatures of love, to be loved, to love, and that we are at our best when we live out of the very energies of love because we are actually reflecting the DNA of our creator. – 26:01
  • How do you bring hope and love back when you’re dealing with systemic oppression and there’s a government or a people really doing they’re very best to take away hope in a whole and other culture? – 33:19
  • My vision for law enforcement is we want our police officers and our sheriffs, we want them to be the Good Samaritans of the parable of the Good Samaritan in the New … That’s their noble calling. – 39:04
  • If you move beyond thinking of love as eros and begin to think of love agape, seeking the good and the well-being of the other as well as yourself, not excluding yourself, not excluding the other, then the goal of love is to seek the greatest good that is possible in that situation.- 44:54
  • Jesus preaches back and quotes Moses from Deuteronomy and Leviticus. He says, “You shall love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself.”– 53:16
  • Love God, love thyself, love others, never actually made that much sense until you just explained it the way you explained it. So, it makes a lot of sense. It’s just a re-expression of the three kinds of love. – 56:47

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