In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dan Brown, Ph.D., is back to discuss the essentials of attachment and ways to identify your sense of self. You’ll learn about one Attachment Project, two types of relationship dysfunction, three versions of insecure attachment, four types of attachment, and five great functions of attachment. As a special bonus, Dr. Brown also takes listeners through a guided self-visualization during the show.
In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dan Brown, Ph.D., is back to discuss the essentials of attachment and ways to identify your sense of self. You’ll learn about one Attachment Project, two types of relationship dysfunction, three versions of insecure attachment, four types of attachment, and five great functions of attachment. As a special bonus, Dr. Brown also takes listeners through a guided self-visualization during the show.
This is the second of a two-part series. Here’s the first in case you missed it: HOW EARLY CHILDHOOD ATTACHMENT SETS YOUR RELATIONSHIP PATTERNS – DANIEL P. BROWN, PH.D., WITH DAVE ASPREY – #718.
Dr. Brown has spent nearly 40 years of his career at Harvard University Medical School where he’s an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology and teaches hypnotherapy. He’s also a Buddhist Meditation Master, and seamlessly blends Eastern and Western schools of thought.
Attachment lays the foundation for your sense of self and that informs your future relationships. “Relationships are purposeful. We select unconsciously to play out the same old conflict over and over again rather than working it out,” says Dr. Brown.
But you can change the pattern.
Self-development “starts with self-definition, knowing who you are, knowing what qualities represent the best self,” Dr. Brown says. “Then the next thing is what’s called self-agency. What makes you feel like you have an impact on the environment around you, the world around you, in general. And then more specifically, that you have an impact on relationships with others. You’re actually eliciting the kind of responses you want in relationship with others. So that’s called self-agency. And the third is self-esteem, feeling good about yourself.”
This episode gives you helpful techniques and tools. You’ll also get tips on what to look for in a therapist and find out why it’s important to choose someone who will move beyond talk therapy.
Enjoy the show! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts.
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You can learn more about Dr. Daniel P. Brown’s teachings and your own attachment style with this special promotion. Save 20% off all online courses at Enter code DAVE at checkout to save 20%.
The Attachment Project:
YouTube: The Attachment Project
Book: Attachment Disturbances in Adults: Treatment for Comprehensive Repair
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