EP 742

How to Think Like a Monk – Jay Shetty with Dave Asprey – #739

For this special episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m going to ask you to tune in for a while longer. I think you’ll really like what you hear.

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In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...

For this special episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m going to ask you to tune in for a while longer. I think you’ll really like what you hear.

My guest is Jay Shetty, a British-born former monk who never expected to meet a monk, let alone become one. “It’s really humbling and ironic when you go to something expecting nothing and it becomes one of the biggest life changing moments of your life,” he says.

Now an award-winning viral content creator, storyteller and experiment maker (but no longer a monk), he’s created over 400 viral videos that have received over 7.5 billion views. He also hosts the popular “On Purpose” podcast and has just written a brand new book, “Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day.”

 “The book is full of studies and research and science behind monks’ brains that have meditated for far longer than I have,” Jay says. “For me, it was my fascination with monk culture that made me want to write this book, less than my own experience of three years.”

In our conversation, he reflects on his monk’s training and explains how you can find your own peace and purpose. “If I can help people tap into their unique superpower and dharma, then the world will be a better place.”

“”Think Like a Monk” is such an important message right now,” Jay says “You don’t have to live like a monk to think like a monk, because it is a change of mindset. The monk mind is of compassion, love, non-judgment, kindness. I feel like that’s what so many of the people we know are striving for and aspiring for. I felt this is the right time to help us reset our mindset.”

Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts.


  • How does one become a monk in the modern world? – 1:58
  • All his possessions fit into a locker. – 5:38
  • Are people in their early 20s or even late teens so much more flexible than people later in life? – 8:40
  • People have taken on the responsibility to share and to educate and to teach. – 12:09
  • We were able to get my gamma to go up by 20% in a two hour session, which is supposed to not be possible. – 15:25
  • The mind and the intelligence are constantly having a conversation. – 19:44
  • Constantly challenging myself out of my comfort zone is the most humbling thing there. – 23:03
  • Benjamin Franklin had a book called the 13 Precepts. And he used to have a journal where he wrote down the 13 things he aspired for. – 25:30
  • I think of the teacher that taught me public speaking and drama school a. Or I think of every comedian that I’ve ever watched. And I pass on that gratitude to them. – 29:55
  • How do you practice gratitude for the pandemic? – 36:48
  • I would say there’s three stages. The first is, acknowledging and feeling the pain. – 39:52
  • In the second chapter, you talk about The Evil King Goes Hungry. – 42:19
  • How much do you actually meditate every day? – 46:32
  • I really believe that life is lived in the transitions, and if you master the transition you experience the transformation. – 52:54
  • Why would we take relationship advice from a monk? – 54:30
  • We think that freedom means you get to do whatever you want whenever you want and you have all the choice in the world. But actually we all know, through science and behavioral science, that humans make worse decisions when they have more choice. – 59:49
  • Immersive experiences, whether you can take a day retreat, a month, whether you can take a week retreat, a year, or whether you can take a month retreat every three years, you spending time on your own, by yourself, reintegrating, figuring yourself out, creating a training sense, putting on your armor. – 01:03:45
  • What are the three most important things for people to take away? – 01:06:41

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