Tech Billionaires vs. The COVID-19 Pandemic: Dave Asprey hosts Tech Journalist Kara Swisher – #693

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is one of the most revered tech journalists in the U.S. technology space. Kara Swisher is a contributing writer to the New York Times Opinion section and appears weekly on NBC. We get into tech impacts, human downgrading, and how Covid-19 has created shifts and opportunities in the tech community.

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In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is one of the most revered tech journalists in the U.S. technology space. Kara Swisher is a contributing writer to the New York Times Opinion section and appears weekly on NBC. We get into tech impacts, human downgrading, and how Covid-19 has created shifts and opportunities in the tech community.

She’s executive producer of the Code Conference, an annual event that brings together a global community of the biggest tech names in the business to explore current and future impact of digital technology. She also hosts the podcast Recode: Decode and co-hosts the podcast Pivot. Both shows dive into many aspects of the tech world with sharp insight.

Kara’s experience in tech spans nearly 30 years where she’s been watching it unfold—in all its glory and ugliness. She’s tackled tough topics and raised hard questions within the industry. A few things we talk about in this episode:

  • Big tech: “I still feel like this idea that we need these big giant tech companies that control everything is a real problem for innovation,” she says. “I’ve always thought the way we get to any solution to anything is a diversity of opinion, a diversity of efforts, a diversity of small companies being on a plane where they can compete with larger companies.”
  • Tech Diversity: “But you’re still a rare being, being a woman or a person of color running or being in a significant position of power at a tech company,” she says.
  • Tech Billionaire Philanthropy: “Where’s the accountability?” she says. “Where’s the decision making as a society? Where’s all of us deciding together what we want rather than a small group of people, who may or may not have good motives.”
  • Tech’s Space Roots: “You’re either a Star Trek person or a Star Wars person. I would like to be a Star Trek person, but I fear we live in a Star Wars universe.”

Enjoy the show!

Key Notes

  • Have you seen shifts over the last 30 years that are positive for women in tech? – 3:11
  • Two Peters and a Dick. – 8:01
  • The idea of anticipating consequences. – 11:05
  • Autocrats love nothing more than the internet. – 14:00
  • You’re either a Star Wars person or a Star Trek person. – 15:35
  • “Two things can be true at once. Tech billionaires can be doing good while simultaneously revealing their power and entrenching it for the long haul.” – 23:33
  • There’s problems of humanity that need to be solved in a different way. – 28:07
  • I’m banking on Bill Gates honestly, – 32:12
  • Make sure that people get good information about things. – 37:46
  • As we upgrade our computers, we’re downgrading our human experience. – 41:25
  • They want to make sure you push that red button or buy that thing or look at this way, look over here. – 44:12
  • Humanity has an incredible ability to have no memory whatsoever. – 49:11

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Enjoy the show!

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Tech Billionaires vs. The COVID-19 Pandemic- Dave Asprey hosts Tech Journalist Kara Swisher – #693


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