Posted December 07 2010 | 11,101 views
By The Weston A. Price FoundationWhy Butter is Better?
- Vitamins …
Butter is a rich source of easily absorbed vitamin A, needed for a wide range of functions, from maintaining good vision to keeping the endocrine system in top shape. Butter also contains all the other fat-soluble vitamins (D, E and K2), which are often lacking in the modern industrial diet.- Minerals …
Butter is rich in important trace minerals, including manganese, chromium, zinc, copper and selenium (a powerful antioxidant). Butter provides more selenium per gram than wheat germ or herring. Butter is also an excellent source of iodine.- Fatty Acids …Butter provides appreciable amounts of short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which support immune function, boost metabolism and have anti-microbial properties; that is, they fight against pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal tract. Butter also provides the perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. Arachidonic acid in butter is important for brain function, skin health and prostaglandin balance.
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) …
When butter comes from cows eating green grass, it contains high levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a compound that gives excellent protection against cancer and also helps your body build muscle rather than store fat.- Glycospingolipids …
These are a special category of fatty acids that protect against gastrointestinal infections, especially in the very young and the elderly. Children given reduced-fat milks have higher rates of diarrhea than those who drink whole milk.- Cholesterol …
Despite all of the misinformation you may have heard, cholesterol is needed to maintain intestinal health and for brain and nervous system development in the young.- Wulzen Factor …
A hormone-like substance that prevents arthritis and joint stiffness, ensuring that calcium in your body is put into your bones rather than your joints and other tissues. The Wulzen factor is present only in raw butter and cream; it is destroyed by pasteurization.
Dr. Mercola runs one of the highest-traffic health sites online, because the information he presents is cutting edge, and his library of information is huge.
He just posted an article from the Westin A. Price Foundation about the health benefits of butter with a headline saying butter slashes heart attack risk in half. I’m excited that his hundreds of thousands of subscribers will hear the news.
On The Bulletproof® Executive, I’ve been posting tricks to get MORE butter into your body as a way to increase performance, and particularly to help with brain function and memory. Since I started eating about 2/3 of a normal sized stick of butter EVERY DAY for TWO YEARS, I’ve done nothing but get leaner and feel better, with less exercise, and my anti-aging blood profile that tracks risks improved to “better than theoretically possible” for a male.
It’s a strange world where many of my senior executive friends order fat-free twigs for lunch, but wonder why they’re dying without a cup of coffee or handful of candy 2 hours later. At the same time, they gasp as I add several tablespoons of healthy fat to whatever I’m eating.
The word is spreading; however, more and more people realize that eating fat makes you satisfied and gives you energy. Another colleague, who lost 60 lbs in the last 6 months, did it by throwing away sugar and starchy foods, and actually added bacon to high protein foods. He told me, “I stay full twice as long when I put a piece of bacon on my chicken. It’s amazing.”
He’s right, but it’s hard to believe that we, as a society, forgot this vital piece of nutrition information, because of bad research like Ancel Keys in 1953. Will it take another 50 years for us to fix that mistake?
So pass the butter and the bacon. I need it so that I can outperform at work today. Then, I come home with enough energy to tire out my 3 and 1-year-old!