In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is Dr. Dale Bredesen, a globally renowned expert in neurodegenerative diseases. His work has been inspired by the notion that Alzheimer’s as it is currently known is “not just preventable, but reversible.”
In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is Dr. Dale Bredesen, a globally renowned expert in neurodegenerative diseases. His work has been inspired by the notion that Alzheimer’s as it is currently known is “not just preventable, but reversible.”
He’s currently the Chief Science Officer (CSO) of Apollo Health and a professor at UCLA. Dr. Bredesen was on the show on episode #522 where we talked about his New York Times bestseller” “The End of Alzheimer’s.”
He’s back on the show with a detailed program that he uses with his own patients. This program can be tailored to anyone’s needs and will enhance cognitive ability at any age.
What we call Alzheimer’s disease is actually a protective response to a wide variety of insults to the brain: inflammation, insulin resistance, toxins, infections, and inadequate levels of nutrients, hormones, and growth factors.
“I really believe that this field [neurodegenerative diseases] has more misunderstandings, misconceptions, and misperceptions, and myths than just about any other field, and people are dying,” Dr. Bredesen says. “These are not just white lies. These are things that people are dying for, and so let’s quit thinking that the brain is functioning as a linear system here, and let’s look at what actually makes a difference for people’s cognition.”
Dr. Bredesen’s “The End of Alzheimer’s Program” goes deeper into the science of reversing Alzheimer’s disease, with new research and a more programmatic approach that answers questions readers had after reading “The End of Alzheimer’s.” It lays out the tests, treatments and lifestyle musts you can do right now.
You’ll take a dive into Ketoflex 12/3; get advice to prevent and reverse cognitive decline that is tailored to specific symptoms; learn more information about lifestyle influences; and examine the risks and solutions for toxic exposure.
In this conversation, Dr. Bredesen also recommends starting with the big three: a series of blood tests, a cognitive assessment, and an MRI with volumetrics. Listen on for more resources on how to keep your brain at peak functioning.
Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts
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You Can Prevent and Even Reverse Cognitive Decline – Dr. Dale Bredesen with Dave Asprey – #754
Books: The End of Alzheimer’s: The Bredesen Protocol and The End of Alzheimer’s Program
Bulletproof Radio: The Quest To End Alzheimer’s: Dale Bredesen #522
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