In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’ve invited a guest who knows a lot about brains.
As a physician, double-board certified psychiatrist, professor, and 10-time New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Daniel Amen studies brains from the inside out. His clinical focus on studying brain scans has led to new understanding of behavior, brain injuries, and how the brain ages.
Now he’s taking on mental health and showing how neuroscience is transforming psychiatry and helping prevent and even reverse mental health issues. “Nobody believes it’s really biological unless you look,” Dr. Amen says. “It’s really a functional medicine approach to brain health.”
He has authored or co-authored over 70 professional articles, seven book chapters and more than 30 books. You may be familiar with some of his titles, like Change Your Brain, Change Your Life; Healing ADD; Memory Rescue; and The Brain Warrior’s Way. Dr. Amen’s newest book, The End of Mental Illness: How Neuroscience Is Transforming Psychiatry and Helping Prevent or Reverse Mood and Anxiety Disorders, ADHD, Addictions, PTSD, Psychosis, Personality Disorders, and More changes the game completely for those experiencing mental illness.
Our conversation reframes mental health as brain health. “I think of brain health really simply,” Dr. Amen says. “It’s three things: 1-Care about it; 2-Avoid things that hurt.; and 3-Do things to help it.” Listen on for practical strategies.
Enjoy the show! … And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts.
Go check out my new book “Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever“ and also “Game Changers“, “Headstrong” and “The Bulletproof Diet” on Amazon and consider leaving a review!
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Get Your Brain Right and Your Mind Will Follow – Dr. Daniel Amen – #673
Daniel Amen, M.D.
Amen Clinics
Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want is about helping you to become the best version of yourself by embracing laziness while increasing your energy and optimizing your biology.
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