New Solutions for the Growing Food Allergy Epidemic – Dr. Kari Nadeau with Dave Asprey – #768

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we take a look at how and why food allergies affect so many of us. Conquering mine has helped me immensely on my Bulletproof journey and I want to share a conversation that could help you do the same.

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In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we take a look at how and why food allergies affect so many of us. Conquering mine has helped me immensely on my Bulletproof journey and I want to share a conversation that could help you do the same.

Dr. Kari Nadeau is considered one of the world’s leading experts on food allergy, and is the author of the new book ““The End of Food Allergy, featuring Immunotherapy: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse a 21st-Century Epidemic”. For more than 30 years she’s focused her expertise on the environmental and genetic factors that affect the risk of developing allergies and asthma, and the molecular mechanisms underlying the diseases.

Allergies play a growing role in every part of our lives. They happen because of the products we put on our skin, the foods we eat every single day, and the products we use in our home and work environment. Dr. Nadeau offers ways to spot the allergens all around you.

“We have the science,” Dr. Nadeau says. “We should do better and make people’s quality of life better in general: on the therapy side, on the convention side, as well as on the diagnostic side.”

Here are some quick allergy facts:

  • One in three Americans has some form of allergies.
  • It is estimated that one in 20 adults in America (5%) has a food allergy and 1 in 13 children in the U.S. suffers from food allergy
  • The rate of people with food allergies is doubling approximately every 10 years.
  • Adults with food allergies have a 65% chance of passing those allergies to their children.
  • 90% of food allergies are caused by the following 8 allergenic foods: cow’s milk, soy, wheat, peanut, tree nuts, shellfish, fish, egg.

“If you don’t treat your body well within any given year, you might develop a food allergy,” Dr. Nadeau says. “You’ve got to take care of yourself because any one person can develop a food allergy newly, even if they didn’t have an allergy before. This is a growing epidemic; it’s just not a US-based disease anymore. It’s growing around the world.”

In the midst of a growing epidemic, Dr. Nadeau shares information about a potential upcoming treatment process that could help you find out what your allergies are, manage them if you already have them and potentially end them.

Listen on to find out the differences between food sensitivities and allergies; thresholds for bodily stress, and ways we can both cure and prevent asthma and allergies. Dr. Nadeau answers all these questions and much more.

Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts

  • You say 32 million Americans have food allergies. How do you know? – 1:44
  • If you go to the emergency room, for example, it might take nine months before you get to get into the office of an allergist. That nine months is too long. – 3:27
  • Everyone could get food allergies, but some people are at higher risk of having bad reactions that could lead to fatalities because they don’t have the access to those medications. – 7:42
  • We test for the match that lights the fire underneath allergies, and that’s called IgE. IgE is a blood test that you can get in your doctor’s office. – 9:45
  • We have that science, we should do better and make people’s quality of life better in general on the therapy side, on the convention side, as well as on the diagnostic side. – 13:18
  • In Italy, they don’t really have a lot of peanut allergies. They have hazelnut allergies. Nutella is hazelnut. Nutella, it’s been in the diet of a lot of Italian food. – 19:03
  • When you get food poisoning, sometimes it’s the bacteria in those foods that are causing the release of histamine. So that oftentimes can look like an allergy, but it’s actually food poisoning. – 25:01
  • Are lectins allergy triggers? – 25:54
  • Our skin is our most critical organ to combat the outside world. We have skin inside our lung, skin inside our gut, anything that touches the air is made of skin cells. – 28:38
  • The liquid soaps tend to have antibiotics or tend to have these nanoparticles and microparticles in them, those aren’t helpful. Those are like little plastics on your skin. So soap is probably better. – 32:26
  • Oils, if they’re really well made, they don’t have any traces of protein, if they don’t have protein in them, you don’t have to worry about getting allergies from them. – 34:31
  • When we look at people with milk allergies, they can have allergies to different portions of the protein. A lot of it is the fact that the proteins are so riddled with detergents at the end of the day, that that’s what they’re allergic to. – 36:39
  • As a Stanford scientist, to say that grass fed matters, I really appreciate that. It was a core part of my learning on health and everything I do is grass fed. – 37:15
  • If you could diversify that diet early and often between four to six months of age in a baby, that that can reduce your likelihood of having allergies in general, as well as asthma and food allergies. – 39:10
  • Food sensitivities can be related to the immune system in a very different way. – 41:08
  • It used to be thought that while you’re pregnant, you should avoid the peanuts. And when you’re a baby, you should avoid the peanuts, and that’s actually turns out not to be true. That was based on really small studies. – 42:58
  • A lot of the dishwasher detergents, if you don’t do that extra rinse, they can definitely poke holes in the gut skin. The other thing that you need to be super careful about are preservatives. – 44:36
  • So how do I turn off my egg allergy? – 48:27
  • We look at stress levels. We do questionnaires on stress. We do menstrual cycles. We’ll actually pay attention to that. We’ll look at their circadian rhythm, how much sleep have you lost? Then the other thing we look at is have you been exposed to wildfire smoke? Have you been exposed to tobacco smoke? Do you vape? Because that changes your threshold. – 52:03

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Want to help others reach their full potential? Check out the incredible Human Potential Coach Training program I set up with Dr. Mark Atkinson.

Enjoy the show!

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New Solutions for the Growing Allergy Epidemic – Dr. Kari Nadeau with Dave Asprey – #768

Book: “The End of Food Allergy, Featuring Immunotherapy: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse a 21st-Century Epidemic”

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