… you’ll find out how to harness the power of your inner voice to ease anxiety, improve physical and mental health, and deepen your relationship with others.
“The mind is flexible, if we know how to bend it,” says psychologist and award-winning professor Ethan Kross, Ph.D., founder of the Emotion & Self Control Laboratory at the University of Michigan.
He’s one of the world’s leading experts in controlling the conscious mind. He studies the ways in which your inner voice impacts your health, performance, decisions and relationships. He explores how people manage their emotions in order to better understand self-control. In particular, the conversations you have with yourself directly impact every part of your health and life.
He explains that your inner voice functions to do things like this:
That inner voice can be a powerful tool, giving you creativity, connection and definition. However, when the voice turns to negative and disorienting self-talk (chatter), it can create chaos and overwhelm by zooming into our problems, making you lose perspective.
“You don’t want to get rid of your inner voice,” Ethan says. “You want to figure out how you can harness it. How can you harness its dark bastardly side, which is what I call chatter. That’s the dark manifestation. Getting stuck in those negative thought loops, getting stuck in that chatter, I think is one of the big problems we face as a culture because I know what it does to us. It makes it hard for us to think, it creates problems in our relationships and it undermines our health.”
Ethan’s pioneering research mixes behavioral and brain research to get at the “why” behind human nature. He uses insights from his research to give people science-based tools they can use to change their behavior, be used in relationships, support a career move, improve physical performance, decrease stress, increase productivity and be used to reach life goals. You’ll use new tools like mental time travel, tough love and introspection.
“If you experience chatter at times, that doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with you,” Ethan says. “It means you’re dealing with life and the curve balls that it throws at us. And that can sometimes be a little challenging to do. And here are some things you could do to manage that more effectively.”
In this conversation about his new book, “CHATTER: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It,” you’ll learn:
“The best kinds of conversations about chatter do two things,” Ethan says. “First, the person you’re talking to does allow you to express your emotions to a point. They learn about what you’re going through, they empathize, they validate. But then at a certain point in the conversation, they start working with you to try help you reframe that experience.”
With Ethan’s experience studying the conscious mind for 20 years, you can learn how to turn negativity into an awesome tool that helps you master your own self-talk.
Enjoy the show!
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Website: ethankross.com/
Book: “CHATTER: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It”
“How Well Do You Know Your Inner Voice? Quiz: ethankross.com/chatter/quiz/
Instagram: instagram.com/ethankross/
Twitter: twitter.com/ethan_kross
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