Self-Heal with Intermittent Fasting & Inner Bonding – Margaret Paul, Ph.D., with Dave Asprey – #805

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we find out how my guest, 81-year-old Margaret Paul, Ph.D., has sustained intermittent fasting (IF) for more than 50 years!

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In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we find out how my guest, 81-year-old Margaret Paul, Ph.D., has sustained intermittent fasting (IF) for more than 50 years!

Although IF may be a newer concept with regard to health and wellness, research has been happening for decades. And some people have been following IF for that long because it works for their own biology.

“I started intermittent fasting when I was about 30,” Margaret says. “And it’s been fantastic in my life. I started learning about food in my early 20s, because I was a sickly kid, and I just didn’t want to be sick. … I’m grateful that I found out about intermittent fasting before it was even a word. I mean, they didn’t call it that then, but that’s what it was.”

She was ahead of her time with fasting and also with the inner emotional, mental and spiritual work that rounds out a healthy life.

She’s a bestselling author and popular MindBodyGreen writer. She holds a Ph.D. in psychology, is a relationship expert, public speaker, consultant and artist. Her latest book is “Diet For Divine Connection: Beyond Junk Foods and Junk Thoughts to At-Will Spiritual Connection.”

“My brain is very sharp. I’ve worked probably at this point 60 hours a week. I’m highly creative,” she says. “I love my work. I’ve been doing it for a very long time, and I have no desire to slow down.”

Margaret co-created the powerful Inner Bonding® self-healing, six-step process. This program guides people through finding and defining their own inner worth. It allows you to let go of your wounded-ego voice that tells you you’ll never be good enough and instead operate from a higher connection of love and truth.

“If you don’t know how to love yourself, you don’t get filled up with love, you don’t have anything to share,” Margaret says. “So, you’re always trying to get it. Get the love, get the approval, get the attention. Inner Bonding® is about teaching you how to do that for yourself, so that you can share that with others.”

Margaret talks about ways people abandon themselves on an emotional level, like staying in their head and disconnecting from their body, judging themselves, blaming others and numbing out with addictions. During this episode, she shares how you can move beyond these patterns, access your internal higher guidance, and maintain a level of higher frequency with inputs like healthy organic foods and the practice of self-love.

Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts.

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  • I am 81 years old. And so I started intermittent fasting when I was about 30. – 1:20
  • We’ve developed, like you mentioned, the Inner Bonding process, which is a fabulous self-healing process. – 3:38
  • There’s only two intentions and one is the intention to have control over getting love and avoiding pain. And the other is the intention to learn about loving yourself and being able to share your love with others. – 5:45
  • I worked as a traditional psycho therapist for 17 years, and I just wasn’t happy with the results of my therapy, therapy I was doing with others. – 7:59
  • There’s two major things that you need to do in order to keep your frequency high. And one is you need to eat really well.  – 11:24
  • You’ve avoided food toxins, in the vast majority of life, you’ve done intermittent fasting, you’ve managed your energy and you don’t waste energy, on self-hate and all the negative stuff that most people waste a ton of energy on. – 15:00
  • One of the things that’s so important for people and this is part of the Inner Bonding process, is being able to ask, what is loving to me right now? – 16:21
  • People, they read books, and they learn all kinds of things, and they take classes and workshops, and then they don’t take action. They won’t eat well and they won’t get enough sleep and they don’t get exercise. Well, you don’t take action, you’re going to stay stuck, you’re going to stay miserable. – 16:31
  • I’d like to share with you the four major ways that people abandon themselves on the emotional level.  – 17:22
  • But what happened when we were young is because we couldn’t manage those deep existential feelings of life, we learn to cover them over with our self abandonment.  – 25:13
  • I realized I got from my higher guidance, that unless I was willing to feel pain, I was going to stay closed, I was going to stay protected, I was going to stay controlling – 26:46
  • I don’t even operate as a psychologist, because I don’t believe in traditional therapy anymore. So I don’t even call myself that.  – 31:00
  • But you know what self hate does. It’s self loathing. And then like you said, with the kid who blamed his father, when you hate yourself, you tend to project that out. – 32:02
  • We all have many ages inside of us and a big part of the Inner Bonding process is learning to access these wounded parts of ourselves that have these false beliefs that are lodged in the lower part of the brain called the amygdala.  – 34:41
  • The idea that you can build those new neural pathways and you can use the amygdala less, it definitely works. And that’s part of the neurofeedback stuff from 40 Years of Zen. – 36:19
  • It’s like if you want to be a concert pianist, you know you have to practice. And you know you have to practice your whole life, to continue it. Well, Inner Bonding is something you want to integrate into your life, I do it naturally, all the time. – 40:54
  • That’s one of the things about functional medicine, is it treats us as a whole being rather than you go to a doctor, “Well, I’m going to send you to this specialist or this specialist,” as if all these organs are separate, and they’re not. – 44:24
  • Is there an exercise that you can teach people now to help them turn on that ability to sense whether something is good for them or bad for them? – 45:56

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Self-Heal with Intermittent Fasting & Inner Bonding – Margaret Paul, Ph.D., with Dave Asprey – #805

Book: “Diet For Divine Connection: Beyond Junk Foods and Junk Thoughts to At-Will Spiritual Connection”

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