In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’ve invited two experts who know a lot about plants and how plants interact with our cell biology. We discuss the exciting new discovery of a molecule called Urolithin A that’s a breakthrough in mitochondrial health. Urolithin A promotes mitochondrial function, muscle strength and longevity.
In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’ve invited two experts who know a lot about plants and how plants interact with our cell biology. We discuss the exciting new discovery of a molecule called Urolithin A that’s a breakthrough in mitochondrial health. Urolithin A promotes mitochondrial function, muscle strength and longevity.
Navindra Seeram, Ph.D., is professor and chair of the Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Rhode Island and is one of the most highly cited scientists in Agricultural Sciences.
With a background in cell and molecular biology, biomedical engineering and engineering, Chris Rinsch, Ph.D., has been immersed in the biotech and life sciences industry for more than two decades.
Our conversation centers on Mitopure™, the first clinically tested form of Urolithin A available through Timeline Nutrition.
One of the most important things Urolithin A does is revitalize the energy factories inside our cells. Each of our cells contain mitochondria, and the cell has an innate process of cleaning up the damaged mitochondria and recycling them. This process is called mitophagy. Urolithin A supports cellular health by stimulating mitophagy to keep cells fit and running efficiently.
“It’s really important to keep your mitochondria at its peak performance,” Chris says, “no matter what your general health conditions are.”
Urolithin A is generated by the gut microflora as a natural food metabolite of ellagitannins, a class of compounds found in the pomegranate and other fruits, nuts and tea. Their studies have shown some pretty amazing results.
“We saw that when we started incubating and feeding worms with Urolithin A they were increasing their lifespan by about 50 percent,” Chris says. “And when the studies moved to mice, they ran 40 percent further and longer after taking the Urolithin A.”
Listen on to find out more about how Urolithin A is such a breakthrough for mitochondrial health and how it’s a game changer for cellular nutrition.
Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts
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