Tips to stop overthinking, discard the “you” that no longer fits, and start experimenting, learning, and improving.
… former rocket scientist and former law professor Ozan Varol—an expert in creativity, innovation, and critical thinking—says that unlocking your full potential involves reimagining the status quo rather than simply resisting it.
“The word resist for me gets in the way because often resistance becomes a different way of conformity, as in you’re resisting something but you’re not really offering a new path forward,” he says. “So, resistance becomes its own end in and of itself. The goal should be re-imagination.”
In this discussion about Ozan’s newest book, “AWAKEN YOUR GENIUS: Escape Conformity, Ignite Creativity, and Become Extraordinary,” you’ll learn to access the best parts of your brain and create your own path as a leader and creator by acting instead of reacting.
He believes that outdated conventional wisdom holds us back and that society has seduced us into assuming that safer is better.
“My goal in writing the book wasn’t just resisting conformity, but it’s also just finding a new way forward, reimagining who you are, going back to your first principles and your origins, figuring out who you are and what you think before the world told you who you should be and what you should think,” Ozan explains.
While people consider those who blaze their own trail as geniuses, Ozan contends that genius is not limited to a select few. Rather, it can be discovered by anyone.
He loaded this book with smart tips, examples, things to think about, and things to do. For example, you’ll learn why you should ignore email until noon and spend the most valuable time of your day thinking in creativity. You’ll also learn how spending more time on the “why” than the “what” moves you toward the life you really want to be living. He lays out an action roadmap for you to cultivate your own genius and be in charge of your time and creativity.
Watch this episode on YouTube!
More about Ozan Varol: A native of Istanbul, Turkey, Ozan learned English as a second language and moved to the United States by himself at 17 to attend Cornell University and major in astrophysics. He served on the operations team for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers project that sent two rovers–Spirit and Opportunity–to Mars. He went to law school at the University of Iowa College of Law, became a law professor in his 20s, and was the youngest tenured professor at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon. He’s written numerous award-winning articles that are taught in colleges and graduate schools.
Enjoy the show!
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Previously on the podcast: How to Think Like a Rocket Scientist – Ozan Varol – #738
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