…you’ll learn about the impact of chronic stress in humans, how it wrecks your sleep and what you can do about it.
For more than a decade, neuroscientist, board-certified psychiatrist, health tech entrepreneur and inventor Dave Rabin (an M.D. and Ph.D.) has been immersed in the science of stress. He’s been researching causes and ways to manage it. He’s also been helping people deal with the consequences of both acute and chronic stress.
He’s back on the show (don’t miss episodes #729 and #730) to talk about how stress disturbs systems of your body and mind, which, of course, affects your sleep.
Stress is not inherently bad because we require it to grow, Dr. Rabin says. “We require the stress to help us learn how to overcome the challenges that are signaled by the stress to become better, stronger, fuller versions of ourselves.” … “There are the situations where we start to see acute stress that can be healthy and very helpful to growth turn into chronic stress,” he continues. “And that chronic stress increases inflammation on a daily basis. It’s that chronic stress that increases likelihood of disease.”
Dr. Rabin co-founded Apollo Neuroscience, a company that developed the first scientifically validated wearable technology that actively improves energy, focus and relaxation. This tech uses a novel touch therapy that signals safety to the brain. In new studies, it’s had a terrific impact on stress and sleep.
“Health means the restoration and maintenance of balance for all of us,” he says. “Critically important is managing our sleep and our circadian rhythms, and our sleep and wake cycles. Maintaining sleep and making sure we do things to have a healthy sleep rhythm is going to maximize our performance and energy availability during the day and psychedelic medicines and wearables can play as important to role in that for us as the day-to-day practices of breathwork and meditation, yoga, exercise and nutrition.”
SPECIAL OFFER FOR THE HUMAN UPGRADE LISTENERS: Visit apolloneuro.com/DAVE10 to get 10% off an Apollo Neuro device.
Enjoy the show!
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Resource mentioned in this podcast: “Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up,” by Jerry Colanna.
Apollo Neuroscience
Website: apolloneuro.com/
Instagram: instagram.com/apolloneuro/
Twitter: twitter.com/apollo_neuro
Dr. Dave Rabin
Website: drdave.io
Instagram: instagram.com/drdavidrabin/
Twitter: twitter.com/daverabin
Clubhouse: @Dr.Dave
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/david-rabin-md-phd-0a066110
Previously on Bulletproof Radio
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