“Americans are the unhappiest they have been since the Great Depression,” says Dr. Daniel Amen. But he’s determined to change that.
He’s a physician and double board-certified psychiatrist who looks at happiness as a brain function. After studying more than 200,000 brain scans of people from 155 countries, Dr. Daniel Amen discovered five primary brain types and seven neuroscience secrets that influence happiness.
“I wanted to spend my time and energy and research on happiness because, ultimately… happiness is a moral obligation because of how you impact other people,” Dr. Amen says. “The big central point [is] the brain is the organ of happiness, and if your brain is not healthy, you are not likely to be happy.”
What makes you happy? The answer lies in knowing your specific brain type and how it’s being influenced by seven specific chemicals.
Happiness originates in distinct brain regions: pleasure in the orbitofrontal cortex; motivation and habit formation in the basal ganglia; and mood and cognitive flexibility in the brain stem.
You may be one or a combination of these five primary brain types: (take this brain assessment to find out yours)
When you know your brain type and what’s making you, well, you, the rough edges of your day-to-day smooth out and you can live life with more ease. In the process, your relationships with others will improve, your happiness will grow and your sense of self will become stronger.
Learn more about brain types and what actually boosts your happiness according to neuroscience in Dr. Amen’s book, “You, Happier: The 7 Neuroscience Secrets of Feeling Good Based on Your Brain Type.”
Those seven secrets to happiness include things like brain health, targeted nutrients mindset and following a path that’ right for you.
“Happiness comes from moving your life forward toward your life goals with meaning and purpose, based on your values, despite whatever obstacles are in your way,” Dr. Amen says. “A happy life doesn’t focus on the past with regret or look to the future with fear.”
Enjoy the show!
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Website: danielamenmd.com
Book: “You, Happier: The 7 Neuroscience Secrets of Feeling Good Based on Your Brain Type”
Discover Your Brain Type: brainhealthassessment.com
Facebook: facebook.com/drdanielamen/
Instagram: instagram.com/doc_amen/
Twitter: twitter.com/DocAmen
YouTube: youtube.com/user/AmenClinic
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