No matter who you are, you can get even better. Belonging to a community of people who care as much about personal performance as you do will make your performance better, and it’s even easier to win when you have expert guidance from someone who walks the path of peak performance with senior executives around the globe, and shares the map. For free.
Join half a million people who follow the Bulletproof Executive – the number one site on how to supercharge your body, upgrade your brain, and be bulletproof.
Hi, my name is Dave Asprey, founder of the Bulletproof Executive. This site provides a space to help people by sharing my experience and knowledge on how I lost 100 pounds with minimal exercise, used techniques to upgrade my IQ by more than 20 points, and got healthier by sleeping less than five hours a night. Learning to do these things that aren’t supposed to be possible transformed me into a better entrepreneur, a better husband, and a better father. More than 15 years ago, I began my quest to upgrade myself. I became a biohacker, spending more than $300,000 on personal self-experiments, and distilling the knowledge of more than 120 world-class doctors, biochemists, Olympic nutritionists, and meditation experts. I put together this blog to show you how to upgrade every aspect of YOUR life because I shouldn’t have had to work this hard to achieve what I’ve done. Neither should you.
There are worthwhile trade-offs for improvement in performance and quality of life, despite the possible situations where real-life biohacking doesn’t exactly go according to plan. (i.e. freezer burn, 🙂 oops!). I work on the cutting edge of research and theory, with some of the stuff I do being in the early stages. Years of research help to determine what’s safe enough to try it on myself, and I continue to use and refine what works. When it works, I share it, and explain what we know about the risk and rewards. Everyone has a different risk tolerance – you may want to start small, or you may want to jump in with both feet. Either way, the lowest risk, and first reward for many people is the Bulletproof diet, with tangible improvements in energy and focus (not to mention weight loss) in less than a week. Diets aren’t supposed to be hard.
Big industry marketing and politics have mis-used and tainted a lot of the common language used to speak about health and self-improvement, so here are some words you’ll see here:
Bulletproof (adj.): The state of high performance, resilience and vibrant health where your body, mind, and life work together in unison, providing performance beyond what you’d expect.
Biohacking (verb, noun):
(v): To change the environment outside of you and inside of you so you have full control of your biology, allowing you to upgrade your body, mind, and your life.
(n) The art and science of becoming superhuman
Continue your Bulletproof venture by exploring the customized blog topics (coffee, food, mind, body, sleep, sex, stress, performance, family, and travel), listening to the podcast (Bulletproof Radio), participating in our forums, or checking out the products that support this work at the Bulletproof store.
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These Top 10 essential posts show how YOU can be more Bulletproof:
Top 10 Articles for 1st Time Visitors
Step 1: Maintain Your Body’s Hardware: Bulletproof Your Diet
14 Steps to Eating the Bulletproof Diet
6 Biohacks That will Change Your Life Forever
Coffee: 5 Reasons You Can Perform Better & 10 Ways to Live Longer
Step 2: Upgrade Your Energy Supply: Optimize Your Supplements
Step 3: Six Ways to Hack Your Nervous System To Consciously Manage Stress
Step 4: Learn How to Use Your Body