
Hacking Your Biohacks for Better Sleep, Fitness & Weight Control – Interventions With Dave

Sean Plotkin

Learn to think about health problems differently, ask questions that lead to answers, and upgrade your biology.


In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...

… Dave talks with Sean Plotkin about changing up his current biohacking routine to get even better results. You’ll find out how to maintain a high quality of life amid the “hustle” that can take up a lot of your everyday life.

In his mid-40s, Sean’s doing a lot to improve his energy, keep his body strong and stay ahead of aging. But, he says, the weight keeps creeping up and he’s concerned about his thyroid function. He has an intense weekly exercise routine and could use some help with nutrition before and after his fitness sessions. He also wants to tackle sleep, believing his isn’t as optimal as it could be.

He’s doing a lot of things right, including: supplementing with glutathione, using ozone, wearing a continuous glucose monitor, cooling his sleep with an Ooler Sleep System, tackling how he feels with Hapbee, managing stress and performance with NuCalm, upgrading his brain at 40 Years of Zen, and investing in a hyperbaric chamber and sauna for home use.

“This is systems biology and systems wellness, where you just can't look at one part of the body all by itself and assume it's not affecting everything else.”

Dave Asprey

In this “Interventions With Dave” episode, Dave examines what Sean’s doing, what’s working or not, and what he can do to reach his peak performance consistently. They break down: 

  • Nutrient availability (No. 1, energy; No. 2, protein; and No. 3, carbs)
  • Blood glucose and insulin resistance
  • Cortisol and stress
  • Hormones
  • Cognitive function
  • Nutrition
  • Pre-diabetes
  • Fatty liver
  • Inflammation
  • Cold therapy
  • Cholesterol
  • Metabolic health
  • Brain health
  • And much more!

Sean’s already got great awareness, tools and data to work with. Along any journey, it takes some experimentation—and time—to find that sweet spot that makes you feel like a million bucks.

Note: The “Interventions With Dave” recommendations are designed to help you upgrade yourself and your biology so you can perform better at everything you do. They are not, however, a substitute for advice or treatment by a trained medical professional that may be needed for specific health conditions, illness or injury.

Listen to the other episodes in the Interventions With Dave series and don’t miss the “Links & Resources” section below for specific information. 

Enjoy the show!

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8th Annual Biohacking Conference: Come join like-minded people September 15, 16 & 17 in Beverly Hills, Calif., for three days of awesome!

You’ll learn from dozens of experts at an amazing event that’s designed to upgrade every area of your life.

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