…Dave’s travels take him to Amsterdam where he talks with psychic psychologist Joy Martina about intuition, hypnosis and joyful learning.
Joy on Intuition: “When we’re not connected to our intuition, it’s very hard to be happy,” Joy says. “Once we are connected, it’s much easier. It’s a natural state.”
Dave on Hypnosis: “Hypnosis is a foundational technology for getting the body to act more in alignment with what the mind wants,” Dave says.
Here’s some of the “how-to’s” you’ll learn about in this episode:
After this episode, head into the podcast library for Joy’s previous conversation with Dave: Intuition is Not a Feeling – #574.
About Joy Martina: Joy Martina, psychic psychologist and a channeler of Christallin Consciousness specializes in high-level intuitive intelligence training for entrepreneurs, business owners and celebrities. She is an author, the creator of the Christallin Oracle Training (a training to develop mastery over your innate psychic abilities), a master hypnotist and trainer of trainers. Joy’s approach is an eclectic combination of several methods such as NLP, Strategic Intervention Coaching (finding the cause and transforming it), Hypnosis, Sixth and Seventh Sense (Intuition and Precognition), Brain-Resetting (changing the beliefs that inhibit the desired outcome) as well as NLP and other brain-training principles to change the limiting patterns into empowering patterns.
Enjoy the show!
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Website: joymartina.com
Instagram: @drjoymartina
Facebook: facebook.com/dr.joymartina/
Twitter: @JoyAndRoy
YouTube: youtube.com/user/JoyAndRoyMartina/
Book: How to Use Intuition to Change Your Life
Previously on Bulletproof Radio:
Bulletproof Radio episodes mentioned in this podcast:
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