Butter is Better for Your Brain…and Now Your Heart

Butter is Better for Your Brain…and Now Your Heart

Posted December 07 2010 | 11,101 views
By The Weston A. Price Foundation
Why Butter is Better?
  • Vitamins …
    Butter is a rich source of easily absorbed vitamin A, needed for a wide range of functions, from maintaining good vision to keeping the endocrine system in top shape. Butter also contains all the other fat-soluble vitamins (D, E and K2), which are often lacking in the modern industrial diet.
  • Minerals …
    Butter is rich in important trace minerals, including manganese, chromium, zinc, copper and selenium (a powerful antioxidant). Butter provides more selenium per gram than wheat germ or herring. Butter is also an excellent source of iodine.
  • Fatty Acids … [Read more…] about Butter is Better for Your Brain…and Now Your Heart

Bulletproof® Calm and Stable Energy for Public Speaking

Today, I sat through a day-long media training class for company spokespeople where they show you how to effectively answer a reporter’s questions.  In business, the ability to think clearly and remain calm is always useful, but they’re even more important in front of a camera.  In this class, a real reporter with more than 10 years of experience, grilled each trainee with questions and videotaped their replies.  Public speaking is one of the hardest things to optimize, because too much energy can make you appear frenetic and disjointed, and too much calm makes you seem flat and dull.  Here’s what I did to increase my energy while staying calm, and you can try it too. [Read more…] about Bulletproof® Calm and Stable Energy for Public Speaking

Why Choose Chocolate Over a Power Bar?

I travel a lot on business, and it’s not always easy to find food to keep my energy levels high.  I used to rely on Lara Bars, but they have too much sugar. For the past two years, I replaced them with 90 percent dark chocolate bars. What a huge difference! The healthy fat content keeps me satisfied and fuels my brain.  Chocolate is full of polyphenols and antioxidants that fight free radicals.  It also has a mild amount of caffeine and theobromine that enhance my performance.

Plus, it’s amazing how nice flight attendants can be when you share a piece of dark chocolate with them.

New research from the UK shows that indulging in large quantities of chocolate is healthy.

No, you’re neither dreaming nor are you reading The Onion. The study came out in August 2010, and found that people who ate 45 grams of QUALITY chocolate (about half of a large bar) every single day for eight weeks had improved cholesterol levels without any negative consequences.  The research showed that 85% dark chocolate high in polyphenols (not milk chocolate) raised healthy HDL cholesterol levels without affecting insulin resistance, inflammation, or weight gain.

Chocolate is great stuff and makes us all feel good. After reading this study, there’s no longer any need to feel guilty about treating yourself.  In fact, you can toss out that low-fat granola bar, replace it with chocolate, and actually do something good for yourself. Just make sure the chocolate is 85% cacao (very dark) chocolate.  

Sadly, milk chocolate, most truffles, chocolate confections, and candies, will not make you Bulletproof at work, or at home, because the sugar creates inflammation.

I’ve sampled high-end chocolate from around the world and finally settled on Lindt 90% dark chocolate as my preferred source. Lindt is bound by the European standards for mold levels in chocolate.  The chocolate is surprisingly smooth and sweet for a dark chocolate, and it’s lower in toxins than typical chocolate. In fact, many people who are “allergic” to chocolate are just responding to the naturally occurring toxins in cheap chocolate.

Sometimes, after I’ve had a cup of Bulletproof® Coffee with breakfast, and later find myself snacking on dark European chocolate.  As I sit across a negotiating table from a competitor, who is eating a bag of fat-free, soy, pretzel nuggets in a desperate attempt to prop up his flagging late afternoon energy, a little tear comes to my eye as I think about what an unfair advantage I’m going to have because I eat Bulletproof food. 🙂

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High-cocoa polyphenol-rich chocolate improves HDL cholesterol in Type 2 diabetes patients.  D.D. Mellor, T. Sathyapalan, E. S. Kilpatrick, S. Beckett, and S.L. Atkin


Study Reveals How to Be a Bulletproof® Father

One of the tenets of Bulletproofness (if that’s even a word) is that you simultaneously increase your energy while doing things more efficiently. There is no greater opportunity for efficiency than when it comes to being a prospective father. A Georgetown study just discovered, “A man who pursues an unhealthy diet, it turns out, not only increases the risk of numerous diseases in his direct offspring (cancer, diabetes, infertility, etc.), he also increases that risk for multiple generations of offspring.” (Natural News, 2010)

Talk about efficiency! Take care of your own health, boost your energy, perform well at the office, keep your kids, AND grandkids (and yourself) from getting degenerative diseases.

My wife Lana and I have written “The Better Baby Book” about how to have a heather baby with a higher IQ starting in the womb. Our book contains 1300 references to studies like the one I’m citing now,  which was conducted by Georgetown University Medical Center, and presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (http://www.naturalnews.com/029198_c…) showing that cancer risk attributable to the junk food fed to parent rats was passed through two generations even if the direct offspring ate a healthy diet.”



Video: Brain Hacker Shows Daily Butter & Coconut Oil Improves Memory!

For the last few years, I’ve been eating significant amounts of grass-fed butter and coconut or MCT oil daily as a way to enhance my brain, increase fat burning, and stay energized. Everyone I know who tries this seems to adopt a higher, healthy fat diet because they *know* they feel stronger. Check out this video from Eri Gentry, a psychologist, who measured the very noticeable improvement in cognitive function that comes from eating healthy fat.

I eat straight coconut oil sometimes but doing it right is more complex. Some forms of coconut oil have brain-killing toxins formed by mold that grows on the coconuts that are pressed for oil. Go for high-end virgin brands that taste good and avoid “copra” coconut oil.

Or even better yet, much of the time, I use a coconut oil extract called XCT oil that is liquid at room temperature, has no flavor at all, and has been shown to work directly in the brain’s mitochondria as fuel. I use it in salad dressings and smoothies, you can get XCT oil, a pharmaceutical MCT oil at my Upgraded Self store.. Every person I know who has tried XCT has come back for more.

Calorie Control Council Keeps You Fat so You Will Buy More

“Small changes can produce big results,” says Beth Hubrich, R.D., executive director of the Calorie Control Council, an international association representing the low-calorie and reduced-fat food and beverage industry. “Reducing portions, controlling calories, increasing physical activity and adding more “color” to the plate (e.g., including more fruits and vegetables) can help people prevent weight gain without feeling deprived.”

According to market research publisher, Packaged Facts, the global weight loss and diet management market  (including diet food and drinks, weight loss programs and services, surgical interventions and weight loss drugs and natural therapies) reached $26 billion in 2009. Diet, food, and drinks was the largest categories, with $18 billion — 73 percent of total worldwide sales. The development of foods and beverages that provide satiety, or hunger satisfaction, is projected to be one of the hottest trends in weight management in the coming years.

via stonehearthnewsletters.com


Argh! Low fat, low-calorie processed food companies have congealed together to become the “Calorie Control Council,” an industry trade group dedicated to conning consumers into eating low calorie (more expensive to buy, but cheaper to make) foods, while simultaneously exercising more.

Their scientists know (and have known for years) that [Read more…] about Calorie Control Council Keeps You Fat so You Will Buy More

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