Business and Bodyslamming: WWE Wrestler + Entrepreneur, Nikki Bella #510

Business and Bodyslamming: WWE Wrestler + Entrepreneur, Nikki Bella #510

Today’s special edition of Bulletproof Radio was recorded at Nike’s “Just Do It” headquarters in Los Angeles. And who better to chat with, in that location, than the star of E!’s hit series Total Bellas and Total Divas, WWE superstar and entrepreneur Nikki Bella.

Aside from being a kickass WWE star, Nikki owns and runs the businesses and She was also ranked No. 2 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated’s Female 50, and was named 2015’s Diva of the Year by Rolling Stone magazine.

Bella is the longest reigning Divas Champion in the history of the sport (301 days); let’s see how she handles 60 minutes on Bulletproof Radio.

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Business and Bodyslamming: WWE Wrestler + Entrepreneur, Nikki Bella #510


Websites: and
Instagram: @thenikkibella
Twitter: @BellaTwins

Show Notes

  • What it’s like to lift a woman over your head 00:06:09
  • What scares Bella the most when she is in the ring 00:11:13
  • How confidence plays into your physical appearance 00:13:06
  • Bella and Dave’s favourite recovery techniques 00:16:58 and 00:21:21
  • What it’s like being raised by female entrepreneurs 00:32:20
  • The day I leave this earth… 00:34:12
  • “Just because you want to control certain things doesn’t mean you’re a bitch” 00:35:47

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How to Rewire Your Brain for Focus and Calm


  • Executive function (how focused you are) and emotional awareness (how calm you are) play a major role in helping you perform at your best.
  • You can rewire your brain with simple daily habits so that it automatically defaults to a calm, focused state.
  • It takes about 66 days to make a new habit automatic — if you commit to that time, it can change your life dramatically.
  • Endurance training, intermittent fasting, meditation, and smart supplementation work together to upgrade your brain on a biological level.


You have a big deadline looming but you’ve been bingeing ‘90s sitcoms on Netflix for the last four hours. Or maybe you get totally overwhelmed by the slightest bit of emotional stress, even though rationally you know it’s not a big deal.

This behavior happens to everyone, and it definitely isn’t weakness on your part — it comes down to how your brain is wired.

Without training, your brain is reactive. It seeks comfort above all else and chases whatever is right in front of you. Getting your brain to do difficult things — working, staying calm, dealing with stress — takes effort, especially if you aren’t in the habit of controlling it.

Fortunately, your brain is extraordinarily pliable, and with the right tools, you can rewire your brain pathways to respond better to challenging situations. Read on to learn how to reset your brain — at a biological level — for more focus and calm.

Related: Get free guides, ebooks, recipes and more to supercharge your health

Changing behaviors starts with the brain

Your brain is more pliable than you think. With the right tools, you can rewire your brain for happiness, focus, and calm. Here’s how.

In a recent Bulletproof Radio podcast episode (iTunes), developmental molecular biologist John Medina discussed two of your brain’s functions that play a major role in helping you perform at your best. These are:

1. Executive function

Executive dictates your ability to plan ahead and think rationally. Your prefrontal cortex oversees executive function and impulse control — how well you can delay gratification. Strong executive function is essential for focus and productivity.

If you struggle to plan ahead — and to delay gratification now so you can reap rewards later — you’ll end up procrastinating and your productivity will tank.

2. Emotional awareness

Run by both your amygdala and prefrontal cortex, emotional awareness decides how fully you can feel and handle strong emotions without letting them overwhelm you. Emotional awareness is essential for feeling happy and keeping stress in check.

When you’re reactive to the challenges in daily life, you release cortisol, your body’s stress hormone. Cortisol is damaging; if you’re reactive and pumping it out consistently, it subtly drains your energy and leaves you exhausted.[ref url=””]

Executive function and emotional awareness support each other, and they’re both key to living well.

Repetition creates new habits

Your brain is more pliable than you think. With the right tools, you can rewire your brain for happiness, focus, and calm. Here’s how.

Neuroscientists have a saying: “Neurons that fire together wire together.”

When you do something over and over and get the same result, it quite literally builds a neural pathway between the action and the outcome. If you eat donuts every time you’re stressed, you’ll start to associate donuts with comfort, and the two will begin to wire together in your brain. As the neurons in that pathway strengthen, you’ll start automatically reaching for that donut when you’re agitated.

On the other hand, if you go work out every time you’re stressed, you’ll begin to associate exercise with relieving stress, and you’ll default to working out when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

This process of coupling action with outcome explains why building good daily habits is so powerful. It also explains why breaking bad ones is so challenging: you are tearing down existing brain pathways and building new ones.

Keep going and you’ll soon see results

Your brain is more pliable than you think. With the right tools, you can rewire your brain for happiness, focus, and calm. Here’s how.

You may have heard that it takes you 21 days to form a new habit. That’s pop science, to a degree. The real number is closer to 66 days.[ref url=”″] Don’t get discouraged, though: every time you do something, it lights up a neural pathway and strengthens it. Each time the pathway gets stronger, it gets a little bit easier to stick to your habit.

Researchers have quantified it: by day 66, you’ve grown a strong new brain pathway, and what started as a struggle has become almost automatic, or at least as automatic as it can be.

With that in mind, here are four daily habits you can use to build a calmer, more focused brain. They work together, and you can even build them all into a morning routine to start your day off right.

4 daily habits for a calmer and more focused brain

Try out these four strategies for the next 66 days to make them into habits that will sharpen your brain and calm your mind:

1. Endurance exercise

Your brain is more pliable than you think. With the right tools, you can rewire your brain for happiness, focus, and calm. Here’s how.

Endurance training — consistent, moderate-intensity exercise like long-distance running or swimming — dramatically increases a brain protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) for several hours after you work out.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

BDNF is an extraordinary molecule. It enhances your ability to learn and stay focused — so much so that researchers dub it “Miracle-Gro for the brain.” Endurance training also wires your prefrontal cortex so you can better deal with discomfort and keep going[ref url=”″] — a trait that applies to all parts of your life, including emotional stability.[ref url=”″] That’s a lot of cognitive benefit that comes from jogging.

Start your morning with a quick run; you’ll be more mentally efficient for the first half of the day, and over time, you’ll become more emotionally resilient, learning to deal with life’s challenges in stride. A mile or two is enough to get the cognitive benefits. If that distance is daunting, start slowly and work your way up over time.

2. Intermittent fasting

Your brain is more pliable than you think. With the right tools, you can rewire your brain for happiness, focus, and calm. Here’s how.

Going without food for 12-16 hours also increases BDNF levels,[ref url=”″] which could explain why so many people report enhanced focus when they fast.

Pair a morning run with skipping breakfast to double down on your BDNF and supercharge your brain. You’ll also strengthen your willpower muscle, which will translate to better emotional processing — the desire to snap at someone and the desire to break your fast early are both rooted in impulse control.

Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting is a great way to upgrade regular fasting. It gives you many of the benefits of a traditional fast, plus extra energy and clarity to help you power through your morning.

3. Meditation

Your brain is more pliable than you think. With the right tools, you can rewire your brain for happiness, focus, and calm. Here’s how.

Meditating every day increases your ability to focus and resist distraction over long periods of time.[ref url=””][ref url=”″] It’s also great for stress relief.[ref url=”″] Even 5 minutes a day can do wonders for your sense of wellbeing and soothe your nervous system. Try this guided meditation to get started.

4. L-theanine

Your brain is more pliable than you think. With the right tools, you can rewire your brain for happiness, focus, and calm. Here’s how.

Have you ever felt peaceful and relaxed after a cup of green tea? That’s L-theanine at work. It’s a natural component of tea leaves that eases psychological stress.[ref url=”″] L-theanine also works synergistically with caffeine: together, the two sharpen your reaction time and memory and increase your mental endurance.[ref url=”″] The result is calm productivity.

You can drink tea — which has moderate amounts of caffeine and L-theanine — for a gentler mental boost. For a stronger effect, pair 200 mg of a quality L-theanine supplement with your morning Bulletproof Coffee.


Hacking Your Brain at Any Age: Dr. John Medina #509

All about the ages and stages of your brain! You are passionate before you are wise!

Dr. John Medina, a developmental molecular biologist, has a lifelong fascination with how the mind reacts to and organizes information. He is the author of the New York Times bestseller Brain Rules—a provocative book that takes on the way our schools and work environments are designed.

Medina is an affiliate Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington School of Medicine. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

Enjoy the show!

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Hacking Your Brain at Any Age: Dr. John Medina #509



Show Notes

  • It’s just the As, Gs, Ts and Cs that make us different 00:05:41
  • What exactly is the executive function? 00:07:31
  • The pillars of executive function 00:08:42
  • A hallmark of the “teenage brain” 00:10:41
  • Though I believe deeply in the value of nutrition, it receives so little funding 00:29:30
  • The lasting effects of childhood trauma (big or small) 00:38:37
  • All of what makes up parenting really happens on a single battlefield 00:45:38
  • The difference between longevity and life expectancy 00:58:43
  • Five sets of things that you can do to live longer 01:01:08
  • Why you should work to create nostalgia 01:13:00

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8 Life-Changing Biohacking Tools Created by and for Women

One could argue that the biohacking sphere has felt tailored more towards men than women. The majority of biohacking tools, technology, and products are geared towards a male audience and most of the major players in the industry are men.

But that’s starting to change. Women are an emerging market in the biohacking space. There are just as many women out there who want to hack their way to maximum human performance, and the biohacking industry is starting to take notice. Every day, more biohacking tools by and for women hit the market while more women take center stage as influencers and innovators in the biohacking world.

Related: A Beginner’s Guide to Biohacking

“I think women inherently feel this world is more in the world of men simply because they see male biohackers exclusively speaking on the subject,” says Alissa Vitti, a women’s hormone and functional nutrition expert, pioneer in female biohacking, and the first (and only) female biohacker to speak at SXSW.  “I think it’s important for women to hear from and see women thought leaders in this space not only on their own platforms, but be invited to be part of these more general platforms.”

So who are these females that are leaving their mark on the biohacking space? What are the tools that are making a real difference in helping women hack their way to better performance?

Here are eight biohacking tools by and for women that are changing the landscape.

Related: Download the Bulletproof 30-Day Upgrade to Start Your Biohacking Journey


myflo biohacker toolThere are few things that affect women’s health like their menstrual cycle — and Alissa Vitta is on a mission to help women better understand their cycles and use that information to hack their way to maximum performance through The Cycle Syncing® Method.

“I created The Cycle Syncing Method as the ultimate biohack for women in their reproductive years,” says Vitta. “The Cycle Syncing Method shows you what to eat, which exercises to choose, and how to take advantage of brain chemistry shifts for optimal creativity and productivity during each phase of your cycle as your hormones shift.”

After the overwhelmingly positive response, Vitti created the MyFLO app, a biohacking tool that makes menstrual phase self-care even easier to manage for women.

Related: How to Hack Your Menstrual Cycle to Do Everything Better

The MyFLO app tracks your entire cycle and suggests science-backed ways women can feel better, resolve symptoms, and maximize each phase of their cycle. “[With the MyFLO app,] you can track your period, understand why you have any symptom during your cycle, learn how to resolve it naturally to have an optimal hormonal balance, and of course, start syncing your self-care to your cycle,” says Vitti.

The MyFLO app is a complete game-changer for women because it gives them the information they need to proactively deal with the hormonal changes of their cycle — and take control of their reproductive health.

“With so many millions of women struggling with period issues, PMS, PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, and reevaluating their choice to take synthetic birth control, they need to learn the essential skills around how to use food, micronutrients and lifestyle change (the basics of biohacking) to optimize and safeguard their endocrine system and hormones,” says Vitti.

Mother Dirt

mother dirt female biohackingThere are millions of women out there who struggle with skin issues, like redness or sensitivity — and those women are always on the lookout for products that can resolve their issues and give them a radiant, glowing, healthy complexion.

Mother Dirt is changing the way people think about their skin by challenging the widely held idea that all bacteria is, in fact, bad. According to Mother Dirt’s founding member and president Jasmina Aganovic, the skin actually needs certain bacteria in order to thrive — so they’ve created a product line that restores healthy bacteria, treats skin issues, and creates the optimal environment (known as the “skin biome”) for your skin.

Instead of scrubbing away bacteria the skin needs to look and operate at its best, this biohacking line of “bacteria in a bottle” — which includes a cleanser, moisturizer, and facial mist — hacks the skin biome by restoring balance and making the skin is more resilient and better able to resolve issues like sensitivity or redness on its own. The end result? Skin that not only looks good, but actually has the correct balance of bacteria in order to function at its highest level.

Related: Top Anti-Aging Biohacks for Better Skin

Female Fuel

female fuel nootropics for womenNootropics (aka smart drugs) are a staple in most biohackers’ daily routines; they increase cognitive performance and maximize brain function for better mood, focus, motivation, and memory.

Female Fuel is a line of nootropics specifically formulated for women, by women. Founded by Coco Bai, a former pharmaceutical executive, and Lauren Zhang, an experienced marketing and branding leader, Female Fuel stacks blend-specific dosages of nootropic compounds to maximize cognitive function in the female brain, allowing women to hack their way to better focus and concentration, increased brain functioning, and all-around better performance.


knowhen biohacker tools for womenFor women struggling to conceive — or women who want to avoid pregnancy — knowing the most and least fertile times throughout the menstrual cycle is crucial. And KNOWHEN has created the most reliable biohacker tool on the market for delivering that information to women and empowering them with the information they need to take control of their fertility.

KNOWHEN is the only FDA-approved saliva ovulation test. It uses a drop of saliva to identify the five most fertile days in a woman’s cycle, letting her know when she’s most likely to get pregnant. The KNOWHEN test also syncs with a fertility monitor app, which allows women to track important information like ovulation cycle and sexual activity.

KNOWHEN empowers women with the information they need to make the right decisions for their reproductive health — and, at $49, it’s also one of the most affordable biohacking tools on the market. KNOWHEN is reusable and women can check their fertility and ovulation cycle every day for years without ever needing to buy a replacement or a refill pack. The amount of time, energy, and money this can save women (when compared to regular ovulation checks at a doctor’s office) is massive.

Related: How to Ditch Hormonal Birth Control and Rebalance Your Hormones


foundmyfitness biohacking for womenDr. Rhonda Patrick is biomedical scientist who has spent her entire career studying aging and nutrition — specifically, how micronutrients can combat disease and support longevity.

Over the course of her studies, Patrick became interested in how gene variants called SNPs can affect the way your body absorbs and utilizes micronutrients, and how specific genotypes can affect gene function. So she founded FoundMyFitness, a company which produces genetic reports to analyze SNPs that help people make the most out of their genes by providing targeted nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to optimize human performance and health.

The way FoundMyFitness works is simple: Users upload their genetic data (which they obtain from a DNA-testing service like 23andMe) to the FMP system, where the data gets processed into a report. The whole process takes less than 15 minutes, and users get individualized, actionable strategies for how to hack their way to optimal performance and lower their risk of disease based on their unique genetic makeup.

Related: The Best At-Home DNA Tests to Protect Your Body and Influence Your Genes


hellomind hypnosisHelloMind is an effective hypnosis tool for hacking your way to better mental health.
HelloMind allows users to choose areas where they’re struggling and then offers a results-driven hypnosis program (each program has 10 treatments, with each treatment running about 30 minutes) to help you manage your issue.

Hypnosis guides you into your subconscious to identify and reprogram bad habits or limiting beliefs. There, you regain control of those behaviors and free yourself of anything that might be holding you back from living your fullest and most productive life.

While HelloMind isn’t just for women, there are a number of programs that target issues women traditionally struggle with, like self-esteem and chronic stress.


fitnessgenes biohacker tools for womenEveryone wants their exercise routines to be as effective as possible. But while a certain workout might be incredibly effective for some people, for others, it falls flat.

Figuring out what exercise plans are most effective can be time-consuming and frustrating — especially for women who are already pressed for time. FitnessGenes is a biohacker tool that helps you find the right  workout regimen and diet by analyzing your DNA and providing genetically tailored diet and exercise plans to help make the most out of your fitness and nutrition.

FitnessGenes (which received so many order in its first month in business, it had to temporarily suspend operations in order to meet demand) was co-founded by Dr. Sam Decombel, who gained notoriety when she was disinvited from speaking at an industry conference when the event organizers realized she was pregnant. Since then, Decombel has been speaking out against discrimination in women in science and working towards making the world of science and biohacking a more inclusive space for women.


wellbe biohacker tools for womenOne of the biggest threats to human performance today is chronic stress. But wearable tech WellBe is attempting to alleviate that threat.

WellBe, the “world’s first stress-relieving bracelet,” monitors users’ heart rate and uses an algorithm to identify stress triggers. It then offers personalized mindfulness, meditation, and well-being exercises at strategic intervals throughout the day to help users manage stress responses and stay more calm and centered — no matter what life throws at them.

While stress is by no means a strictly female issue, women are far more likely to report higher levels of stress and to experience both physical and emotional symptoms of stress.[ref url=””] By leveraging biohacker tools like WellBe, women are able to gain a better understanding of the people, places, things, and experiences that trigger a stress response — and get the tools necessary for better managing those responses.

Thanks to the new female-targeted tools flooding the market — and the female voices who are starting to make their mark on the industry — more women than ever are hacking their way to living in a state of high performance. And the more biohacking tools by women and for women, the more this movement will continue to grow.

How To Have The Hormones of a 20-Year-Old: T.S. Wiley #508

Today’s guest is what Dave calls a “belligerent researcher.” T.S. Wiley is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American Anthropological Association. She also is an author, medical theorist, and researcher based out of Santa Fe New Mexico.

Wiley is the author of the books Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and Survival, and Sex, Lies & Menopause, which explains the hypothesis of how women have accelerated the aging process and put themselves in the bull’s eye for breast cancer by postponing marriage and motherhood. So, yeah … it is controversial, to say the least.

This podcast episode discusses the Wiley Protocol, how humans are a system that moves through time, and why the body you will have at the end of listening to this podcast is not the body you have right now.

Enjoy the show!

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How To Have The Hormones of a 20-Year-Old: T.S. Wiley #508


Show Notes

  • It’s all about the bacteria, who own the planet 00:08:33
  • Getting bacteria from a dead relative is an inheritance, not a curse 00:13:19
  • Nothing mutates simply to die 00:17:36
  • Wiley and her life’s work 00:20:00
  • Why would you want to have the hormones of a 20-year-old? 00:30:46
  • Sorry, but men are parasites … 00:51:08
  • There are two immune systems in all of us 00:54:58
  • Why oral or rectal melatonin (and other hormones) don’t work 00:59:40
  • Why you should get up at dawn, all year round 01:08:31

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Foods That Cause Gas, Ranked (and What to Eat Instead)


  • Food is linked to flatulence. Certain foods allow different bacteria to thrive, which each impact your gas composition.
  • Some of these bacteria are more potent gas makers than others. The trouble comes when the bacteria in your gut go into fermenting overdrive.
  • To combat gas, try eliminating the following gas-causing foods from your diet. [/tldr]

Everyone gets gas, and several foods can trigger it. From the classic “pull my finger,” to the famed flatulist of Moulin Rouge, flatulence is an undeniable part of the human experience. While anyone can giggle at a fart joke, no one likes to be the butt end of the situation.

Jokes aside, excessive gas can be embarrassing, frustrating, or even a sign of deeper health issues. Uncontrolled wind or painful bloating often boils down to simple dietary triggers, and understanding how your body reacts to food-causing gas is key to overcoming an uncomfortable gut.

Quit blaming the dog, and keep this useful guide handy to navigate the foods that cause gas. Plus, learn what to eat instead, and how to clear the air with gas-eliminating hacks.

[readmore title=”See the list”]

What causes gas?

While flatulence gets a bad rep, not all gas is bad gas: The average healthy person passes gas around 14 times a day, most of it unnoticed.[ref url=””] Some gas comes from the air you swallow through carbonated drinks, chewing gum, or eating too fast. Bacteria in your gut also naturally create gas as they digest foods. Since these healthy farts are mostly made of the same odorless gases in our air, you aren’t emptying rooms on the daily.

Most farts are inconvenient at worst, but the trouble comes when the bacteria in your gut go into fermenting overdrive. Intestinal gas is caused when undigested fermentable particles reach the bacteria in your lower intestines.[ref url=””] Some of these bacteria are more potent gas makers than others, breaking down certain complex carbohydrates and sugars with often-odiferous results.

The real offenders are bacteria that form sulfur-containing gases such as hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol, and dimethyl sulfide. In patients experiencing bloating or excessive gas, scientists isolated certain bacteria such as B. wadsworthia as the cause particularly pungent sulfurous gases.[ref url=””] While these gases make up very little of the volume of a fart, your nose is extremely sensitive.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

Food and gas: what’s the connection?

What comes in must go out, so it’s no surprise that food is linked to flatulence. Certain foods allow different bacteria to thrive, which each impact your gas composition. While some foods just undeniably cause gas, you can also trigger problems by switching your diet up too fast for your microbiota to adjust. When faced with foods that cause gas, more sensitive people see rapid swings in their microbiota populations, while others are able to maintain a more stable diversity.[ref url=”″] This explains why you may experience gas after surprising your body with an exotic lunch, or an unusually fiber-heavy meal.

FODMAPS and gas

Certain carbohydrates famous for promoting gas fall into the category of FODMAPs: fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These sometimes-poorly-tolerated carbohydrates resist breakdown in the upper GI tract, and end up fueling the bad bacteria in your lower gut. Lactose, fructose and sugar alcohols are examples of FODMAPs, as well as raffinose and stachyose, the culprits behind bean farts.

Multiple studies show that reducing FODMAP consumption significantly reduces bloating and flatulence in people with gas-related complaints.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″] Many people see improvements from cutting out specific FODMAP carbohydrates that their bodies cannot properly digest, such as lactose or fructose.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

A low-FODMAP diet also relieves gas and abdominal symptoms in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).[ref url=””][ref url=”″] People managing other gastrointestinal diseases such as leaky gut syndrome, Crohn’s, celiac disease, or small intestinal overgrowth (SIBO) may be more susceptible to excessive or painful gas caused by fermentables. Just as your gut bacteria influence your mind and mood, high mental stress can also worsen digestive problems that cause gas.[ref url=”″]

Foods that cause gas, ranked

Some foods have earned their foul reputation in the fart hall of fame. To combat gas, try eliminating the following gas-causing foods from your diet to see which foods may be sabotaging your digestion.


Foods That Cause Gas - dairyIntestinal gas and bloating is a common sign of lactose intolerance or malabsorption. When you don’t have enough of the lactase enzyme needed to break down lactose sugars, dairy makes a gassy feast for the bacteria in your colon and large intestine.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″] Lactose and dairy proteins can also worsen digestive problems by feeding bad bacteria or triggering inflammation in your gut lining. Luckily, if you can’t tolerate lactose, dairy-free recipes like Bulletproof Coffee, Creamy Vanilla Milkshakes, or Get-Some Ice Cream let you enjoy old favorites without the lactose. Grass-fed butter and ghee contain little to no protein or sugar, so are generally safe to leave in your diet.

Beans and legumes

Foods That Cause Gas beans“Beans, beans, the magical fruit….”  While beans aren’t actually a fruit, they are one of the most famously-feared foods that cause gas out there. The musical effects of beans boil down to their high concentrations of FODMAP carbs alpha-galactose, raffinose and stachyose, which bacteria rapidly ferment down to CO2, hydrogen and methane. These gases are odorless, but certain bacteria use the same oligosaccharides to make sulfur, which is why some people’s bean farts smell worse than others.[ref url=””]

For a Bulletproof and flatulence-free protein source, stick to clean animal proteins, like wild salmon and grass-fed meat.

Cruciferous vegetables

Foods That Cause Gas vegetablesIf you’ve ever eaten too much cabbage, you know it can cause major gas. Veggies from the cruciferae family, such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and bok choy, are packed with fiber and raffinose which can cause high gas production, leading to lots of farting or painful bloating. These veggies also contain sulforaphane, which is broken down into the sulfurous compounds behind foul-smelling farts.[ref url=”″]

While you may be tempted to cut out crucifers to avoid these sulfurous consequences, they might be worth the smell: sulforaphane is highly promising in cancer-prevention.[ref url=””] Avoid eating these veggies raw, as cooking, fermenting or steaming can help break down their tough fibers for easier digestion, and don’t overwhelm your gut with too much at once.

High-fructose fruits

Foods That Cause Gas, Ranked (and What to Eat Instead)_High Fructose FruitsFructose (the sugar found in fruit) is another FODMAP monosaccharide that isn’t always well-tolerated. Sweeteners like coconut sugar, fruit juices, and fruits such as apples, cherries, mango, and watermelon can all provide unhealthy amounts of fructose sugars. Not only can fructose feed your gas-producing bacteria, excess intake can also damage your liver and lead to type 2 diabetes.[ref url=”″] Treat fruits as a dessert, and choose low-fructose fruits such as blueberries and strawberries.

Read more: The Harmful Effects of Fructose

Sugar alcohols

Foods That Cause Gas, Ranked (and What to Eat Instead)_Sugar alcoholsPolyol sweeteners such as erythritol, xylitol, mannitol, and sorbitol can lead to bloating or gas, but usually only if you consume a lot at once, or are sensitive to FODMAPs.[ref url=””] Choose monk fruit sweetener or stevia instead.

Garlic and onions

Foods That Cause Gas, Ranked (and What to Eat Instead)_Garlic and onionsBoth garlic and onions are high in fructans, which (you guessed it) are another gas-causing FODMAP. Fructans are fermented in your large intestine to produce large amounts of hydrogen and methane.[ref url=””] What’s worse, garlic and onions are both high in sulfur-containing compounds (aka the stinky stuff).[ref url=”×0625.pdf”] Instead of planting stink-bombs, choose low-FODMAP herbs and spices, such as basil, cilantro, cumin, parsley, rosemary, thyme, and turmeric, to flavor your food. The green part of scallions, or green onions, are also a safe option.


Foods That Cause Gas, Ranked (and What to Eat Instead)_grainsIf you want to hit all the FODMAP gas-causing triggers, look no further than grains. Grains provide plenty of fermentable fart-fuel such as fiber, raffinose, and starch. Lectins in grains also cause inflammation and gut damage, which can worsen your sensitivity.[ref url=””]

Quick tips to hack your gas

  • Keep a food journal: Each body is different. Jot down what you eat to help narrow down what foods do or don’t digest well.
  • Try an elimination diet: Eliminate the foods in the section above for two weeks, then gradually re-introduce them to see if your symptoms return. Your food journal will help pinpoint the culprit.
  • Use activated charcoal: While charcoal won’t bind gas in your intestine, it can relieve symptoms by binding some of the guilty proteins or sugars.[ref url=”″] Keep Coconut Charcoal Capsules handy for those times when you accidentally eat something you shouldn’t. Lastly, for those days when the wind won’t stop, activated charcoal underwear features fart-filtering fabrics that trap and neutralize odors.

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