Ellen Muncy

Fasting in a Pill: How Spermidine Helps You Age Backwards

Fasting is one of my all-time favorite biohacks, partly because it does so many good things for you. Fasting burns fat[*], makes you live longer[*], turns your brain on[*], and reverses aging through autophagy — a process that replaces old or damaged parts of your cells with new versions, leaving you biologically younger[*].  

I’ve spent the last year studying fasting and figuring out how to make it better. It turns out there are a lot of things you can do to make your fasts even more powerful, as well as ways to trick your body into thinking you’re fasting, even when you aren’t (you can read about all my fasting biohacks in my new book, Fast This Way). 

In this article, I’m going to talk about one of the best ways you can mimic fasting, kick-off autophagy, and age backward. It’s called spermidine, and it’s as unusual as it sounds. 

What is Spermidine?

First of all: yes, spermidine is found and was originally discovered in semen. That’s where it gets its name. 

But it turns out spermidine is present in nearly all of your cells, and your body uses it to maintain cell growth and cell renewal. 

Spermidine activates autophagy in your cells, cleaning out the parts that aren’t working and keeping your body young[*]. As you age, your cellular spermidine levels deplete, and you rely more and more on your gut bacteria to make enough spermidine to keep your cells strong[*]. 

The good news is that you can take spermidine precursors or supplements to boost your autophagy levels. Studies show that spermidine supplements reliably increase autophagy[*]. 

Spermidine is a powerful way to mimic fasting on days when you want to eat or to enhance your intermittent fast for even more benefits (personally, I use both fasting and spermidine supplements to maintain autophagy). 

Benefits of Spermidine

Spermidine’s ability to mimic fasting comes with a variety of benefits. Here are some of the biggest ones. 


Better Brain Function

Spermidine reduces inflammation in your brain cells and strengthens memory pathways in the brain[*]. A 2018 study found that older adults who took spermidine daily saw a significant improvement in memory and cognitive performance[*]. 

It also turns on autophagy, which clears out toxic proteins linked to neurodegenerative diseases like, Parkinson‘s and Alzheimer‘s[*][*][*]. 


Stronger Mitochondria 

Your mitochondria are the power plants of your cells, and if you make them stronger, your body will literally produce more energy. When you optimize your mitochondria, you become stronger, faster, smarter, and younger. 

A 2020 study found that spermidine turns on mitochondrial biogenesis — in other words, it makes your body produce brand new mitochondria[*]. This particular study looked at mitochondria in heart cells. The researchers found that spermidine effectively reversed cardiac aging. 


Stronger Cardiovascular Health

Spermidine is especially good for your heart. 

A 2016 study found that spermidine protects against artery-blocking plaques that cause heart disease[*]. Spermidine activated autophagy, which decreased cholesterol and lipid formation on the surface of the plaques and prevented them from getting bigger. 

Another study found that spermidine increases lifespan by protecting against age-related heart disease[*]. 


Hair Growth

Spermidine may help you regrow hair, too. 

A study found that spermidine prolongs the growth phase of hair follicles in both men and women, particularly in the case of genetic hair loss or hair loss due to hormonal changes (for example, after pregnancy or during menopause)[*][*]. This can improve hair growth and significantly reduce hair loss. 

Spermidine also promotes keratin production, an essential part of hair growth[*].



Spermidine levels in your cells decrease with age, which decreases your cellular turnover and your cells’ ability to replace old or damaged parts[*]. Spermidine supplementation can replenish your spermidine levels and induce autophagy to reverse aging. 

A 20-year-long study at the University of Innsbruck found that eating more spermidine-rich foods correlated with a 5-year increase in life expectancy and lower overall mortality[*]. 

Two other studies have found that spermidine supplements reduce markers of aging in animals[*] and decrease the risk of overall mortality, age-related cardiovascular disease, and age-related cancer in humans[*]. 


The Best Way to Take Spermidine

When I first began experimenting with spermidine, I couldn’t find any pure spermidine supplements. I tried a couple of synthetic compounds and several spermidine precursors but they were all either way too expensive, gross, or hard to obtain. They were also all intended for animal use, so I was taking a bit of a risk. 

 Then a few months ago, a friend in Switzerland sent me a new spermidine supplement from Austria called spermidineLIFE. The company recently expanded to the US (hopefully Canada is next on the list) and is the first to offer pure, natural spermidine in supplement form. They extract it from the non-GMO wheat germ and it’s the first spermidine supplement I’ve found that meets my criteria for clean ingredients. 

Whether you fast, take a spermidine supplement, or do both like me, aging backward requires bringing your body to its full potential and youth, especially at a cellular level.  Spermidine helps me maintain and enhance the benefits of fasting, even on days when I eat normally. 

Spermidine is powerful stuff and I’ve been a big fan of it ever since I started taking it. The research behind it is excellent and it’s one of the most exciting new anti-aging compounds available.

If you’re in the US and you want to give it a try, I suggest spermidineLIFE (use code DAVE25 for 25% off your first purchase). It’s worth adding to your supplement routine, especially if you plan to live into triple digits as I do. 

Want to Live Longer? Brew Your Coffee This Way

At this point, it’s pretty clear that coffee is great for you. Studies have linked regular coffee consumption with:

  • Heart health[*]
  • Better brain function (short-term and long-term)[*][*]
  • Longevity[*]
  • Anti-aging[*]
  • Weight loss[*]
  • And more

Now there’s even more evidence that coffee boosts your long-term performance — especially if you drink espresso.

For the last eight years, a group of (surprise) Italian researchers have followed more than 20,000 people, tracking how espresso intake affects their health and longevity. The results suggest that espresso in particular makes you less likely to die. It may come with a few other benefits, too.

If you’ve been looking for a reason to buy a fancy espresso machine, you’re in luck. Here’s a breakdown of the study and a look at why espresso is a badass performance enhancer.


New Study: Espresso Drinkers Live Longer, Better Lives

In late 2020, Italian researchers concluded an 8-year study looking at the diets, lifestyles, health markers, and espresso-drinking habits of more than 20,000 Italians.

After controlling for the effects of diet and lifestyle, the researchers found a strong link between espresso consumption and longevity[*]. In particular, espresso drinkers had:

  • Lower overall risk of dying
  • Better heart health
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Healthier aging

This isn’t entirely surprising. Other studies have found that when you drink coffee on a regular basis, your body performs better long-term[*].

However, espresso seems to be especially good at keeping you fit. Italians who drank 3-4 shots of black espresso per day had 37% lower heart disease risk.

That’s higher than in previous studies, and the researchers think it may have to do with espresso’s unique properties.


Espresso May Be Better Than Regular Coffee

You make espresso by extracting all the good stuff in coffee beans using hot water and high pressure. It’s the pressure that may make the difference — the process pulls more antioxidants and other phytonutrients from the coffee beans, resulting in an especially concentrated drink.

Compared to drip coffee, espresso is higher in cafestol and kahweol[*], two potent antioxidants that boost brain function and reduce inflammation[*].

Espresso also increases NTproBNP, a unique peptide that may drive espresso’s anti-aging benefits, according to a recent Italian study[*].

NTproBNP does a bunch of good things for you[*]:

  • Triggers fat-burning (lipolysis)
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Protects against heart disease
  • Improves kidney function

Basically, espresso is an even more powerful version of normal coffee.


Final Thoughts

Espresso could help you get even more benefits from your coffee. That said, tons of research shows that normal coffee is amazing for anti-aging and long-term performance. Drinking normal coffee every morning still gives your body a major upgrade.

That said, if you love coffee and biohacking, it may be worth investing in an espresso machine. Here are a few options I recommend:

Intro Tier: Gaggia Carezza

Mid Tier: Gaggia Brera Super Automatic

Top Tier: Breville 920


Biohacking Erectile Dysfunction: How to Get It Up at Any Age

I’ve talked about biohacking your sex life a couple of times before (for both men and women),  but I’ve never covered erectile dysfunction. 

It’s time to talk about it because ED is a lot more common than you might think. 

Society tells men that they are experiencing a rare, embarrassing problem when the reality is very different. Roughly 40% of men under 40 experience performance issues. After age 40, the odds get worse: ED impacts more than half of men. Most ED meds work pretty well, but you need a prescription for them, they come with side effects, and they only temporarily solve the problem.

The good news is that you can hack the root cause of erectile dysfunction and reverse it. Here’s a look at why ED happens, why it’s so common, and what you can do to get rid of it. 


Erectile Dysfunction is All About Blood Flow

Erections are about blood flow. If you don’t get enough blood going into the penis, you will not be able to achieve or maintain an erection. Most erectile dysfunction happens due to a lack of blood flow. 

The trouble is that as you age, penile blood flow usually decreases due to plaques. 

You’re already familiar with the concept of plaque collecting in coronary arteries. The plaque blocks and narrows the arteries, decreasing the flow of blood and leading to heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues.

It turns out that over time, plaque also collects in the blood vessels of the penis, restricting the blood flow you need for strong, spontaneous erections.

This is the leading cause of erectile dysfunction (ED) and is a big reason that more than 40% of men experience ED before their 40th birthday.

Prescription pills like Viagra and Cialis work by temporarily dilating the blood vessels in your penis, which increases blood flow for a few hours. However, they don’t address the root cause that’s decreasing blood flow, so when the pills wear off, the problem persists. In other words, ED pills are just a band-aid.


Acoustic Wave Therapy: Restore Blood Flow for Stronger Erections

In my research, I discovered that there is a treatment that actually addresses the underlying issue of blood flow. It’s called acoustic wave therapy and it works by delivering powerful, targeted sound waves to the penis via a hand-held device that travels along the surface of the skin. 

These waves travel through the penis, breaking up the plaque in blood vessels[*][*][*]. Destroying the plaque restores the blood flow you need for spontaneous erections — essentially turning back the clock on your penis (there’s a sentence I never thought I’d write). 


Acoustic Wave Therapy Grows New Blood Vessels

Acoustic wave therapy also causes microtrauma in the tissue of the penis. 

It’s minor enough that you won’t feel anything, but it stimulates your cells’ repair function — a process known as angiogenesis, which literally means: the growth of new blood vessels[*][*]. 

The calibrated sound waves delivered during acoustic wave therapy work in two powerful ways. They open up blockages in existing blood vessels, while also promoting the growth of new blood vessels. More blood flow equals bigger, firmer, more frequent erections.

Several long-term studies have found that acoustic wave treatment has no side effects and no downtime and that it works to reverse ED for more than 90% of men[*][*]. 


Downsides to Acoustic Wave Therapy (and How to Hack Them)

There are three main downsides to acoustic wave therapy: cost, proximity, and embarrassment.

Cost of In-Clinic Treatment

At a clinic, the average acoustic wave treatment costs $500 at a clinic.  Most men require 6-12 treatments to get better, and most clinics recommend that you repeat the series of treatments every six to twelve months. 

That cost adds up quickly, and most insurance companies will not cover the cost of acoustic wave treatments. Fixing your ED for good may costs you tens of thousands of dollars if you do it in a clinic. 

No Clinics Nearby

In many cases, the nearest clinic offering acoustic wave therapy could be hundreds of miles away. That could be a full day of travel, which means taking time off work. And since most clinics recommend 3 treatments per week, in-clinic treatments aren’t a realistic option for a lot of people. 

Taking Your Pants Off in Front of Strangers

Most guys don’t want to take their pants off in front of a medical doctor and then talk about performance issues. 

This frequently turns out to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Amazing treatment that solves a huge problem — but just too expensive, time-consuming, and awkward.


How to Do Acoustic Wave Therapy at Home

I recently talked to my friend Dr. Paul Thompson. He’s a world-renowned urologist with more than 30 years of experience treating erectile dysfunction. He’s also the chief medical officer at a medical device company called Launch Medical. 

Dr. Thompson revealed that his company, Launch Medical, has created The Phoenix, the first home-use acoustic wave device designed specifically for men’s sexual health. 

This thing is awesome. It’s an FDA-registered medical device that produces an energy signature that’s identical to the in-clinic devices. You can use it on your own terms, in the privacy of your own home. 

The smart guidance system walks you through every step, preventing over-treatment and earning The Phoenix multiple patents around the world.

It also costs less than 2 treatments at a clinic, and it is capable of delivering more than 65 treatments before you have to replace it. 

This means you can complete the multiple treatment protocols year after year to restore and maintain your bedroom performance. 

This is a game-changing new way to hack erectile dysfunction. I’m a big believer in any device that gives you the power to change your own biology, without a clinic visit or a doctor’s permission. That’s why I’ve partnered with Dr. Thompson to give my readers $200 off their purchase of The Phoenix. Just enter code DAVE at checkout for $200 off. 

If you struggle with ED, there’s no need to be embarrassed. It’s far more common than you’re led to believe, and it’s also easier than ever to fix. Give The Phoenix a try and start enhancing your erections — you’ll be surprised by how quickly it makes a difference.

3 Simple Ways to Improve Male Fertility

There are a lot of articles out there about how women can improve their fertility. But if you’re a man and you and your partner are trying to conceive, it’s worth your time to enhance your fertility, too. You’re half of the equation — and fertility in men has been steadily declining over the last few decades[*]. 

The good news is that you have a lot of control over your fertility levels. With a few simple (but powerful) lifestyle changes, you can make night-and-day changes to your fertility,  without any trips to the clinic or side effect-laden pharmaceuticals. 

Years ago, doctors told my wife Lana and me that we would never have kids. We decided to take matters into our own hands. We even wrote a book, the Better Baby Book, that’s about boosting fertility in both men and women. Today, we have two healthy kids, as well as a lot of knowledge about how to increase your chances of conceiving, even against all odds. 

Here are three of the most valuable lifestyle changes you can make to improve your fertility. 


Start by Testing

Data is an essential part of biohacking. You want to be able to track your improvements to see what’s working for you and what isn’t. 

That’s why I recommend starting off with a baseline fertility test and then testing every couple of months to see how your numbers have changed. 

I talk a lot about how much I like in-home testing. I think it’s ridiculous that you have to get a (very expensive) note from your doctor in order to get basic information about your own body. 

Fortunately, more and more companies are offering advanced medical tests that you can do from home, and fertility is no exception. 

My preferred company is Legacy. You order a test, they ship you a sample kit, you send them back a sample of semen, and they run a comprehensive fertility test and return your results in a few days. No getting a doctor’s note, going into a clinic, asking the elderly nurse for a magazine — you get to skip the worst parts of fertility testing. 

However, you decide to test your fertility, make sure you get a baseline. Then you can tweak your lifestyle and see what actually moves the needle. 

Once you have a baseline, try these tools to improve your fertility. 


1. Switch to Boxers

It turns out that the timeless “boxers or briefs” question can have a major impact on your fertility. 

Do you know how your balls shrink when you get cold? 

That happens because your testes are incredibly sensitive to temperature. Changes of even a few degrees will impact your semen quality and sex hormone production. When it gets cold outside, your testes move closer to your body because your body heat keeps them at the right temp. 

But if you’re wearing tight underwear or tight pants, your balls are going to be close to your body all the time, which can make them overheat. And it turns out that can impact fertility more than you might expect. 

A 2018 study of 656 men found that wearing boxers was associated with 25% higher sperm concentration and 17% higher total sperm count, compared to men who wore briefs[*]. 

So if you’re wearing briefs or tight pants and you’re trying for a baby, switch to something with more breathing room. It can make a surprisingly large difference in your semen quality. 


2. Hack Your Sleep

Sleep is one of the pillars of good health, and that’s doubly true when it comes to fertility. 

  • A 2019 study found that, compared to men who slept 8 hours a night, men who slept less than 6 hours a night had a 32% decrease in infertility, and men who slept more than 9 hours a night had a 25% decrease in fertility (oversleeping is often a sign of low sleep quality)[*]. 
  • A 2017 study found that men who sleep shorter or longer than 7-8 hours produce more anti-sperm antibodies, immune system proteins that damage sperm motility and decrease your ability to conceive[*]. 
  • Poor sleep also dramatically decreases your testosterone levels, which makes you less fertile[*]. 

Deep, restorative sleep is essential for fertility. If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, here are my three quick recommendations:

  • Blackout your room. Even a small amount of nighttime light exposure suppresses melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy, and tanks your sleep quality as a result[*]. Get a set of light-blocking curtains and put electrical tape over any blinking lights (WiFi routers, alarm clocks, electric toothbrush stands, etc.). You want your room to be so dark at night that you can’t see your hand in front of your face. It’s a simple hack and you’ll be amazed by the difference it makes in your sleep quality. 
  • Take a quality sleep supplement. 400 mg of magnesium glycinate and 0.3 mg of melatonin a night is a good place to start (or you can take Sleep Mode, which replaces magnesium with L-ornithine and works well for more heavy-duty sleep issues). 
  • Download F.lux. It’s a free program that removes melatonin-suppressing blue light from your computer after sunset. This is especially useful if you’re on your computer late at night; it’ll decrease your blue light exposure and normalize your circadian rhythm, even if you’re working or watching Netflix right before bed. You can download F.lux for free and start using it tonight. 


3. Work Out Hard and Fast (and Rest Afterward)

Working out is one of the best things you can do for your body in general, and the right kind of exercise is particularly good for boosting fertility. 

According to research, lifting heavy things and sprinting are the two best ways to increase fertility. Basically, you want to do intense, short-term exercise and then rest afterward. 

  • A 2018 study of 1200 infertile men found that those who began lifting weights consistently saw significant gains in fertility. They saw a decrease in inflammation and oxidative stress in their reproductive systems, as well as increased semen quality and a greater number of pregnancies[*].
  • Another study found that consistent strength training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) followed by rest improved semen quality and overall fertility in men[*]. 

Consistent long-distance running, on the other hand, seems to negatively affect fertility. Several studies have found that endurance athletes actually have lower semen quality and decreases in testosterone and other sex hormone production[*]. 

That’s not to say that you shouldn’t do cardio — by all means, go for runs if you enjoy them — but make sure you’re also doing short, intense exercise like lifting or HIIT, and always rest after your workout. The authors suspect that part of the problem with long-distance runners is that their bodies are under consistent, low-grade physical stress without periods of recovery, which may contribute to fertility problems[*].

Test Your Fertility Every 2-3 Months

Spermatogenesis — the creation of new (and hopefully strong) sperm — takes about 65–75 days, so you’re not going to see improvement immediately. The sperm in your ejaculate right now started their journey two or three months ago, so they were influenced by your lifestyle at that time. To evaluate your progress, you want to do a fertility test every two or three months. 

Remember, infertility is a functional diagnosis. That means it’s based on whether or not a couple is actually able to get pregnant—not on sperm counts or hormone levels. So while a semen analysis will give you a lot of data about your sperm health and how it correlates to your chances of conceiving naturally, it won’t come back stamped FERTILE or INFERTILE. Fertility is more complex than that and involves your partner’s fertility health, among other factors.

That said, you can make huge strides in your fertility with a few simple changes to your lifestyle. Try the hacks I talk about in this article and work with your partner to improve your fertility together. You have more power to change your biology than you might think. 


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Good vs. Bad EMFs and the Hapbee Wearable Review

Separating the good from the bad, and how I use wearables like Hapbee to shape my electromagnetic environment

At the start of the biohacking movement, I included electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) as one of the technologies that hack your biology. Back then, most people were highly skeptical that EMFs had any impact on our biology at all. This was despite clear evidence that the majority of man-made EMFs in your environment can sap your energy and make your cells weak.

EMFs are a type of radiation that you absorb  – everything from the natural resonance of lightning strikes in the atmosphere, to countless man-made sources. Unnatural EMFs harm your cells’ ability to make energy efficiently, especially WiFi, radar, cell networks, phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. These EMFs can interfere with your performance, especially when it comes to sleep and recovery.

But not all EMFs are bad. Anything that has an impact on your biology can be used for you or against you. That’s why you can use structured EMFs to create major increases in your recovery, sleep, focus, resilience to stress, and more.

This article talks about how to hack your EMF exposure for better performance, using the algorithm behind everything I do. First, stop doing things that make you weak, then do the things that make you stronger. I’ll cover:

  • 3 simple ways to reduce your negative EMF Exposure
  • The types of good EMFs and what each one does for you
  • My review of the Hapbee wearable

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure

In most homes, the biggest sources of EMF exposure are your wireless devices, your wifi router, and your inbound electrical current. There are simple and cheap strategies to reduce, but not eliminate, all three.

1. Turn Off Your Router Before Bed

Your WiFi router is likely the main source of EMF radiation in your home. The good news is that it’s also the easiest to deal with — just turn it off before bed. This simple step reduces your exposure by about 1/3, and it does it right at the time when your body needs energy for recovery.

I’ve turned my WiFi router off at night for more than a decade and seen a marked improvement in my deep sleep as a result. If you don’t want to do it manually at night, it’s also easy and cheap to install a timer that cuts the power according to a schedule. The free option is to just unplug or switch off your router after you brush your teeth.

2. Clean Up Your Electrical Current

You can learn more about this from Bulletproof Radio guests like Dr. Joseph Mercola and Josh del Sol. Those episodes are both worth your time, and the gist is that some individuals are electro-sensitive, and even more of us might be suffering subtle changes to our sleep patterns from power in our houses that runs at the default frequency (60 Hz).

The easiest way to protect against “dirty” electricity is to install filters. You just plug them into your electrical outlets and they keep your electricity at a steady 60 Hz frequency without chaotic fluctuations that create additional biological stress.

3. Limit Time on Devices

Look: I use my cell phone and laptop every day. They allow me to run my businesses, connect with family and friends, and do far, far more than I could if I were living like it’s 1985.

I know the radiation my devices put out isn’t good for me. But I also know that you can’t live your life in fear and that your body has extraordinary power to heal itself, so I minimize my exposure but don’t fear it either.

So use your wireless devices thoughtfully. Make calls with wired headphones. Keep your laptop out of your lap. Put your phone in airplane mode when you’re not using it. And when you want to browse, you can plug your phone into a wired ethernet plug using this handy adaptor, so you can keep it in airplane mode and read all of my Instagram posts! My phone sits on one of these adaptors at my desk.

If you take those 3 steps, you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor and really reduce the amount of electromagnetic noise in your environment.

The 2 Types of Good EMFs (and What Each One Does for You)

Not all EMFs are bad for you. There are two kinds of EMFs that you can use to enhance your performance.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy

Unlike the broad-spectrum EMFs that electronics emit, PEMF devices release large dose targeted EMFs at specific frequencies, which make cells stronger.

PEMF devices act as a cellular workout. They gently stress your cells, and your cells respond by becoming stronger and more efficient.

In fact, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved PEMF devices for healing:

  • Bone fractures[*]
  • Joint damage and arthritis[*]
  • Musculoskeletal pain[*]

There’s also strong evidence that PEMF therapy can relieve depression[*].

I use PEMF to speed up muscle and joint recovery after I work out and to drive bone density. However, these devices are quite expensive, which is why most people use them at clinics like Upgrade Labs.

Ultra-Low Radio Frequency Energy (ulRFE)

This is the newest and most impressive form of healthy EF. You may know that I’m a fan of nootropics — compounds that improve your brain function.

ulRFE acts like an electronic nootropic. ulRFE devices release a range of subtle frequencies that influence your brain waves, changing your mental and physiological state within minutes.

The cool thing about ulRFE is that you get to choose how you optimize your brain. You can send signals that tell your brain to focus, relax, sleep, socialize, and more. The signals are far more complex than PEMF and based on biological functions.

Because ulFRE is so new, there aren’t many devices out there that give you access to it. The only two I’ve found that do anything are a very expensive clinical laptop-based version I use with clients in my neurofeedback clinic, and the affordable portable one I keep by my bed and use every day, called Hapbee.

Hapbee is a wearable headband or necklace that sends ulRFE waves directly into your brain, allowing you to shift mental states on demand. It offers 6 different settings:

  • “Calm” instead of taking something for mental stress
  • “Alert” for afternoons when it’s too late for coffee
  • “Sleepy” instead of taking melatonin or other sleep aids
  • “Focus” for long work days
  • “Happy” instead of alcohol or social drugs
  • “Relax” for relaxing and when you have physical anxiety in the body

I use Hapbee throughout the day. Calm enhances my morning meditation, Alert is ideal when I’m up late writing, and Sleepy increases my time in deep sleep, helping me wake up rested, with more REM and deep sleep in sleep 6.5 hours a night than most people get in 8 hours.

Use Good EMFs to Hack Your Performance

If you want to use the EMF spectrum to better your life, start with Hapbee because it is a tiny fraction of the cost of heavy-duty PEMF, and lets you control your state directly.

You can find PEMF therapy at Upgrade Labs or functional medicine offices – it’s not feasible to buy your own device, as the good ones are quite expensive and you use them much less often than a Hapbee.

Hapbee is a more convenient option and the best way to get started biohacking with EMFs. You can get Hapbee here and save $50 because you follow me.

It’s worth your time to pay attention to EMFs — both by blocking the damaging ones and taking advantage of the good ones. Doing both can make a big difference in how you feel from day to day.

(Disclosure: I use clinical PEMF at Upgrade Labs, which I started. I use clinical ulRFE at 40 Years of Zen, which I started. I am an investor in Hapbee, because it’s awesome!)

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