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Lucid Dreaming Supplements: How They Work


  • Lucid dreaming is the awareness that you’re dreaming—and the ability to control what happens within that dream.
  • Studies show the areas of the brain associated with self-awareness are activated in lucid dreamers while they’re asleep.
  • There are certain supplements—like Galantamine and Huperzine-A—that may make it easier to lucid dream.
  • Other techniques includes waking yourself up five hours after falling asleep, or keeping a dream journal.


For most people, dreaming is like watching a movie. You can see what’s going on, but you have no control over what’s actually happening. You don’t actively participate in the creation of your dream (otherwise, who would choose to suffer through the dream where you end up on stage in your underwear?).

But not all dreams are created equal. There’s a state of consciousness that gives you control over the direction of your dreams (so, in the case of ending up on stage in your underwear, you could elect to go and find some pants). It’s called lucid dreaming, and not only is it fun, it can lower anxiety and teach you to be more present.

Read on to learn how lucid dreaming works, and science-backed ways that can help you take control of your dream experience — including supplements that can boost your ability to lucid dream.

Related: How to Sleep Better: Science-Backed Sleep Hacks to Wake Up Ready to Go

What is lucid dreaming?

Lucid dreaming is exactly what it sounds like—it’s a dream experience where you’re completely lucid and aware that you’re dreaming.

One of the elements of a lucid dream is for you to be aware that you are dreaming,” says clinical psychologist Dr. Lori Whatley. Then, once you’re aware you’re in a dream, you can take control of what happens—and consciously direct the details with said dream (like where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re interacting with).

Lucid dreaming occurs during the deep REM stage of sleep—and if you’re thinking “well, that sounds a little…out there,” there’s some science to back it up.

One 2012 study connected self-reported lucid dreamers to fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) machines to monitor their brain activity while they were awake and then while they were lucid dreaming.[ref url=””] Researchers asked participants to do a series of rapid eye movements and fist clenching while hooked up to the machine. They then asked them to fall asleep—and once they entered their lucid dream (and were able to control their actions), to do the same series of movements and clenching.

Only one participant was able to enter a long enough REM cycle to be analyzed by the fMRI machine. But researchers found that the participant showed a brain activity typically deactivated during REM sleep—in particular, they observed activity in regions of the brain responsible for self-awareness.

Why should you consider adding lucid dreaming to your routine?

So, there’s some science to back up the lucid dreaming phenomenon—and the idea that lucid dreaming may be possible. So then, the questions becomes, why would you do it?

According to Whatley, there are certain psychological benefits to the lucid dreaming experience that can benefit your life long after you wake up, including reduced anxiety and becoming more present.

Lucid dreaming has benefits such as becoming aware of your own limitations and those of the world around you,” says Whatley. “It can help you become aware of your surroundings and help you be [more] present, which lowers anxiety.”

In addition to having a psychological benefit, there’s something else you might be able to gather from the lucid dreaming experience.

Milana Perepyolkina, author and frequent lucid dreamer, says you should consider learning how to lucid dream because, well, it’s fun.

Lucid dreaming is better than reality,” says Perepyolkina. “I can talk to any person I wish. I can visit any place I wish. I can experience any activity I wish. I can walk through walls and I can fly. I can make things appear and disappear. I can speed up the healing of the physical body while it sleeps. I can talk to people who passed away.”

3 ways to take control of your dreams

Now, in a perfect world, everyone would be able to lucid dream—but that’s just not the case. According to Matthew Walker, professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, in this video for Tech Insider, only about 20 to 30 percent of the population are natural lucid dreamers. So, if you’re not a natural lucid dreamer, how can you take control of your dreams?

1. Take the right supplements

There are supplements you can add to your regimen that may help boost your ability to lucid dream.

Some of the most popular supplements in the lucid dreaming community include:


Galantamine is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (AChEI) that blocks the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that plays a huge role in sleep and memory.[ref url=”″] When your body can’t break down AChEI, it prolongs the REM sleep cycle, which can increase your chances of lucid dreaming. One study found that 57 percent of participants experienced lucid dreaming while taking galantamine supplements—compared to only 14 percent of participants who received a placebo.[ref url=”″] Take up to 8 milligrams of galantamine a day.

Take note, galantamine can have some serious side effects, including skin reactions like a rash, stomach ulcer, slows your heart rate, and exacerbates lung disease and asthma.


Huperzine-A is a potent extract from the Chinese club moss plant, that, similar to galantamine, blocks the breakdown of acetylcholine. Typically used as a treatment for memory and cognitive functioning, this herb has become a favorite in the lucid dreaming community due to its ability to produce similar effects to galantamine—without the negative side effects. Take up to 200 micrograms a day.

Vitamin B6

As mentioned, part of being able to lucid dream is the ability to vividly recall your dreams—and vitamin B6 has been shown to help improve dream recall.[ref url=”″] Research shows that 240 milligrams a day can help you remember your dreams in more detail.  


Melatonin is one of the most commonly used supplements in the world—but this natural sleep aid can also enhance REM sleep and, as a result, increase your chances of lucid dreaming. The most common dosage is 3 milligrams, although that’s more than most people need. Learn more about melatonin and dosing here.

Related: The Best Sleep Supplements: Fall Asleep Fast With Biochemistry

2. Try the MILD Technique

The MILD Technique (which stands for mnemonic induction of lucid dreams) involves setting an alarm for five hours after you fall asleep. Once you’re awake, set the intention to remember you’re in a dream—then immediately go back to sleep. A recent study from researchers at the University of Adelaide found the MILD technique increased the likelihood of lucid dreaming by almost 50 percent.[ref url=”″]

3. Start a dream journal

Consider starting a dream journal. The more aware you become of your dreams while you’re awake, the more easily you’ll be able to bring that consciousness to your dreams while you’re asleep.

“[Journaling] helps you become accustomed to remembering dreams—which is necessary for lucid dreaming,” says Whatley.

Keep a notebook by your bed and record your dreams as soon as you wake up—the more detailed, the better. Record any feelings, patterns, themes, images — anything you can remember.

With the right combination of practice, supplements, and a little bit of luck, you may find yourself in the driver’s seat next time you go to sleep.

Ready to take your sleep to the next level? Try the Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge.


What Is Negativity Fasting and Can It Make You Happier?


  • Negativity fasting can help you break negative thought loops, learn to control your emotions in a healthier way, and become an overall happier, more resilient person.
  • Your thoughts have momentum, and if you’re in a negative rut, it can be hard to get out of it. The good news is that positivity has momentum too, and with a little effort, you can break negative thought patterns and replace them with good ones.
  • To start a negativity fast, try getting off social media and news for the next week. Learn how to interrupt negative thought loops with positive self-talk, and incorporate a gratitude practice into your daily routine.


In his recent Bulletproof Radio podcast episode [iTunes], life coach Luke Storey talks about negativity fasting, one of his most useful tools for getting through challenging times.

“[Negativity fasting] is a spiritual practice,” Storey says. “Any time my perception paints something as dark, negative, wrong, bad…[negativity fasting] is deleting that thought, eliminating that thought. I truly believe that reality is created by the thoughts we have.”

Negativity fasting may sound simple, but it’s also powerful. With the right psychological tools, you can gain more control over your thoughts than you might think. Storey has used negativity fasting to hack childhood trauma and drug addiction; today, he’s happier and healthier than he’s ever been.

If you struggle with racing thoughts, anger, depression, or anxiety, negativity fasting might be worth your time. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting control of negative thoughts.

Related: Unexpected Ways to Build Resilience in 7 Days

The neuroscience of negative thinking

Neuroscientists have a saying: “Neurons (brain cells) that fire together, wire together.”

In other words, the more a certain pathway in your brain lights up, the stronger the connections along that pathway become, and the easier it is for your brain to default to that pathway in the future. With enough repetition, your everyday mental habits become automatic[ref url=””].

Basically, your thoughts have momentum. The more negative your thinking, the easier it is to continue being negative. The opposite is true too, though: positivity leads to more positivity, and also makes you less reactive to negative things[ref url=””].

So while forcing positivity may feel useless at first, it actually makes a difference in the long term. You can fake it until you make it with positivity[ref url=””], and you can use a few other hacks to get rid of negative thought loops and become a happier, more positive person. That’s where negativity fasting comes in.

Negativity fasting: 3 ways to rewire your brain for positivity

Negativity fasting involves cutting negativity out of your life and catching yourself when you start to spiral into a negative thought loop. For the next week, use these three psychological hacks to rewire your brain for positivity.

1. Get off news and social media


Have you ever seen a video of someone standing on a high ledge, looking over it? If so, odds are your palms probably started sweating. Maybe you got that sinking feeling in your stomach.

That happens because your brain isn’t good at differentiating between a real threat and a fake one. We didn’t evolve with videos and pictures; seeing scary things in print or online lights up your amygdala (the emotion and fear center of your brain) almost as much as if the event were happening in front of you. It even happens with words[ref url=””].

To your brain, that car crash on the news feels pretty real. So does the article telling you the country is falling apart. You’re also more likely to remember negative things than you are positive ones[ref url=””]. Media companies know this; that’s why the most horrible stories make headlines and positive stories are buried a few pages back.

If you want to reduce negativity in your life, try getting off news and social media for a week. People who dropped social media were happier within days, socialized with friends more, and had less polarized views of the world[ref url=””]. Unplug from news and social media for the next week and see if you feel happier.

2. Interrupt negativity with positive self-talk

For the next week, make it a point to watch for negative thought loops. Every time your brain starts spiraling into negativity, notice that it’s happening, then interrupt it with positive thoughts — for example, if you start beating yourself up for falling short at work, interject with something like, “You did your best. How can you do better next time?”

It may sound simplistic and silly, but positive self-talk like that really works. It makes you happier and increases your ability to deal with negativity without letting it overwhelm you[ref url=””]. Every time you cut off a negative thought loop and replace it with positive thoughts, you’re weakening the negative pathways in your brain and strengthening the positive ones. Over time, you’ll default more and more toward positivity instead of negativity.

Related: How to Set Goals and Actually Achieve Them

3. Rewire your brain using gratitude

Focusing on the good in your life makes it easier to weather difficult times. When you consciously focus on things for which you’re grateful, you become significantly more resilient to negative events and are happier overall[ref url=””]. There are lots of different ways to practice gratitude; for the next week, add one (or several) gratitude practices to your daily routine and pay attention to how you feel.

Negativity fasting is a great way to hack your brain for more positivity. It can be a valuable tool, especially when you’re going through something challenging. Give it a try today.


Follistatin: Grow Muscle, Fight Fat, and Boost Fertility


  • Follistatin is a protein that you make naturally. Your body uses it to control your metabolism, grow muscle, and boost fertility. 
  • Increasing follistatin can help you put on muscle very quickly, and may help you burn a significant amount of body fat as well.
  • Boosting follistatin may also improve your sexual health.
  • You can increase follistatin naturally through diet, or you can use a supplement for more pronounced benefits. Details are below.


Follistatin is a well-kept secret in the bodybuilding community. The science on this valuable protein is still relatively new, but according to limited human research, a follistatin supplement can increase muscle growth up to 200 percent, help you shed body fat, and enhance fertility, whether you’re a man or a woman.

Your body makes follistatin naturally. It’s a protein that activates when you work out, and it plays an essential role in helping your muscles get stronger. If you consciously control your follistatin levels — either by increasing it naturally or with a supplement — you can see much faster results in the gym.

Here’s everything you need to know about follistatin — how it works, how to increase your levels, and the best follistatin supplements.

Download these printable workout routines for building muscle, losing weight, and boosting energy 

How follistatin helps you build muscle and burn fat

Have you ever seen a Belgian Blue bull? They’re gigantic and rippling with muscle. Belgian Blues gain muscle and burn fat at an incredible rate, thanks to a genetic mutation that decreases a protein called myostatin. Humans have myostatin too, and it does the same thing in you that it does in a Belgian Blue: it blocks muscle growth. When myostatin is high, your muscles don’t rebuild themselves[ref url=”″][ref url=””].

But if you can suppress myostatin, your muscles will grow rapidly. You’ll see dramatic increases in strength and muscle size[ref url=”″][ref url=””].

That’s where follistatin comes in. It mimics what Belgian Blues have naturally — it blocks myostatin, which allows your muscles to grow rapidly[ref url=”″].

Follistatin also blocks activins, compounds that can slow down your metabolism and harm your reproductive system when they get too high[ref url=”″].  By blocking activins with follistatin, you can enhance your fertility and increase fat burning.

That’s how it works. Now let’s take a look at the benefits of increasing this protein.

The benefits of follistatin

Follistatin helps you build muscle

In a 2014 study, healthy people took either follistatin or placebo orally for eight weeks, alongside a weight-lifting program. Follistatin suppressed myostatin by 44 percent, which tripled muscle growth[ref url=””].

Another study found that injecting people with epicatechin, a compound that boosts follistatin, increased people’s strength after only a week[ref url=””].

There aren’t any other human studies that use follistatin because it’s so new. There is a fair amount of animal research though. Giving rodents follistatin increases their muscle gain and makes them lose fat, even when they eat a diet designed to make them gain fat[ref url=”″]. It also boosts strength and muscle growth in monkeys[ref url=””].

It’s worth noting that taking follistatin won’t make you grossly muscular like those cattle. You’ll still produce myostatin when the follistatin wears off. But using it in a targeted way, alongside a workout program, seems to be a recipe for rapid muscle gain.

Related: Branched-Chain Amino Acids: What are BCAAs and Do They Grow and Repair Muscle?

Follistatin may help you burn fat

There’s no good human research on follistatin and fat-burning. However, two studies have found that giving mice follistatin makes them burn more fat and shrinks their fat cells, even when they eat a diet specifically aimed at making them fatter[ref url=”″][ref url=”″].

Follistatin could improve fertility — in both men and women

It’s not entirely clear how follistatin affects fertility, but growing evidence suggests that high levels could make you more fertile.

Follistatin inhibits activins, compounds that cause reproductive aging and gradually increase as you get older[ref url=”″]. High follistatin supports healthy pregnancy and birth[ref url=””], and hormone therapy during menopause recovers decreased follistatin levels, which eases a lot of the side effects of menopause[ref url=”″].

High-quality sperm is rich in follistatin[ref url=”″][ref url=”″], although there isn’t enough research to say whether increasing follistatin improves fertility in men.

This research isn’t quite as clear as the science on follistatin and muscle growth, but it’s possible that boosting it could increase your fertility.

How to increase follistatin naturally

You have two options when it comes to enhancing your follistatin levels: lifestyle changes or a supplement.

You’re best off injecting follistatin as a supplement (see below). If that turns you off, use these tools to increase your follistatin naturally.

Work out while fasted

Exercise, particularly strength training, increases follistatin levels naturally and decreases myostatin, which leads to muscle growth[ref url=”″]. No surprises there.

If you want an extra follistatin boost, combine a strength workout with intermittent fasting. Healthy men who exercised in a fasted state (no food) saw a big increase in follistatin levels[ref url=”″].

Eat fertilized egg yolks

This sounds gross, but it’s perfectly safe, and it’s great for you. Fertilized eggs contain a lot of follistatin. The people who tripled their muscle growth over eight weeks were eating an extract from fertilized eggs[ref url=””].

Eat more epicatechins

Epicatechin is an antioxidant that increases your follistatin levels[ref url=””]. You can find epicatechin in a bunch of different foods, including:

  • Cacao powder, the best source of epicatechin[ref url=”″]
  • Dark chocolate
  • Green tea
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries

Add these foods to your diet to increase your follistatin levels.

Follistatin supplements

The most efficient way to increase follistatin is by taking a supplement. The downside is that you have to inject it.

You can find purified follistatin powder online. It’s legal and there don’t appear to be any major side effects to taking it. However, you want to be sure you inject it correctly. Make sure you reconstitute the follistatin using bacteriostatic water and inject it directly into your muscle with a sterile syringe. You can find guides to injecting yourself online, or, if that makes you nervous, you can talk to a doctor, a nurse, or someone else who has had injection training.

There’s no official dose for follistatin, but based on the research cited in this article and on anecdotal reports, 100-300 micrograms is a good dose range.

This is one of the more experimental supplements in biohacking. It shows a lot of promise for muscle growth, but it’s still quite new, and it requires using a needle. Experiment with it at your own risk, and make sure you know what you’re doing if you inject it yourself. Always biohack responsibly.  

And if follistatin is a little too out there for you, don’t despair. There are plenty of workout supplements that actually work and don’t require using a needle. Pick one (or several) of them for faster results in the gym.


Soothe Dry Skin With These 8 Natural Remedies


  • You can prevent and treat dry skin without chemical-laden products.
  • Plant oils, including avocado oil, coconut oil, and argan oil, are all great dry skin remedies. 
  • Avoiding hot showers, cutting down on soap, and using a humidifier may also help to replenish skin’s moisture in dry months.
  • Oatmeal baths help repair the skin’s barrier and fight inflammation, and in studies, colloidal oatmeal has been shown to improve dry, cracked skin in as little as a day.
  • Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring molecule, can also help to restore skin’s moisture when applied topically or when taken in supplement form.


Ah, the joys of winter. The bitter cold. The short days. The punishing dry air that seems to turn your skin into an itchy, inflamed, reptilian mess. And the latter isn’t in your head—research shows that cold weather affects our skin even on a cellular level.[ref url=”″] While sub-zero temperatures and the lack of sunlight might be out of your control, your dry skin isn’t.

Fortunately, there are a number of natural dry skin remedies that may already be at your fingertips.

“There is a natural barrier between the skin and your insides. This keeps us from drying up like a leaf in winter—keeps your insides in and the outside out. The part of the skin that we perceive as dry is the outermost layer, or keratin layer,” says Barbara Reed, MD, a Denver-based dermatologist. To keep this outer layer happy you have to keep it moisturized.

With a couple of exceptions (noted below), science has yet to show that the food you eat hydrates your skin from the inside out.

“Most things we eat do not reach that outermost layer in significant amounts,” explains Reed. However, that doesn’t mean that chemical-laden products are your only ticket to relief. Case in point? These natural remedies for dry skin.

8 Natural Dry Skin Remedies

Smarter showers

“Most commonly dry skin is an ‘outside job’—that is, it happens because of too much hot water and soap and not enough moisturizer,” Reed says.

In the winter, it’s tempting to stand for ages in a hot shower, soaking up the warmth. While this might feel good, it’s not helping your skin.

“[Hot showers], along with the soap we apply, strips the skin of its natural moisture,” says Reed. 

The solution? Use lukewarm water instead of scalding suds, and trim down your shower or bath times to no more than 10 minutes. And while you’re at it, you can cut down on soap, too, which can remove the skin’s protective oils. Look for moisturizing or soap-free cleansers to use in the shower and apply a simple non-fragranced cream or oil after you towel off.

Try it:

Alaffia Shea Body Wash, $14.99

Shea butter and virgin coconut oil team up to hydrate skin in this no-frills cleanser.

Attitude Natural Body Wash, $10.95

This Environmental Working Group-approved, hypoallergenic formula gives you peace of mind as well as soft, touchable skin.


During colder months, many people are living in an environment with decreased humidity, Reed says. One of the least labor-intensive dry skin remedies? Add humidity to the room using a humidifier. Setting it to about 60 percent should give your skin the dose of moisture it needs. Just be sure to keep your humidifier clean, as it can breed mold easily if neglected. Try this Honeywell Cool Mist humidifier

Oatmeal baths

When you were a kid, did your mom ever have you soak in a tub of oatmeal to get relief from chicken pox or poison ivy? There’s something to this quaint-sounding balm.

Oats contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants as well as lipids that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, making it one of the most effective dry skin remedies. A 2015 study found that applying colloidal oatmeal (finely ground whole oat kernels) to dry skin significantly improved skin’s dryness, scaliness, itchiness, and cracking after just one day. And as participants kept applying the oatmeal over the next two weeks, their skin barrier continued to show improvements.[ref url=””] Load up the bath with colloidal oatmeal (aka finely ground oat kernels), or apply it directly to skin in lotion form.

Try it:

Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment, $6.53

For convenience, pure colloidal oatmeal comes in eight pre-measured, single-use packets.

Babo Botanicals Advanced Therapy Sensitive Skin All Natural Healing Ointment, $18.95

Babo Botanicals harnesses the healing powers of colloidal oatmeal in lotion form. Simply apply it to dry, itchy, chapped, or irritated skin.


Brimming with monounsaturated fat, avocados are a Bulletproof-friendly addition to any plate—and they’re one of the best dry skin remedies, too. Research shows that eating a higher amount of monounsaturated fats, like the ones found in those pale green pitted orbs, may hydrate skin[ref url=”″] and improve skin elasticity. Plus, they contain skin-protecting lutein and zeaxanthin.[ref url=””]

But the avocado’s utility doesn’t end with salads and guacs. Avocado oil becomes an ally to your epidermis when applied topically. It helps skin hold in moisture, and alleviates dry, damaged, and chapped skin. In addition, it may have the power to reduce inflammation and heal wounds.[ref url=””]

Try it:

Shira-Organic Pure Avocado Moisturizer, $48

This moisturizer lets organic virgin avocado oil take the spotlight to treat dry skin.

Pai Avocado & Jojoba Hydrating Day Cream, $55

Designed specially for those with sensitive skin, Pai’s day cream blends avocado oil with nourishing jojoba extracts to hydrate skin.

Coconut oil

Ranking high on the list of Bulletproof-approved foods, coconut oil boasts a whole bevy of benefits when consumed. The same nutritional components that give coconut oil its edge also work to hydrate skin. Coconut oil is chock-full of saturated fats, antioxidants, as well as some medium-chain fatty acids that help protect and nourish your skin barrier.

Research looking at the effects of coconut oil on eczema found that virgin coconut oil is better at strengthening the skin barrier and preventing moisture loss than mineral oil. When applied topically, virgin coconut oil doesn’t just help the skin by creating a protective layer, it also penetrates the skin and reduces inflammation.[ref url=”″]

Similarly, another study found that virgin coconut oil was a safe effective way to treat xerosis (rough, scaly skin caused by a defective skin barrier). It effectively hydrated skin and boosted lipid levels in the skin’s surface.[ref url=””]

Try it:

Kopari Organic Coconut Melt, $28

What you see is what you get: a tub of pure, unadulterated organic coconut oil. Beyond your skin-slathering needs, you can also apply it as a hair mask or use it to shave.

Shea Moisture Head-to-Toe Nourishing Hydration 100% Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, $9.19 Don’t be fooled by the meager price tag: This pure coconut oil packs all the benefits you’ll get in more expensive products.

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid—a budding star in the skin-care world—is a naturally-occurring sugar molecule. It lubricates your joints and keeps skin looking plump by helping your skin retain moisture. Research backs its ability to quench parched skin when applied topically. You can also ingest it to reap its moisturizing benefits. One study found that taking daily hyaluronic acid supplements for effectively alleviated dry skin.[ref url=””]

Try it:

Pure Encapsulations Hyaluronic Acid Supplements, $36.10 for 60 capsules

Each of these vegetarian-friendly pills (some HA is derived from animals) pack 70 milligrams of plant-derived hyaluronic acid.

NOTO Moisture Riser Cream, $49

Hyaluronic acid gets a boost from other natural nourishers, including marula oil and rose geranium oil, in this daily moisturizer.

Argan oil

bottle of argan oil and argan fruit

Argan oil might be one of the most versatile oils on the planet. Derived from the humble argan seed, the oil possesses a number of skin- and hair-boosting benefits, but chief among them is its ability to hydrate dry skin.[ref url=””][ref url=””] It packs a moisturizing double-whammy—vitamin E and fatty acids—to send dry skin packing.

Try it:

Organic Argan Oil 100% Pure Undiluted, $16.50

This unpressed, undiluted argan oil is as pure as it gets.

Coastal Classic Creations Bioluminescence Argan Hair & Skin Oil, $30

A straight-up argan oil, conveniently packaged in a spray bottle so you can easily apply it to your hair, face, or skin.

Read next: Top Anti-Aging Biohacks for Better Skin


What Is ASMR and Why Does It Make Some People Feel So Good?


  • ASMR — or autonomous sensory meridian response — describes a tingling sensation in the crown of the head that some people get when exposed to certain audiovisual triggers. Popular ASMR triggers include whispering, tapping, repetitive sounds, mouth sounds, and scratching, and videos of these triggers have racked up millions of views on YouTube over the years.
  • Research suggests that the biological underpinnings of ASMR is the brain’s default mode network. Studies using fMRI images indicate that people with ASMR have both less functional connectivity in some areas of the brain and increased connectivity in other parts that might mitigate a more intense emotional response to sensory stimuli.
  • Studies show that people with ASMR experience decreased stress and increased excitement, feeling of connectedness, and calmness in response to ASMR videos.
  • ASMR may also have the potential to help with depression, sleep, and chronic pain.


You’ve heard of ASMR, but what exactly is it? To understand it, imagine watching a video of a woman sitting in front of a microphone in a nondescript room. Her voice, a deliberate whisper, cuts the stark silence. She leans close to her mic so you can hear every consonant pop. Then maybe she picks up a hair brush and drums her fingernails against the back of it. Or caresses the mic with a makeup brush. Or snips the air with a pair of barber’s scissors, all while narrating her actions in that same hushed voice. Some of us would watch this seemingly peculiar series of events unfold on screen with bafflement. But for those who experience Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR as it’s more commonly known), watching and listening to these mundane events can be quite literally mind-blowing.

What is ASMR?

what is asmr - brain tinglesASMR is a pleasurable tingling sensation that some people get in the crown of their head that spreads to the neck and back, kind of like a chill, when they’re exposed to certain triggers. It’s a pleasant experience that’s even sometimes referred to as “brain orgasms.” People with ASMR say it helps reduce anxiety and depression and promote sleep.

Related: This Fractal Video Will Lower Your Stress by 60% in a Matter of Seconds

Why do some people experience ASMR?

science of asmr - personality traitsExperts think physiological mechanisms behind this sensation is rooted in the Default Mode Network (DMN), which is the neural network that connects different regions of the brain.

One study that used an fMRI to study the brains of both people with ASMR and a matched control group without ASMR found that the DMN of people with ASMR deviates in two ways. First, the DMN of participants who experienced ASMR showed less functional connectivity between the frontal, attentional, and sensory regions of the brain than participants in the control group. This may indicate that people who experience ASMR have a harder time inhibiting their sensory-emotional experiences, making them susceptible to triggers that their peers are not. At the same time, the researchers found that people with ASMR also appeared to have increased connectivity between areas in the occipital, frontal, and temporal cortex. This implies that people with ASMR may have a more intense emotional response to to different sensory stimuli.[ref url=””] However, keep in mind that this study looked at the subjects brains at rest — and not in response to ASMR videos.

While the link isn’t totally understood yet, ASMR seems to be associated with certain personality traits. Participants who reported more intense ASMR experiences scored higher on traits including openness-to-experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.[ref url=””] ASMR also has some similarities with synaesthesia (where people perceive things like letters and numbers with a specific color) and misophonia (an aversion or sensitivity to certain sounds, like chewing).  

What are common ASMR triggers?

asmr triggersIf you peruse YouTube for ASMR videos, the first thing you’ll notice is there are a lot of them (nearly 84 million and counting!). The second thing you’ll notice is some common themes. People speaking in soft voices, crisp sounds (think: paper rustling, slime squishing, or a match striking), and repetitive noises are in heavy rotation. According to one study, the videos that triggered the most intense ASMR experiences involved whispering, haircut stimulation, tapping, scratching, and watching someone touch another person’s hair.[ref url=””] Also up there: watching someone draw, paint, or apply makeup or nail polish to someone else. And many of the most popular ASMR videos combine a variety of ASMR triggers into one segment — and some ASMR YouTubers even take audience requests.

What are the benefits of ASMR?

If you check out the comments of an ASMR video or scroll through the ASMR subreddit, you’ll see plenty of anecdotal evidence that ASMR is a positive experience that goes beyond tingling. One survey found that 98 percent of people use ASMR to relax, 82 percent used it to help them sleep, and 70 percent use it to deal with stress.

Related: Mood-Boosting Supplements for Depression, Anxiety & Stress

And research backs these perceived benefits. A study conducted earlier this year found that among people who experience ASMR, ASMR videos triggered a positive self-reported emotional response and a positive physiological response. ASMR videos were associated with an increased level of excitement, calmness, and sense of connectedness and a decreased level of stress and sadness. Physiologically, participants showed a decreased heart-rate and increased skin conductance in response to ASMR videos, which indicate reduced stress and increased excitement, respectively. And let’s get this out of the way: ASMR is not typically sexual. Though ASMR videos excited participants in the study, they did not sexually arouse them.[ref url=”″] (Another study found that 5 percent of people used ASMR for sexual stimulation.[ref url=””])

So what about the viewers who claim ASMR helps with depression, anxiety, and other more serious issues? Some research indicates that ASMR may help not only boost mood, but also alleviate chronic pain.

In the study ASMR viewers completed a questionnaire about the benefits they reap from ASMR videos. Eighty percent of subjects said ASMR had a positive effect on their moods, with people experiencing the most severe depression reporting the greatest mood-boosting benefits.

Thirty-eight participants reported that ASMR videos improved their chronic pain symptoms.[ref url=””] ASMR’s subjective nature makes it difficult to research, and it’s a relatively new area of study, but based on early findings, researchers do think it potentially has several therapeutic benefits.

Read Next: How To Hack Your Happiness


Branched-Chain Amino Acids: What are BCAAs and Do They Grow and Repair Muscle?


  • Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) have been a staple supplement for bodybuilders and athletes since the 1980s. They’re rich in the three muscle-building amino acids — leucine, isoleucine, and valine — and can help your muscles grow and repair faster in some situations.
  • If you’re eating plenty of complete protein (like meat) in a pre- or post-workout meal, you’ll already have the BCAAs your muscles need to recover, and a BCAA supplement is redundant.
  • However, BCAAs are great for preserving muscle during a fast, or for speeding up muscle growth from fasted workouts. If you like intermittent fasting, BCAAs are a great addition.
  • BCAAs can also help preserve muscle on Bulletproof Protein Fasting days.
  • Always check your BCAAs for added sugar, as well as artificial sweeteners and flavorings. You want something sweetened with a natural low-glycemic sweetener like stevia or monk fruit, without artificial colors or flavors.


Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) have been a staple supplement of bodybuilders and athletes since the 1980s. BCAAs contain the three musketeers of muscle-building amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and these three help your muscles repair faster and encourage recovery after a tough workout. Plenty of people swear by BCAAs — but are they really necessary?

In some cases, no. Odds are a lot of folks aren’t getting much benefit from BCAAs. But if you use them properly, BCAAs can be your best friend when it comes to gaining muscle and recovering like a pro. They’re especially good in conjunction with fasting — either intermittent fasting or protein fasting — and can be a great supplement for anti-inflammatory low-protein diets.

Let’s take a look at how you can use BCAAs to build more muscle and recover faster, as well as when you can skip the BCAAs.

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The benefits of BCAAs

BCAAs contain leucine, isoleucine, and valine, the three main amino acids that your body uses to repair muscle. After a tough workout, your muscles are torn up and in need of repair. They build back stronger and you put on muscle — as long as you have plenty of those three special amino acids.

There’s good evidence that BCAAs increase protein synthesis (muscle building) and speed up recovery after a workout[ref url=””][ref url=”″]. However, if you’re eating complete protein (meat, fish, whey, etc.) before or after a workout, you’ll already get plenty of BCAAs. In that case, taking more in supplemental form is probably unnecessary, unless you’re running a marathon or doing a crazy two-hour CrossFit workout.

So if you have a good pre- or post-workout meal with a complete protein, BCAAs aren’t particularly helpful. Everything your muscles need is already in that grass-fed steak or wild-caught salmon.

Learn more here about the best pre- and post-workout meals to fuel your sweat session

That said, BCAAs have several useful applications. Here are some situations where BCAAs can help you build or preserve muscle.

BCAAs and intermittent fasting

BCAAs and intermittent fasting are a match made in heaven, especially if you work out in a fasted state.

Fasted workouts are great for you. Working out during a fast can burn up to 20 percent more fat (yes, you read that right)[ref url=””][ref url=”″], and fasting can help you build more muscle, too (here’s a breakdown of why).

The risk with fasting is that if you do an intense workout and then don’t eat, your muscles won’t have the right amino acids to rebuild. This is where BCAAs are great. Take 5 grams of BCAAs right after your workout — they won’t break your fast, and they’ll give your muscles the exact building blocks they need for repair. You get the best of both fasted and fed workouts.

Learn more here about intermittent fasting with this handy beginners’ guide

BCAAs and protein fasting/low-protein diets

There are surprising benefits to occasionally skipping protein for a day. Passing on protein for 24 hours is a great way to decrease inflammation and kickstart fat loss, and eating a lower-protein diet in general (about 15-20% of your daily calories) decreases oxidative stress, which slows down aging.[ref url=”″]

But like with intermittent fasting, low-protein diets and protein fasting days put you at risk for breaking down muscle — and again, BCAAs can come to the rescue. Five grams of BCAAs, taken once in the morning and once at night, will keep your muscles well-fed while giving you the full benefits of foregoing protein.

If you haven’t tried protein fasting, it’s worth your time to give it a shot. It’s one of the most underused (and most powerful) biohacks for inflammation. Here’s a full Bulletproof Protein Fasting protocol to get you started. Don’t forget your BCAAs while doing it.

BCAAs for immune function

BCAAs are also essential fuel for your immune system. Immune cells use BCAAs as building blocks for immune-boosting proteins.[ref url=”″] That means if you’re sick, stressed, or recovering from something like a surgery, BCAAs can help you fight off illness. Supplementing with BCAAs also helps you get rid of infections or illnesses faster.[ref url=”″]  A good dose is 5-10 grams a day, taken with food or without.

How to choose a quality BCAA supplement

Bodybuilding supplements tend to be loaded with artificial colors and sweeteners. BCAAs are particularly prone to artificial sweetening because they’re incredibly bitter in their pure form. They also often have fillers to help them dissolve into water (they’re not water-soluble on their own).

When you’re choosing a BCAA supplement, check the label to make sure it’s sweetened with stevia, monk fruit, or another Bulletproof-approved sweetener. Stay away from the big three artificial sweeteners. These are sucralose, acesulfame potassium (ace-K), and aspartame. Pass on artificial colors and flavors as well.

Even if you’re an exercise pro, freshen up your exercise routine with these four workouts to build muscle, lose weight, and boost energy.



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