Team Asprey

New Study Shows That HIIT Is Key to Keeping Weight Off

When it comes to dieting — that is, cutting calories to lose weight — high-intensity interval training may be the best way to keep the pounds off for good, says a new study in the American Journal of Physiology.[ref url=””]

The problem with traditional weight loss plans, say the researchers, is that cutting calories leads to muscle loss. This also makes your metabolism slow down in order to handle less food. That’s why so many dieters have trouble either reaching their weight-loss goal or maintaining it. While the researchers knew that moderate exercise could help counteract the effect, they wanted to find out whether high-intensity interval training (HIIT) might be even better. The study, performed on mice, found that HIIT not only preserved dieters’ muscle mass, it had a greater impact on how their body uses glucose for energy—as in, immediately for energy or stored for later use.

For the uninitiated, high-intensity interval training involves short bursts of activity performed to exhaustion, followed by an active recovery period of two- to four minutes. For example, short sprints for 30 seconds followed by 60-90 seconds of walking or jogging. Past studies have shown that people who perform high-intensity interval training seem to produce the same amount of weight loss doing 20 minutes of exercise as those who do 60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise. (For more information on the benefits of resistance and aerobic exercise, as well as how HIIT combines the best of both, read here.)

Because most people cite lack of time as their number-one reason for not exercising, researchers were keen to find out that this time-saving technique could help those struggling with weight loss.

This information is crucial to understand, particularly as it’s related to sustained weight loss, because incorporating some form of fitness into any health plan is a logical step toward long-term goals. However, it’s arguable that the success of this study is mostly due to the fact that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) maintains and/or increases muscle mass—which keeps the metabolism humming. For long-term weight loss results, you might want to seriously consider which diet you embark upon in conjunction with your HIIT plan.

Past studies show that low-calorie diets can challenge your willpower, because as blood sugar levels drop, cravings kick in—leaving you battling with the refrigerator door. While any effort to take back your waistline from extra bulge is noble, a high-fat diet that mitigates food cravings might actually be most successful in the long run.

While no formal study has been conducted on the Bulletproof Diet in conjunction with HIIT, it has demonstrated itself to be a winning combo for many people, particularly those who have “failed” on calorie-restricted diets in the past. Read more here about how a high-fat, ketogenic diet can help you lose weight, without messing with your metabolism.


High-Fat, Low-Carb Keto Diet Melts Fat. Here’s How to Do It Correctly

What do LeBron James, Tim McGraw, and Halle Berry have in common? They all attribute their fab physiques to the keto diet plan, a high-fat, low-carb diet that is currently blowing up the internet. According to Google Trends, the keto diet peaked in popularity this week — and shows no signs of stopping. There are 4 million #keto posts on Instagram and more than 69 million keto diet recipes on Pinterest.[ref url=””] As the ketogenic diet goes mainstream, some news outlets have described it as another unhealthy celebrity fad diet. Here’s what you need to know about the keto lifestyle — and how the Bulletproof Diet does it one better.

Understanding the keto diet

The goal of the ketogenic diet is to put your body into ketosis — a state where your body burns fat instead of carbs for fuel. The diet consists of mostly fat (75% of your daily calories, in fact), with moderate consumption of protein (20%) and very few carbs (<5%).  Without access to glucose from carbs, your body doesn’t have all the highs and lows that lead to hunger pangs, energy crashes, and cravings.  The liver instead must convert fatty acids from your diet into ketones for the body and brain to use as fuel. This keeps blood sugar levels stable. Your body also sheds excess weight — fast. But that doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy or unsustainable — provided you do it the right way.

Don’t call the keto diet “Atkins”

First, don’t mistake a ketogenic diet (or the upgraded Bulletproof Diet) for the Atkins Diet. Whereas the Atkins Diet is extremely high in protein, a keto diet contains moderate amounts of protein. On a keto diet, large amounts of protein can turn into glucose in a process called gluconeogenesis, thus taking you out of ketosis. That’s why fatty cuts of meat are better than, say, chicken breast, which is high in protein and low in fat. Vast amounts of protein also tax the liver and lead to inflammation. By contrast, a ketogenic diet is anti-inflammatory; burning fat for fuel creates far less inflammation than burning sugar does[ref url=”″], and ketones themselves turn off inflammatory pathways[ref url=””]. Because of this, ketogenic diets may in fact help prevent chronic diseases that are caused by inflammation. (Fun fact: The ketogenic diet is used to keep epileptic patients from having seizures.)

The downsides of a ketogenic diet

Still, there are limitations to the keto diet. The first few weeks on the diet can be rough, and cause what’s known as the keto flu. And some people may experience side effects like thyroid or hormone imbalance, adrenal fatigue, poor sleep quality, and extremely dry eyes. It’s also true that permanent ketosis may not suit everyone. However, there is a way to build a sustainable keto diet which utilizes intermittent, cyclical ketosis as opposed to long-term ketosis…

The Bulletproof way to be ketogenic

The Bulletproof Diet (download the roadmap for free here) counters these side effects by keeping protein levels even lower. It is a cyclical ketogenic diet, which means you eat keto for 5-6 days a week and then do a weekly protein fast, which lowers inflammation and kickstarts fat-burning. This is much better for your body and spurs weight loss even more. The Bulletproof Diet also involves a carb re-feed day, where you eat slightly more carbs than usual. Since keto diets mimic starvation, you want to make sure your body knows that food isn’t scarce (this is especially important for women trying to conceive).

Related: What Is Bulletproof Protein Fasting – And How To Fast Correctly

In other words, the Bulletproof Diet uses ketosis as a tool, but tweaks it for even better performance.

Another key difference: a Bulletproof ketogenic diet focuses on undamaged fats — stable fats that won’t oxidize and cause damage to your body. Animal studies suggest that eating oxidized fats can damage brain cells and lead to inflammation and chronic disease.

To go keto the Bulletproof way, focus on good fats and quality vegetables then add these six key steps:

  •       Power through “keto flu” for the first two weeks.
  •       Skip the carb refeed day.
  •       Track your ketones.
  •       Watch for hidden carbs.
  •       Don’t go too high on protein.
  •       Take time to move from research to practice.

Main takeaway: If you are looking for a way to shed pounds, garner mental clarity, reduce inflammation (and your risk for disease), and feel your absolute best, consider going keto the Bulletproof way.

Read Next: Bulletproof for Beginners

Popular Aging Tests Can’t Predict Longevity Yet. Here’s What You Can Do

Dying to know how you’d fare on an aging test? You’re not alone. Between online quizzes, at-home DNA tests and comprehensive blood panel exams, most people want to know whether they’re aging faster or slower than their chronological age. Because of this growing interest, researchers decided to find out just how accurate these tests really are in predicting a person’s lifespan. The consensus: Some tests are more useful than others, however, no one single test can tell you definitively how much time you’ve got left on this planet.

And the aging study says….

The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, compared the results of several popular aging tests against a life-long study of 1,000 people who’ve been followed since birth[ref url=””]. They analyzed 11 biological markers, such as blood markers, telomere length and epigenetic clocks (which measure DNA methylation levels). None of these markers could agree on how quickly a person was aging. What’s more, they couldn’t accurately predict mental and physical decline, as measured by things like balance, grip, cognitive function and face aging. Uh-oh.

The researchers were most surprised by their findings on telomeres, protective caps of DNA at the end of chromosomes that unravel as you age. These caps protect cells from aging and are thought to predict your biological age and potential lifespan — a discovery that won three scientists the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine. According to the study’s lead author, measuring the length of telomeres did not “predict physical or cognitive changes, except possibly facial aging.” Of course, you can also just look in the mirror to see how well your skin is or isn’t aging.

More studies are likely in order to determine just how helpful telomeres may be in assessing your health. In the meantime, you may want to check out the episode of Bulletproof Radio featuring Elissa Epel, Ph.D, who studies the impact of stress on telomeres and aging to formulate your own opinion.

Test-taking 101

All in all, the study affirms that one single test doesn’t hold all the answers when it comes to your health. However, that’s not to say that all diagnostic tests are pointless. For instance, a cross-test analysis may offer overlap on certain themes that will help you to know where you stand (or stoop). And while they may not predict how long you’ll live, some health measures could help you live better. For instance, metabolic challenge and food sensitivity tests combined might be the best way to determine which foods speed you up or slow you down. A full lipid panel (aka cholesterol test) is also a no-brainer way to gauge your heart health.

If you’re interested in upgrading your performance, here are a few more basic health and fitness tests (also available at the Bulletproof Labs) that could help you assess what lifestyle choices are and aren’t working:

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): This test measures minimum energy needed to sustain vital functions while at rest, aka, how many calories you’d burn if you did nothing. This is a helpful test to take out of the gates because it’s used as a baseline.

Body Composition Analysis (BCA): Lean body mass is the most general form of BCA and it includes details on non-fat tissues, muscle, and bone. The specifics will sound like Intercellular water, Extracellular water, Total Body water, Dry Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass, Visceral Fat Area, Lean Body Mass, Body Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Body Segment analysis (arms, legs, trunk, etc.).

Mood and emotions: With technological advances, you can now track your mood with your phone. The T2 Mood Tracker is a downloadable app that allows you to monitor your mood by rating it with a simple swipe. Your data then feeds into graphical analyses so you can see your mood over time. You can also add notes about what was happening at certain moments. This can be a great way for you and your doc to get an accurate snapshot of your mood at specific times, as opposed to how you’re feeling at the doctor’s office.

Sleep quality: Sleeptracker® 24/7 is a popular app that offers a comprehensive sleep analysis using the same monitors that are used in sleep clinics. It relies on heart rate stats (using your phone’s camera) and even records any mumbles you might make during the night.

aging testing, anti-aging, longevity

Work with a professional

To get the most out of your test results, consider working with a functional medicine doc, who can put the puzzle pieces together by recommending the best lifestyle changes. The integration of these tests might be the real key—not looking at each one as a stand-alone, but in the context of each other. By working with a good doc, you two can team up as sleuths to hack another one of life’s great mysteries—you.


Cinnamon to Hack Your Blood Sugar and Lower Inflammation

It’s always great to learn that something you’re already eating actually benefits your body and performance. Whether as a seasoning for meats and veggies, or in your favorite chai, chances are you’re already using cinnamon somewhere in your diet. This warming, familiar spice is one of the most popular in the food world, and actually packs some powerful health benefits.

Cinnamon is best known as a blood sugar stabilizing superhero, and also contains a host of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial compounds,[ref url=””] making it a powerful tool for preventing blood sugar spikes and systemic inflammation.

Cinnamon up with a hot mug of our Bulletproof Turmeric Latte, and read on to cozy up with the benefits of this versatile spice.

Are you buying the right kind of cinnamon?

There are two major types of cinnamon that you’ll find in the U.S. market. The first is Ceylon, or “true” cinnamon. The Ceylon tree is an evergreen native to Sri Lanka and parts of India.[ref url=” “] Ceylon is the best cinnamon for your body.

The cheaper, more popular Cassia cinnamon actually contains high levels of coumarin that can damage your liver and harm your performance.[ref url=” _to_be_consumed_in_moderation-131836.html _to_be_consumed_in_moderation-131836.html “]

You can find organic, Ceylon cinnamon online, or at most health grocery stores.

Benefits and uses of cinnamon

Hack your blood sugar

Cinnamon has a reputation as a blood sugar regulator, and researchers are exploring it as a potential anti-diabetic treatment. Human trials showed reduced in fasting and post-meal blood sugar, and increased glucose control in diabetic, pre-diabetic, and high blood sugar patients.[ref url=”″] Even if you don’t eat sugar often, cinnamon can help keep your blood sugar in check if you’re tempted to enjoy an occasional sugary treat.

Bioactive components in cinnamon regulate sugar in a combination of ways. Cinnamaldehyde promotes increased production of insulin,[ref url=””] the hormone responsible for shuttling sugar out of the bloodstream and into cells for energy.

Polyphenol compounds from cinnamon then help maximize your cells’ response to insulin by supporting the activity of insulin receptors, and synthesis of glucose transporter receptors,[ref url=”″] which can increase a cell’s glucose metabolism up to 20-fold.[ref url=””]

Cinnamon extracts can also inhibit the production of pancreatic amylase,[ref url=”″] preventing your body from fully digesting carbohydrates. This means that consuming carbohydrates with cinnamon will cause a much smaller spike in blood sugar, which could help prevent metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

Lower inflammation

Inflammation is the root of many chronic and age-related diseases, and the anti-inflammatory compounds in many herbs and spices can help you minimize damage to your cells. Cinnamon is known to down-regulate inflammatory cytokines,[ref url=”″] and increase production of anti-inflammatory proteins.[ref url=””] Additionally, compounds from cinnamon extracts are potent antioxidants and can hunt down free-radicals associated with chronic inflammation.[ref url=””]

An anti-inflammatory Bulletproof Diet and cinnamon can also help protect against heart disease, which begins with artery inflammation. Compounds in cinnamon defend your arteries by lowering your blood pressure, blood triglycerides,[ref url=”″] and total cholesterol, while elevating your HDL (the good cholesterol)[ref url=””] and preventing your blood platelets from clumping.[ref url=””]

A potential antitumor?

Here’s one last thing to get you pumped about cinnamon. While we definitely need more research here, in vitro studies support that you can inhibit tumor growth with cinnamon. By upregulating production of the molecules that cause cell death,[ref url=”″] and blocking growth factors associated with abnormal growth,[ref url=””] tumor-targeted cinnamon could be a future addition to cancer treatment.


Learn more about the best anti-inflammatory herbs and spices for your Bulletproof cooking.

Download the free Bulletproof Diet Roadmap to learn which spices and flavorings are in the Bulletproof Zone, suspect zone, and kryptonite zone.


These Outdoor Exercises Have Benefits You Can’t Find at the Gym

You’re more likely to exercise when you’re having fun. So why not break the monotony of your gym sessions and get outdoors? These exercises will work muscles you miss in the weight room, and being outside has benefits in and of itself.

[Tweet “Workout benefits you can only find outside. #StandupPaddleboarding #Bulletproofexercise”]

Stand-up Paddleboarding

How do you hack your beach visit so that you get ripped, meditate, and work on your tan all at the same time?

Stand-up paddleboarding is growing in popularity as a fun way to be in nature, and it doubles as great biohack. Here’s how SUP makes you awesome:

It’s low-impact. You can get great endurance workouts by paddling for hours without the aches and injuries that can come from running. Luckily, falling is low-impact too (and it doubles as cold-water therapy!)

The surface is ever-changing. This provides a consistent challenge to your vestibular system, the part of your body that handles balance. The chaos of the water means you’ll be adapting to any direction of force and training lots of little stabilizer muscles in your ankles, around your spine, and so on, as opposed to the unidirectional movements you get from exercising in a gym.

Fast? Slow? Your choice. For some people, SUP is a form of moving (or barely moving) meditation. Other folks paddle like a shark’s chasing them. Whether you’re looking for mindfulness, a killer workout, or both, is up to you

You’re on the water. And that’s just fun. Your body and mind will thank you.

[Tweet “#Slacklining is like stone-age neurofeedback #Bulletproofexercise”]


Slacklining is the sport of balancing on a rope or strip of webbing, sort of like a tightrope, but generally not stretched as taut. Slacklining is a great way to add difficulty to your backflips and juggling (kidding… mostly). Seriously, though, slacklines offer a vestibular challenge that’s almost impossible to replicate in nature. You get props for just standing on it.

So what does slacklining give you?

Postural Control. Slackline training improves your balance across the board [1]. You might think it does this by quickening your reflexes, but it’s actually quite the opposite. Slacklining teaches you to  eliminate your reflexes. The principal challenge of the slackline is side-to-side oscillation. Since the line mirrors – and magnifies – every tiny muscular twitch, you have to learn to control your muscles well enough to keep them still in order to properly balance.

Zen. Slacklining feels like stone-age neurofeedback.  Let’s unpack that: the combination of stillness and spontaneity required to stay on a slackline pretty much necessitates being in a flow state. The moment you start thinking about how cool you look – or how hard it is – is the moment you fall off.

[Tweet “Express your inner chimp… or bear … or crab #bodyweightlocomotion #Bulletproofexercise”]

Bodyweight Locomotion

When was the last time you crawled around? Sometimes as adults we become get used to being upright (or, all too often, seated). Bodyweight movement exercises are a potent way to juxtapose the load on your nervous system.

Playing with these exercises will make you Bulletproof by promoting healthy mobility and functional strength. Here is a quick workout you can try today!

Crab Walk

Everyone knows this one. Start in a sitting position and lift yourself onto your hands and feet; crawl around like a crab.

The Crab Walk
The Crab Walk

Chimp Walk

Drop into a deep squat with your heels flat on the ground and your arms resting on your knees. Then frame one knee with both arms, place your hands on the ground, put your weight in your hands, and jump to the side – the way a chimp moves around. This one’s great for opening up your shoulders and hips. As you get better, try to keep your butt lower to the ground when you jump.

The Chimp Walk

Bear Crawl

Go into a tabletop position as if you were simply going to crawl. Lift your knees off the ground, and walk like a four-legged animal. Start out with your heels off the ground and, over time, work toward lowering them. This one is not easy!

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The Bear Crawl

Vary up the workout by moving faster, slower, farther, and even walking backward. Add extra awesomeness by doing it on the grass so that you ground yourself at the same time.

Happy biohacking 🙂




Your Top 10 Biohacking Tips Starting Right Now

Ready to take your biohacking to the next level?

The following are my go-to hacks for increasing cognitive function, reducing stress, losing fat, increasing productivity and more.

Join my email list for more biohacker inside intel right now:

Top 10 Biohacks:

1. Hacking Your Nervous System

When you suffer from stress (as most people do), it’s too hard to focus and be productive and too easy to have recurring irrational thoughts. It can also cause poor judgment and memory problems, and that’s certainly not Bulletproof. A good way to combat stress is to use meditation and breathing exercises.

When you meditate, you practice the art of mindfulness, which allows you to choose which thoughts you want to focus on. It enables you to choose how you respond to your feelings instead of blinding reacting to them. Different ways of meditating include counting, mantras, mindfulness, positive self-talk, and controlled breathing exercises.

With controlled breathing, you want to breathe from your diaphragm, not your chest.  Pull the air in through your nose all the way down into your belly, then exhale with your stomach first, using your diaphragm to push the air out of your lungs. Only your stomach should move, not your chest. The inhale should be a long, continuous breath, followed by a pause before exhaling, and then another pause before taking the next breath. This slow, steady breathing can help control your heart rate and allow your mind to relax.

Heart Rate Variability Training

When you are relaxed, you have a rhythmic heart rate variability, or the amount of time between each beat. Under stress, your body resorts to a fixed, inflexible rhythm.  HeartMath technologies (like the emWave2 or the Inner Balance™ Sensor) use a tiny sensor to calculate your heart rate variability and warns you that you are showing signs of stress (perhaps before you even realize it). The sensor guides you to take deep breaths every five seconds as you listen to music or meditate to resume relaxed heart rate variability. By warning you that you are getting stressed, and teaching you to prevent stress before it starts, you can stay more focused, controlled, and in better moods.

2. The Bulletproof Diet

Most diets promise to get you thin, but they do this to the detriment of your mental performance. The Bulletproof Diet, on the other hand, was not only designed to give you a lean, healthy body, but also to get you a high-functioning brain.  How does this work, exactly?

Eliminating Toxins That Rob Your Performance

The Bulletproof Diet ranks food on a scale from “Bulletproof” to “Toxic.” And it’s essential for healthy brain function to avoid the performance-robbing toxins found in many crops including grains, vegetables, and even coffee. These plants themselves (like the natural pesticides found on spinach and kale) or get released by mold growing on the plant, which is a known problem in the agricultural industry. These toxins give you brain fog that places a huge burden on your brain’s ability to perform at the level you want it to.

Stop Depending on Sugar for Fuel and Jumpstart Ketosis

When you follow the Bulletproof Diet, you eat a restricted amount of carbohydrates, which puts you into ketosis. This means that your liver converts the fats you eat into an energy source called ketones so that you no longer need carbohydrates to function. This is great for your brain because your brain prefers ketones to perform certain jobs. In fact, even if your liver isn’t producing ketones, your brain will make some on its own to maintain the health of synapses. Ketones are a more efficient source of energy for your brain than sugars are, and if your brain is working more efficiently, so is everything you do.

Drinking Bulletproof® Coffee in the Morning

The Bulletproof Diet isn’t just your typical low-carb diet that helps you move slowly towards ketosis. A staple of the diet, Bulletproof® Coffee, can kick you into ketosis much faster than you could get there on your own.  The medium-chain fatty acids in Upgraded XCT Oil and Brain Octane Oil can also aid in your ketone production. On top of that, you’ve got the added stimulant benefits of the caffeine and diterpenes in coffee.

Going Gluten-Free

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the negative health effects of gluten. Gluten can cause learning problems, focus issues, and memory malfunction. Gluten causes your body to elevate levels of inflammation, particularly by forming cytokines, proteins that are found in patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and autism — all neurological diseases.

Limiting Histamines

The Bulletproof Diet is full of foods with low histamine levels, which have more of an impact on you than just causing your seasonal allergy issues.  Histamines are a neurotransmitter, which means they send messages between your body and your brain.  High histamine levels can cause headaches, sleep issues, and anxiety, and you can get histamines not just from your allergies, but also through food — particularly aged, smoked, or cured foods.  Since the Bulletproof Diet advocates fresh meat, eggs, and produce — all low-histamine foods — it can help protect you from these problems.

Eating More Healthy Fats

Your brain is mostly made up of saturated fats and cholesterol, which is why people supplement with DHA and EPA (both fatty acids) to support brain health with supplements like Krill Oil. Your mind uses fat to recover and repair itself, resulting in improved memory, increased cognitive skills, and better moods.  Bulletproof’s high-fat diet (up to 70% of daily calories) supports a Bulletproof body and a Bulletproof mind.

3. Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting

Bulletproof intermittent fasting will help you feel a buzz while your body stays in ketosis (fat burning mode) with Bulletproof Coffee and Brain Octane.

4. Gratitude and Forgiveness

Taking a few minutes a day to do a gratitude and forgiveness exercise can be unbelievably beneficial. In fact, it’s probably the most powerful biohack ever. Either stop everything you’re doing and consider what you are grateful for, or write your thoughts about gratitude and forgiveness down in a journal (like The 5-Minute Journal). By doing this, you can increase your happiness, recover more easily from stress (I mean, how much stress do you carry around from your anger and hurt?), and become more effective at work. In fact, gratitude exercises are shown to increase decision-making abilities and encourage productivity. It also makes you generally more likable.

5. Neurofeedback Techniques

Neurofeedback is when you re-teach your brain how to respond to different emotions.  Cool, right?  You have EEG sensors placed all over your scalp, and monitor your brainwaves in different areas.  Then you play a “video game” with your brain, using your brain electricity to make the game progress.  The more positive brain activity, the faster the game goes (positive reinforcement), and the more undesirable brain activity, the slower the game goes.  Eventually, this cycle of positive and negative reinforcement re-teaches the brain which brain waves are desirable, so that they can replace your previous negative responses to stressors.

40 Years of Zen is an intensive 7-day neurofeedback program that puts you in the same mindstate as advanced (we’re talking 20 to 40 years) Zen practitioners.  It takes 7 very long, very full days of monitoring and retraining your brain at a facility dedicated solely to this process, but it can increase your IQ by an average of 12 points, and increase creativity by an average of 50%, and it’s hands-down the fastest, most efficient way to reap the benefits of neurofeedback.

6. Hack your Sleep

You know how groggy you feel the next day when you barely get any sleep during the night? It’s not just because you want sleep; it’s because your brain needs quality sleep to function properly. When you sleep, it gives your brain a chance to repair the neurons that you exhaust during the day while you’re active. It also gives your brain time to exercise the connections between your neurons. In fact, a recurrent lack of sleep may cause loss of brain cells – the last thing you want when you’re trying to be Bulletproof.

Good Sun Exposure and a Healthy Circadian Rhythm

Did you know that people whose offices have windows get better sleep than those who work in windowless workspaces?  That’s because getting enough sun exposure every day keeps your body’s clock – or circadian rhythm – on point.  Sunlight tells your body to postpone making melatonin – the hormone that makes you tired and helps you sleep.  So it’s a great idea to get some sun in the morning if you can, but if you’re rushing to get to work and don’t have time to take a leisurely walk, you can take your vitamin D supplements in the morning instead.  Since sunlight makes your body produce vitamin D, which put offs melatonin production, taking a morning dose of the vitamin may make your body feel like you’ve been outside.  (For this reason, you want to avoid taking your vitamin D at night, which can interfere with sleep).

How to Hack Your Sleep

Eight hours of quality sleep can increase your ability to tackle complex problems by 50%.  So how do you get that kind of sleep?  First, invest in Sleep Cycle, a simple iPhone app that tracks the quality of your sleep, just by placing your phone on your bed!

After you’ve done that, install F.lux on your computer, which changes the light from your computer screen to adjust for the time of day, helping your brain prepare for sleep even when you use your computer at night (that said, you want to avoid bright lights like the TV for an hour before bed).  You should also avoid exercising for at least two hours before bed.

7. Taking Smart Drugs and Nootropics

Nootropics, or “smart drugs,” are some of my favorite hacks. These substances increase your brain’s performance – you remember more, learn better, concentrate more fully, and can even increase your intelligence. These drugs are also neuroprotective, so they protect your brain from injury (unlike amphetamine-derived stimulants like Adderall).

Vitamins and Nutrients

But if smart drugs aren’t your thing, you can always boost your mental performance with nutrients, such as Magnesium, vitamin D, Krill Oil, Turmeric, and vitamin B.

  • Magnesium can actually reverse the effects of stress on your brain, and can increase your memory and cognitive function.  Magnesium is also vital to ATP production, so low magnesium means low brain energy, which isn’t Bulletproof!
  • Vitamin D is also a great supplement for your brain.  It helps protect you from free radical damage, which can decrease your cognitive performance.
  • Krill oil, which is packed with DHA, EPA and Astaxanthin, keeps the neurons in your brain communicating freely.  Better communication in your nervous system obviously means that you’re going to be smarter, faster, and better.
  • Turmeric is a spice frequently used in Indian food. It contains curcumin, which is great for your brain.  Curcumin is an antioxidant that travels easily from your blood to your brain, and like vitamin D, it helps protect your brain from free radical damage.
  • B Vitamins fight off the amino acid homocysteine, which increases brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer’s. In fact, it seems that vitamin B may be able to decrease brain shrinkage by up to 90%, and may make shrinkage 7 times slower. And we all know that size matters.

Other Natural Supplements

  • CILTEP® – CILTEP®, short for “Chemically Induced Long-Term Potentiation,” is an all-natural supplement created by Abelard Lindsay that can improve your mental performance.  It helps you be more focused, motivated, and retentive. CILTEP® works by optimizing levels of intracellular second messengers, which carry signals between your brain cells.
  • Choline – Choline is an essential micronutrient that helps your brain make the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which fosters intelligence and memory.  There are also some studies that suggest it may be protective against Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. You can find choline in supplements like Choline Force.
  • Upgraded™ Glutathione Force – Glutathione is the best antioxidant out there.  Your liver already makes its own supply, but with today’s constant environmental exposure to toxins, it’s good to help out your liver.  Supplementing Glutathione through a lipsomal form like Glutathione Force (other forms are destroyed by your gut before being absorbed) is a great idea because your brain makes more free radicals than any other organ in your body, and these free radicals accelerate  cell death.  Glutathione helps eliminate these free radicals and protects your brain from them, so it optimizes your brain function.
  • Upgraded™ Aging Formula – The foundation of Upgraded Aging Formula is oxaloacetate, or OAA.  This supplement works to protect the neurons in your brain from toxins, and there is also evidence that it can improve your short-term memory and help you think more clearly and efficiently.

8. Sex and Stress

Obviously, people prefer one over the other, but we’ve got some hacks that will help you in both areas. If you are still looking for ways to help your body relax consider toning the vagus nerve. We’ve got some fast and proven techniques to help calm your nervous system. Who knows, it might even get you in the mood.

9 . Other Fun Hacks For The Bulletproof Mind

Inversion Therapy (Hanging Upside Down)

It sounds weird, but hanging upside down is a great way to hack your brain.  Regular inverting trains your brain capillaries, making them stronger and more capable of bringing oxygen to your brain.  It’s pretty straightforward — more oxygen to your brain means better brain performance.  As an added bonus, after repeated inverting, the way your body regulates blood pressure actually changes.

Using Light to Get a Mitochondrial Boost

You can use light to affect your mitochondrial function.  Just hold a red LED light to the place where you want a boost – your stomach, a sore muscle, or up your nose if you want to bump up your brain — for a few minutes, and you will experience more mitochondrial activity, meaning more cellular energy and better cellular communication.

10. Quantify Everything

You know yourself better than anyone else. Monitor your sleep, your energy level, weight loss, moods etc. in an app or a journal. I can cite hundreds of studies but they don’t matter at all unless you feel the difference. Be your own guinea pig and experiment to see what biohacks help you feel Bulletproof or what from your routine leaves you feeling old, haggard and tired.
Let me know how it goes in the comments below, and don’t forget to sign up here for more cutting edge content just like this every week:






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