4 Workout Routines for Building Muscle, Losing Weight & Boosting Energy

4 Workout Routines for Building Muscle, Losing Weight & Boosting Energy


  • When you started your first workout routines, chances are you thought more and harder workouts translate to better results.
  • Overtraining can cause weight gain. Daily rigorous workouts send signals to your body that there’s chaos in your environment, and that you should hold onto body fat.
  • Exercise does much more than make you lose weight or build muscle. If you do it right, exercise can skyrocket your energy and sharpen your mental focus.
  • Here are four different programs you can use with different goals in mind. Choose the most important goal for you, or mix them up to keep things interesting.


The right type and level of exercise does wonders for your brain and metabolism, and it helps you detox. You’ll find that you can do infrequent strenuous exercise once or twice a week to get head-to-toe benefits.

When you started your first workout routines, chances are you thought harder was better. You went harder than you needed to, and stressed your body. You may have seen results at first, but soon you ended up right back where you started.

Conventional recommendations aside, overtraining can cause weight gain. Daily rigorous workouts send signals to your body that there’s chaos in your environment, and that you should hold onto body fat.

That’s because your body responds to strenuous exercise by giving you a surge of cortisol, a hormone that increases blood sugar and messes with your immune system. Short bursts of cortisol are fine, but it’s well established that elevated cortisol for extended periods make you gain weight and lose muscle.

That’s not to say you should become a couch potato. You should get out and move every day, and every so often, go hard.

For the most part, your workouts should look like play, with a brief rigorous workout once or twice a week to get the benefits that people look for when they’re working out every day. To keep your functional movement abilities in tip-top shape, you should incorporate strength, cardiovascular, flexibility, and balance exercises into your rotation.

Here are four different programs you can use with different goals in mind. Choose the most important goal for you, or mix them up to keep things interesting.

Head on over here to instantly download the illustrated guide to these no-equipment workout plans, plus recipes, grocery guides, and more.

Workout routine to build muscle

What: Resistance training

When: Mid-day, after eating

How often: 1-2 times per week

What to do:

Circuit of weight-bearing exercises for every major muscle group.

  • Push-ups
  • Squats
  • Pull-ups
  • Deadlifts

Do 10 reps of each with a rest in between. Cycle three to four times. You’ll know when you’re done.

For squats and deadlifts, use enough weight that you’re spent by the last rep.

To increase pull-up and push-up intensity, experiment with different variations on each: close-grip push up, one-leg push up, pull up with knee raise, etc.

Workout plan to increase focus

The key to increasing focus with exercise is boosting your circulation so you get more oxygen to the brain, and moving in a way that requires thoughtful positioning of your body. Yoga meets both requirements with its focused, intricate movements and the stretching, flexing, and inversions that get blood pumping.

What: Sun salutation

When: 1-2 hours before you need to concentrate

How often: 1-2 times per week, or as often as you need to concentrate

What to do:

Do the following poses in order for one minute each:

  • Mountain pose
  • Upward salute
  • Forward fold
  • Halfway lift
  • Plank
  • Low plank
  • Upward dog
  • Downward dog
  • Halfway lift
  • Forward fold
  • Halfway lift
  • Mountain pose

Workout to effectively lose weight (finally!)

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they want to lose weight is thinking that long workout sessions burn calories and in turn burn fat.

Truth is, what you eat makes more of a difference for weight loss than what you burn. In fact, excessive exercise can actually work against you, spiking your stress hormones like cortisol, and making you hold onto excess weight.

What: No-equipment HIIT (high-intensity interval training) sequence

When: Near the end of your intermittent fast (or whenever you have time, but not 2 hours or less before bed)

How often: 1-2 times per week

What to do:

Do each exercise for 60 seconds, and in between do an active rest (walk in place) for 30 seconds.

  • Jog in place
  • Walk in place
  • Bodyweight squats
  • Walk in place
  • Push ups
  • Walk in place
  • High jumps
  • Walk in place
  • Sit-ups
  • Walk in place
  • Burpees
  • Walk in place

Repeat until you’re spent. Work up to 15 minutes.

A quick exercise routine for more energy

Notice that your energy tanks when you haven’t been up to move around in a while? The right exercise gets your heart pumping to give you a surge of energy when you need it, no equipment required.

What: Tabata style workout

When: Right before you typically need an energy boost

How often: 1-2 times per week, or as often as you need to keep your energy up

What to do:
Burpees* 20 sec
Rest 10 sec

How to do a burpee:
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides.
2. Drop into a low squat.
3. Put your palms on the floor directly in front of you, between your feet.
4. Jump your feet straight back and land in a plank position.
5. Jump your feet forward as they were in step 3.
6. Straighten your arms over your head and jump upwards.
7. When your feet touch the floor, immediately start the cycle again by lowering into a squat.

The kind of exercise that will make the most impact on your physique, your mood, and your overall well-being is anything that brings you joy. Be sure to make plenty of time for any activity that lights you up, whether it involves slow, leisurely movements or high-intensity, explosive action.

Oh, and play outside as much as you can. You can find fun no matter what the weather forecast says.

The Neuroscience of Sleep Hacking: Dan Levendowski #520

Our guest on this episode of Bulletproof Radio is Dan Levendowski. Dan is the President and Co-founder of Advanced Brain Monitoring which is a neurodiagnostic device company that has been doing deep work on the science of human sleep for about 20 years.

Dan is returning to Bulletproof Radio for his second time – his first appearance was alongside Phillip Westbrook back in 2014. Back then, Dan’s company had a new sleep apnea device called Night Shift, but in this episode, we dive into the topic of why so many people do not get good quality sleep, why that is such a problem, and also what we can do to get better sleep.

Enjoy the show!

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Follow Along with the Transcript

The Neuroscience of Sleep Hacking: Dan Levendowski #520


Website: advancedbrainmonitoring.com
Night Shift: nightshifttherapy.com
Virtuox Testing Device: virtuox.net
YouTube: AdvBrainMonitoring
Twitter: @balert??
Sleep Profiler: advancedbrainmonitoring.com/sleep-profiler
Dan’s first episode of Bulletproof Radio: Phillip Westbrook & Dan Levendowski: Sleep for Performance

Show Notes

  • The two major aspects of sleep 00:07:10
  • Looking at EEGs to predict neurodegeneration based on sleeping position 00:15:00
  • What causes Alzheimer’s? 00:17:00
  • The problem with sleeping less than 6 hours a night 00:19:20
  • How many times do you wake up in the night? 00:21:40
  • How has the science of sleep changed in the last 20 years? 00:25:00
  • The accuracy of the wearable devices 00:25:56
  • What to do if you share a bed? 00:31:50
  • How many women get sleep apnea? 00:33:00
  • If someone wants a bite guard for sleep, do the need a specific dentist? 00:40:40
  • Things to do to get better sleep 00:53:10

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12 Best Adaptogens to Feel Less Stressed, Get Laser Focused and More

In India and China, soldiers have used adaptogens for centuries to handle the stress of combat, recover faster, and increase their energy. Today, you can use adaptogens for – you guessed it – their adaptogenic properties: they help your body adapt to biological and psychological stress by making it easier for you to balance your hormonal systems. What does that mean, exactly?

Adaptogens help you cope with common symptoms of living in the modern world, including fatigue, impotence, and infertility. In other words, adaptogens make you more resilient in all facets of life, giving you energy, focus, strength and a better overall mood.

Even though these adaptogenic herbs have worked for thousands of years, scientific research is only beginning to reveal to the West the potential that adaptogens have to upgrade your stress response and energy levels.

Get Your Free Guide to 11 Performance-Enhancing Smart Supplements Now

[readmore title=”What makes adaptogens so powerful? Plus the top adaptogens for sleep, stress and fatigue”]

What are adaptogens?

Adaptogens are unique plants or herbs that support your adrenal system. They help balance your hormones, so you can manage your stress response on a day to day basis. They adapt to what your body needs and have the ability to regulate your system up or down depending on the need in the moment.

How do adaptogens work?

Think of it like this. If you’ve ever driven a sports car, when you step on the gas, it very quickly moves forward, and when you let off, it slows down quickly. In contrast, in your grandmother’s car, you can pin the accelerator to the floor, but you have to wait two seconds for the car to lurch forward. When you release the gas, it kind of coasts.

Your adrenals are the same way. You want them to make stress hormones quickly when needed, then to stop making the hormones as soon as you’re done. That’s what adaptogens do – they make your adrenals react more quickly, so you spend less time and energy making stress hormones.

This article will walk you through 12 adaptogens I’ve used for more than a decade, and dig into some of that research to help you decide which adaptogenic herbs are best for you. You don’t have to take all of these, or any of them for that matter. Different adaptogens work for different people. That’s why we have functional medicine docs, Ayurveda, herbalists, and even shamanic practitioners who work with herbs.


adaptogenic herbs ashwagandhaAshwagandha, one of the most common adaptogens, translates to ‘smell of horse,’ — it is used in Ayurvedic practices for all kinds of things, most notably for reducing stress. (Remember that stress comes from exercise, diet, infection, fear of stuff, and even your mother-in-law…and your body doesn’t care about the source.)

Related: Ashwagandha’s Benefits for Stress, Anxiety and Immunity

Benefits of ashwagandha

Decreases anxiety and stress: Several human studies show that ashwagandha decreases anxiety, stress, c-reactive protein and cortisol.[9, 10, 11] The decrease in cortisol is worth talking about, especially when you compare the effects of ashwagandha to those of other stress-reducing supplements. Studies show ashwagandha decreased stress 14.5-27.9% in healthy but stressed people.[9] (note: if you check email or Facebook, at least part of your body is stressed…you’re human.)

Ashwagandha may also be effective when used synergistically with alcohol to reduce stress and anxiety, although I think you’re better off skipping the alcohol or at least choosing a clean one and mitigating its harmful effects when you’re stressed.

Improves memory: Another cool thing about ashwagandha is that it shows promise in improving memory formation. This could be important in research for treating Alzheimer’s patients.[13] More large human studies are needed to show how and why this adaptogen might be effective, but there is research to suggest that ashwagandha could reverse the effects of neurological toxins associated with neurodegenerative diseases.[14, 15]

How to use ashwaghanda

You can use ashwagandha as a powder or in supplement form. You can also get creative in the kitchen and try out some adaptogenic recipes, like a stress-reducing drink or snack.
• Powder – 3 to 6 grams of powder per day
• Supplement – 1 capsule 2-3 times per day (found in Bulletproof Zen Mode)
Adaptogenic Bulletproof Chocolate recipe
Adaptogenic Turmeric Latte recipe

Ashwagandha is best for

  • reducing stress and anxiety
  • decreasing c-reactive protein levels
  • lowering the stress-hormone cortisol
  • improving memory formation
  • aiding with neurodegenerative diseases

I’ve taken this adaptogen daily for years, particularly because of the memory formation and neurological toxin effects. Reducing exposure neurological toxins (like Ochratoxin A, the most common coffee mold neurotoxin) can improve performance, and I feel the difference.


adaptogenic herbs astragalusAstragalus is a fundamental adaptogenic herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is primarily used for longevity, to fight inflammation, and for kidney support. It can also reduce levels of c-reactive protein, one of the inflammation markers that you can drive down with the Bulletproof Diet. Astragalus has 126 useful components, mostly flavonoids, saponins and polysaccharides.[31]

Benefits of astragalus

Lengthens telomeres (and lifespan): Astragalus is particularly interesting in that it’s the only natural substance that contains cycloastragenol, a molecule that can lengthen telomeres by activating telomerase production by 2-3x.[32, 33] Telomeres are structures on the end of chromosomes that, the shorter they become, the closer that cell is to dying. By lengthening telomeres, you could essentially delay cell death and slow down aging. The length of your telomeres is related to your lifespan, which is why protecting your telomeres may be key to aging gracefully.

You may have heard of TA-65. This is the branded and patented form of cycloastragenol. While studies do show that this substance is effective in increasing telomerase activity, but many of those studies were also conducted by the manufacturer of TA-65. It doesn’t make them irrelevant, it’s just something to keep in mind.

For the last two years, I’ve been taking up to 200 mg/day of cycloastragenol, which takes about 100 pounds of astragalus to make. It’s freaking expensive, so I stopped. Really hoping my telomeres are grateful, and wishing I’d measured them beforehand. My telomere measuring kit is on its way.

Boosts immune system: Astragalus also has immune-boosting properties and can activate T-cells even more than echinacea.[34]

How to use astragalus

You can use Astragalus as an adaptogenic supplement or in root form for cooking, teas, or tinctures.
• Supplement – 2 to 3 (500 milligrams) capsules per day
• Tea/Decoction – 3 to 6 grams of dried root per 12 ounces of water, up to three times a day
• Tincture – 2 to 4 millimeters per day

Astragalus is best for

  • reducing inflammatory-causing c-reactive protein
  • possible longevity effects
  • lengthening your telomeres
  • boosting your immune system

You should probably take astragalus to live longer because of inflammation and immunity, but don’t count on it to lengthen your telomeres unless you are willing to forgo buying a car to get cycloastragenol. (Seriously…that stuff starts at a couple hundred dollars a month and ranges up to thousands; I was fortunate to get some samples.)

Bacopa monnieri

adaptogenic herbs bacopa monnieriBacopa monnieri is a creeping marsh plant that is traditionally used as a nootropic (cognitive enhancer), for longevity, and as an adaptogen to help with anxiety and depression. It’s possible that the improved cognition is likely a result of the reduced anxiety. Bacopa is an effective adaptogen and can help you cope with stressful situations and decrease stress in all regions of the brain.[25] It’s also an antioxidant.

Benefits of bacopa monnieri

Enhances memory and recall: There’s some solid research on its effects on memory and can reliably improve memory in both healthy people and those experiencing cognitive decline. Studies show improvements in verbal learning, memory acquisition and delayed recall.[26] Other studies showed an increase in retention of new information, likely from a decrease in forgetting (as opposed to an increase in rate of learning).[26, 27] Bacopa promotes communication between neurons by increasing the growth rate of nerve endings.

Reduces stress: The evidence for Bacopa as a stress-reducer (and adaptogen), is solid. Research shows it reduces the effects of physiological stress, especially when taken in advance.[28]

This adaptogen does take time to work so you likely won’t see immediate results when you start taking it. It is also fat-soluble, so you can take it the traditional way, with ghee, or with your Bulletproof Coffee.

Protects against oxidative stress: You may have heard that Bacopa contains mercury and that’s probably because a crop in the past did. This isn’t a common occurrence and, on top of that, Bacopa is actually protective against the oxidative and adverse effects of metals on the brain, mostly iron and aluminum, but also mercury.[29, 30]

How to use bacopa

Bacopa is generally found as a supplement, powder, or extract. You can also make tea or add it to a pesto:

Bacopa is best for

  • reducing anxiety and stress
  • relieving symptoms of depression
  • improving cognition
  • reducing free radicals
  • boosting memory
  • protecting against toxic metal overload

This is a potent adaptogenic herb, one I use often and really like. I’m sad to see that many supplement marketing companies include small amounts of it in their formulas for cognitive enhancement, but they don’t include enough to actually work. Some of the most famous nootropics do this, and it sucks. When I use it, I take about 600mg per day. That won’t fit in over-hyped nootropic “stacks” capsules, so they put in decorative amounts.


adaptogenic herbs chaga mushroomChaga mushrooms can be found growing in the forest on birch trees resembling a large clump of dirt. But the benefits of this fungus are astounding. Those who live in Russia and Siberia have used this adaptogenic mushroom for thousands of years. Known as a folk medicine in the past, it is now being recognized in research and has shown its power in supporting cellular health. While mushrooms are not part of the Bulletproof Diet, well-sourced, high-quality medicinal mushrooms do serve a purpose as supplement. You shouldn’t, however, eat mushrooms as part of your meal plan.

Benefits of chaga

Suppresses tumor growth: Chaga is rich in antioxidants and has shown to support apoptosis (cell death). A study performed on mice in 2016 showed that using an extract of Chaga reduced tumor size by 60%. It also showed a decrease in temperature after implantation of the tumor. The decreased temperature could explain the reason Chaga suppresses cancer growth by regulating energy metabolism.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4946216/”] Multiple studies performed on mice have shown that Chaga suppresses tumor growth in liver cancer,[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2681140/”] lung cancer and breast cancer.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29800742″] [ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24380885″][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29331760″] It can even support the immune system during chemotherapy.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3774877/”]

Reduces blood sugar levels: Many mice studies have observed a positive effect of Chaga on diabetes. Not only does Chaga lower blood glucose levels, but also cholesterol and triglycerides. [ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29331760″][ref url=”https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691517300078″][ref url=”https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jsfa.3809″]

Prevents DNA damage: Stress causes a substantial amount of harm to the body leading to many different diseases. Chaga has been shown to reduce oxidative stress by almost 55%. Not only is it believed to support digestive issues, it could be a beneficial supplement to reduce oxidative stress in general.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18997282″]

How to use chaga

You can use Chaga in many ways from teas and supplements to tinctures.

  • Tea – It is best to stick to pre-made teas unless you want to spend a lot of time preparing the mushroom to make tea.
  • Tincture – You can make a tincture, but it will need to soak for about six months, so trying one already made may be the better option.
  • Supplement – Take as directed on package. Typically, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day.

Chaga is best for

  • Supporting cancer cell apoptosis
  • Lowering blood glucose levels
  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Boosting your immune system


adaptogenic herbs cordycepsCordyceps is a rare combination of caterpillar and fungus found in Sikkim, India used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine to promote longevity. Folk healers use this adaptogen to treat 21 different ailments including cancer, colds, low libido, and low energy.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3121254/”]

Benefits of Cordyceps

Combats fatigue: A two-week study used mice to observe the effects of Cordyceps on fatigue. The results showed that Cordyceps increased energy and reduced oxidative stress compared to the mice who did not receive it. It also supported the balance of energy and hormone levels.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26351509″]

Enhances memory: Cordyceps was shown to reverse memory loss and improve memory by supporting the nerve growth. It promoted growth of the neuron pathways, which is crucial for memory development and neuroplasticity and regeneration. This could be part of the puzzle for treatment of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.[ref url=”https://bmccomplementalternmed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1472-6882-13-261″]

Boosts exercise performance: A study observing 20 healthy individuals aged 50-75 years showed that endurance and breathing thresholds both increased significantly after 12 weeks of taking Cordyceps as an adaptogenic supplement. This suggests supplementation improves exercise performance in healthy older subjects (and may be beneficial for younger athletes as well)[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20804368″].

How to use cordyceps

Cordyceps can be added to soups and stews or taken in supplement or powder form.

  • Add 1/2 ounce of this adaptogen to your favorite Bone Broth Recipe
  • Supplement – follow directions on package

Cordyceps is best for

  • Combating fatigue
  • Enhancing memory
  • Supporting brain function
  • Fighting free radical damage
  • Increasing endurance and exercise performance

Holy basil (Tulsi/Ocimum sanctum)

adaptogenic herbs holy basilHoly basil, or Tulsi, is an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine and is traditionally used as an adaptogen, aphrodisiac, and liver supporter. It’s also used for longevity!

Benefits of holy basil

Protects liver: Studies show that this herb can be an effective liver protector, and is especially potent when paired with milk thistle, another liver supporter.[16]

Lowers stress and anxiety: Other practices include using holy basil as a stress reducer, antioxidant, and anti-anxiety supplement.[17, 18, 19, 20]

Increases muscle mass: Holy basil is high in ursolic acid, a compound also found in apple peels, that may affect body composition by increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat, although there’s not enough solid evidence out there yet showing this really works.[21, 22] (I’ve used other forms of ursolic acid for body composition too…an interesting idea, but I couldn’t tell if it worked in my very short and not well controlled n=1 experiment.)

Boosts libido: Holy basil is also known to be both an anti-fertility agent and libido enhancer, so this could be a fun herb for couples not ready to conceive. Holy basil is one of the only aphrodisiac and testosterone boosting-supplements, while also being reducing fertility in men, and researchers aren’t entirely sure why. Some animal studies suggest that it could also be tied to its high ursolic acid content.[23, 24] The ursolic acid could prevent spermatogenesis.

How to use holy basil

You can use Holy Basil as a garnish on your dishes, add it to your water, or make a tea. You can also purchase a powder or supplement form.

Holy basil is best for

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Supporting your liver
  • Lowering inflammation
  • Building muscle mass and lowering body fat
  • Lowering men’s fertility*
  • Boosting your (or your partner’s) libido

*I love the anti-inflammatory effects of holy basil, but I have some concern that anything that reduces fertility is often harmful to the rest of your cells too. Your swimmers (or eggs) are great signs of how healthy your system is. But I use it whenever I’m inflamed because it works.


adaptogenic herbs macaMaca is a Peruvian root that grows in the Andes and is becoming known for its abilities to support sex drive and boost fertility, which can go down in times of stress.

Benefits of maca

Boosts libido: In multiple studies with men and women, Maca has been shown to increase libido and the desire for sex. From antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction to erectile dysfunction, Maca can boost the libido and get you in the mood.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19260845″][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19781622″] [ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25954318″][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18801111″][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12472620″][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12472620″]

Increases fertility: Maca has also been shown to increase fertility in both men and women. For men, Maca improves sperm count and motility (their ability to move through the woman’s reproductive system). For women, Maca encourages overall hormone balance, which can support regulation of the woman’s cycle.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3614604/”][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11753476″]https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11753476

How to use maca

Adding Maca powder to your Bulletproof Coffee or morning smoothie is a great way to make it a daily habit. You can also take this adaptogen in supplement form.

Maca is best for

  • Boosting libido
  • Increasing fertility
  • Balancing hormones

Mucuna pruriens

adaptogenic herbs mucuna pruriens l dopa beanMucuna pruriens, also known as the dopa bean, has a high content of L-dopa which is a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. This adaptogen is known for its ability to boost your mood, lower stress, improve mood, reduce anxiety, and help you focus. Some people with ADHD find it works as well as Adderall at keeping them calm and productive.

Related: Mucuna Pruriens: The Mood-Boosting Productivity Pill You’ve Been Looking For

Benefits of mucuna pruriens

Lowers stress and anxiety: Dopamine is essential for mood, and when you don’t have enough, you can struggle with stress and anxiety. While you don’t want to take too much Mucuna, adding some to your diet can be effective at calming the nervous system and reducing anxiety, stress and even depression.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2816389/”][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4213977/”][ref url=”https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274066143_Evaluation_of_Anxiolytic_Effect_of_Chronic_Administration_of_Mucuna_Pruriens_In_Wistar_Albino_Rats”][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2816389/”]

Increases fertility and libido: While reducing stress, Mucuna has been shown to improve semen quality in infertile men. After three months of taking a daily dose of Mucuna, 120 men showed a decrease in stress and increase in sperm count.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2816389/”]

Boosts productivity and focus: Taking Mucuna can give you that extra focus to get things done. L-dopa, the main compound found in Mucuna, has been studied for its ability to increase focus and learning in adults. One study in adults ages 21-28 showed it increased reaction time, while another showed lasting memory recall of new words.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25900350″][ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12185401″]

How to use mucuna

Mucuna is best used in supplement form with dosage between 100-200mg per day. You can also add mucuna to your Bulletproof Coffee.

Mucuna is best for

  • Increasing dopamine
  • Lowering stress
  • Boosting mood
  • Improving fertility
  • Enhancing memory and focus

Panax ginseng

best adaptogenic herbs for stressPanax ginseng is probably the most well-known adaptogen. Traditional Chinese Medicine has used ginseng for a wide variety of treatments, especially in preventative practices and as a performance enhancer and immune booster. You may have also heard that it enhances libido, although that aspect is way over-marketed.

There are more than a dozen forms of panax ginseng. Only five of them are used medicinally, and two very popular ones are Korean red ginseng and white ginseng. There’s science to back up claims about this root that resembles two legs of a human.

Benefits of panax ginseng

Improves brain power and focus: Studies show that ginseng is effective when used to improve cognition and focus.[1] The improvement in cognition is most likely a result of a decrease in fatigue (kind of like coffee). In studies where individuals were not already experiencing fatigue, they did not see an increase in cognition.

Increases sense of well-being: There’s conflicting evidence when it comes to using ginseng as a mood-booster, with ginseng having the same effects on mood as the placebo.[7] Other studies, however, do show that in healthy people, ginseng does have a mood-boosting effect and can increase calm and improve memory and performance.[8]

Boosts libido and sexual performance: Research shows that taking panax ginseng improves the quality of erections in men suffering from erectile dysfunction [2, 3, 4]. It also stimulates sexual behavior (e.g. friskiness) in animal studies.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3861174/”] Other research in post-menopausal women found that Korean red ginseng improved their sexual arousal.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20141583″]

Lowers blood sugar: There’s also some evidence that ginseng can lower blood glucose levels, although it doesn’t appear to have any effect on people that don’t have an existing condition like diabetes or hypertension, for example.[5, 6] Large human studies are lacking though and there’s conflicting results in the studies that do exist.

How to use panax ginseng

You can take Panax Ginseng as a supplement or add it to your teas. You can also use it as a root.

Ginseng is best for

  • Decreasing fatigue
  • Balances blood glucose levels
  • Boosting libido and sexual arousal
  • Improving erectile dysfunction
  • Boosting your mood

One annoying thing is that most studies don’t use the same forms or the same preparations of ginseng, so it’s hard to know if you’re getting the right stuff, or even if there’s anything besides sawdust in your capsules. Real ginseng is expensive and fake stuff is all over the place. I’ve used panax ginseng occasionally as an energy booster but not daily most of the time.


Reishi mushroom has been used for over 2,000 years in China with documented scripts of their many benefits. From boosting the immune system and reducing blood sugar to supporting the liver and fighting cancer, this mushroom is one to keep on hand, assuming you’re using high-quality, medicinal-grade mushrooms — and not taking it every day.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92757/#ch9_sec9″] Mushrooms are OK as medicine, but not something to eat in your diet.

Benefits of reishi

adaptogenic herbs reishiBoosts the immune system: Reishi contains antioxidants which protect cells from oxidative damage. With this protection comes the ability to be more resilient and respond to threats properly.

Detoxes your system: A study of 300 one-day-old male broiler chickens fed a contaminated diet of aflatoxin (poisonous carcinogens produced by mold) showed that when Reishi was introduced to the diet, it counteracted the negative effects of the aflatoxin. This suggests that reishi is protective of the immune function and helps detox the system – especially useful when you’ve been exposed to allergens or toxins.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92757/#ch9_sec9″] [ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27669305″]

Fights cancer: Studies on different types of cancer show the possibilities of Reishi as an antitumor and cancer preventative. Human prostate cancer cell lines were used to observe the effect on prostate cancer. Results showed that the cells were sensitive to Reishi, causing a 45% to 55% decrease in cells.[ref url=”https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11596-015-1499-x”] A study of reishi on inflammatory breast cancer also showed anticancer properties with a reduced tumor growth and weight.[ref url=”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92757/#ch9_sec9″]

How to use reishi

You can use Reishi as a tea, tincture, or supplement.

Reishi is best for

  • Boosting immunity
  • Supporting apoptoisis
  • Protecting the liver
  • Balancing blood sugar

Rhodiola Rosea

adaptogenic herbs rhodiola roseaLike other adaptogenic herbs, rhodiola rosea is known for helping your body adapt to stressful situations, by keeping fatigue and exhaustion at bay. Also known as arctic root or golden root, this potent root contains more than 140 active ingredients, the most bioactive ones being rosavin and salidroside.

Benefits of rhodiola rosea

Fights fatigue and exhaustion: Rhodiola is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is often used to promote vitality and immunity. Rhodiola can reduce fatigue and exhaustion in prolonged stressful situations and can also reduce c-reactive protein.[35, 36] (If you commute, you’re in prolonged stressful situations every day!)

Boosts cognition and performance: There’s also plenty of evidence to show that rhodiola will improve cognition, independent of fatigue-reduction. A study on the effects of rhodiola on physicians on night duty fatigue showed that the herb could improve performance by about 20%, regardless of fatigue levels.[37]

Improves mood and lowers depression: Rhodiola could also improve your mood and decrease the symptoms of depression.[38] Improvements in feelings of well-being might be, in part, caused by rhodiola’s effect on serotonin levels.[38]

How to use rhodiola

Like the others, this adaptogen is best taken as a supplement or tea.

Studies show that if you take rhodiola for longer periods of time, it helps even more.[36] There does appear to be a bell-curve response, so finding the right dose matters, and mega-dosing is counterproductive (and expensive!). It can also have a slightly stimulatory effect, so it might be better to take in the morning. Some people find it helpful when trying to go off of caffeine.

In the Bulletproof Coffee shop in Santa Monica, we will gladly blend this into your Bulletproof Coffee!

Rhodiola is best for

  • Reducing fatigue
  • Lowering c-reactive protein levels
  • Boosting your mood and sense of well-being
  • Improving cognition

Siberian Ginseng

adaptogenic herbs siberian ginsengTraditional healers have used Siberian ginseng (not to be confused with panax ginseng) to fight fatigue, maximize physical performance, and improve overall immunity and longevity. Research backs their practices.

Benefits of Siberian Ginseng

Improves endurance: Looking to up your endurance? In one study, Siberian ginseng increased subjects’ time to exhaustion by more than 500% [40].

Fights mental and physical fatigue: Other research shows that it can improve resistance to both cognitive and physical fatigue.[41, 42]

Boosts immune system: There’s also promising evidence that this adaptogen has immunity-boosting effects and can increase t-cell count.[44]

How to use Siberian ginseng

Siberian Ginseng is best used as a capsule or tincture.

• Capsule – 100-200mg twice per day or as directed
• Tincture – Use as directed on package

Siberian ginseng is best for

  • Fighting fatigue
  • Improving endurance in strenuous activity
  • Increasing cognitive and physical performance
  • Boosting your immune system

Consider adding adaptogens into your day, especially when you’re going to have a big day, or when you were out late partying or otherwise didn’t recover well the night before. There’s an argument for taking them every day, which is what I do. That’s why I created a special blend of adaptogens that is available only at the Bulletproof Coffee shop in Santa Monica. Take the time to look around online, and try single adaptogens so you know what works best for you!

Let me know how it works on Facebook…really interested in your results!
[expand title=”Click to read the complete list of references.” swaptitle=”Click to hide references.”]

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43] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10641044


How to Break Away from Western Medicine: Frank Lipman #519

For almost four decades, Dr. Frank Lipman has been a pioneer in integrative and functional medicine. He is also a well-known international speaker in the health and wellness industry, has made many popular TV and magazines appearances, so you have probably have heard him if you’re interested in taking care of yourself.

He is the founder and director of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, a New York Times bestselling author, and the creator of the Be Well lifestyle brand.

On this episode, we talk about his fifth book, How to Be Well, and what he learned while writing it. We also talk about his good medicine mandala, and why good health comes from the ordinary things we do every day.

Enjoy the show!

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How to Break Away from Western Medicine: Frank Lipman #519


Website: bewell.com
Facebook: facebook.com/BeWellByDrFrankLipman
Twitter: @bewell
Instagram: @bewell

Show Notes

  • Being disillusioned with American medicine 00:06:50
  • What American medicine is really good for 00:08:10
  • What students in medical school right now should keep in mind 00:10:45
  • Will western medicine incorporate other ideas or is it too broken? 00:12:10
  • How western medical training is like joining a cult 00:12:25
  • Trying to understand eastern medicine from a western perspective 00:19:07
  • What is in a mandala? 00:23:00
  • Can people live longer than they do now? 00:27:05
  • Is the body really just a petri dish for bacteria? 00:30:00
  • How everything is an ecosystem 00:30:30
  • What is your biggest concern about glyphosate? 00:35:50
  • What we can be doing to protect ourselves from toxins 00:38:20
  • How Frank accidentally became pre-diabetic 00:42:55
  • How much sleep do you personally need? 00:48:30
  • The one part of human movement that many people ignore 00:50:15
  • The body’s fascia and how it works 00:52:35

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5 Best Back Pain Stretches for Immediate Back Pain Relief

  • Because back pain can be so debilitating, many people seek out serious interventions (like surgery or heavy-duty pain killers) in order to alleviate their pain — but it turns out, all you might need is a simple stretching routine
  • Most back pain can be resolved by keeping your spine strong and flexible through regular stretching
  • Incorporating a daily stretching routine to strengthen the spine, loosen muscles, and increase flexibility offers serious relief from back pain

You want to maximize your performance and feel your best — but if you’ve got debilitating back pain, it can be hard to focus on anything else. The good news is, back pain relief is often just a few simple back stretches and exercises away.

There are a few back pain causes (like spasms, muscle strains, or disk issues), but the end result is the same — chronic pain that keeps you from living your best life.

Download the free 30-day Bulletproof Upgrade program to supercharge your body now

Because back pain can be so debilitating, a lot of people turn to more serious interventions, like surgery or painkillers — but turns out, all you really need is a good stretch. “Most back pain can be resolved by doing regular exercises to keep muscles that support your spine strong and flexible,” says Fei Jiang, PT, DPT, OCS, at Providence Saint John’s Health Center’s Performance Therapy in Santa Monica, California. In fact, a recent study on back pain found that participants who followed a 12-week stretching regimen reported better back functioning, less pain, and a reduced need for pain medication.[ref url=”https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/yoga-or-stretching-eases-low-back-pain”]

Clearly, stretching works as an effective back pain treatment (and offers a more natural pain relief solution than other common pain interventions, like prescription painkillers or surgery). But why is stretching so effective? Which back pain stretches should you be doing to maximize results? And what are the best ways to incorporate back pain exercises into your daily routine to strengthen your core and keep pain at bay?

Related: Natural Pain Relief: 5 Ways to Relieve Pain Without Ibuprofen

Why stretching works on back pain

back pain stretchesBefore we dive into the best back pain stretches, let’s talk about why stretching is such an effective treatment for back pain relief.

“Regular movement and stretching can help alleviate back pain by relaxing tight muscles and improving circulation to help nourish the spine,” says Jiang.

Not only will regular stretching help loosen the muscles and get rid of existing back pain, but it can also strengthen the back — and lower your chances of dealing with back pain in the future.

“Stretching of the back and legs can help maintain or improve movement for everyday functions. For example, being limber will help you lift objects off the floor or put on shoes without increased stress to the back,” says Jiang. “Additionally, physical activity [like stretching] can help increase back resilience, so that one can perform more activities without increased pain.”

Stretching is a one-two punch for treating back pain; if you’re currently dealing with back pain, it will get you back to tip-top shape in no time. And by incorporating regular stretching into your fitness routine, you’ll strengthen your back — making it less likely you’ll have to deal with an injury or chronic pain in the future.

When it comes to back pain, regular stretching is a win-win.

Related: 4 Minutes to Perfect Posture and Less Back Pain

Best back pain stretches

So, now that you know why stretching is so effective for alleviating (and preventing) back pain, let’s talk about the how — a proven stretching routine that’s going to deliver real results for back pain.

Here are five stretches to incorporate into your daily routine to alleviate back pain and maximize performance:

Trunk rotation stretch

Stretch: Begin lying on the mat with knees bent. While maintaining upper back flat on the ground, rotate legs towards the floor until a stretch is felt. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Hold each stretch for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times.

Why it works: “This stretch helps improve mobility of the spine while relaxing the muscles on the sides of the trunk,” says Jiang.

Child’s pose

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin on all fours. Sit your hips back while reaching out your arms forward until a mild stretch is felt in the back. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Why it works: “This stretch helps improve mobility of the spine while relaxing the muscles of the lower back,” says Jiang.

Cat-camel back stretch

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin on all fours. Arch your back towards the ceiling and hold. Then arch your back towards the ground and hold. Hold each stretch for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times.

Why it works: “This stretch helps maintain mobility of the spine while strengthening the back and abdominal muscles,” says Jiang.

Hamstring stretch

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin sitting on the floor with one leg straight, and the other bent. While maintaining a flat back, lean forward by hinging from the hip until a stretch is felt behind the thigh. Repeat on the other leg. Hold each stretch for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Why it works: “[When you spend a large portion of your time sitting], the back of the legs gets tight. This would cause pulling of the back when bending forward. Having flexible hamstrings allows for decreased stress in the back with bending and lifting activities,” says Jiang.

Hip flexor stretch

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin by kneeling on a mat. Lean forward towards the bent front knee until a stretch in front of the opposite thigh is felt. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Why it works: “[When you spend a large portion of your time sitting], the front of the hips get tight. This would cause the hip muscles to pull the lower back forward in standing, thereby increasing stress in the lower back. Increased flexibility in hip flexors will help with decreased back pain in upright activities,” says Jiang.

For back pain relief, make stretching a daily routine

back pain stretchesStretching is one of the most effective ways to relieve back pain — if you’re consistent with your stretching routine. In order for stretching to work — and for you to get the most pain-busting benefits from your stretching routine — you need to stretch every day.

If you want to maximize the benefit of your back pain stretches, the key is to transform stretching into a “once-in-awhile” (or not at all!) practice into a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.

Here are some tips to incorporate stretching into your day-to-day routine (and kick back pain to the curb in the process):

Stretch when your eyes open in the morning…

If you want to make stretching a habit, make it the first thing you do in the morning — before anything else (like, you know…life) gets in the way.

Not only will stretching first thing in the AM make it easier to get into a regular stretching habit, but it will also increase blood flow to your muscles — which will deliver the boost of energy you need to get your day started.

…and before your head hits the pillow at night

Stretching right when you wake up is great — and so is stretching right before you go to sleep. Getting in a good stretch before your head hits the pillow will help alleviate any tension from the day, which will help relax your body and make it easier to drift off to sleep.

Bookend your day with stretching — morning and evening — to maximize the benefit.

Set reminders throughout the day

back pain stretchesYou’ll want to go through a full stretching routine in the AM and PM — but if you really want to maximize the pain-relieving benefits of stretching, you should also plan to take small stretch breaks throughout the day.

Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to get up and stretch every two hours or download an app like StretchClock that will send you alerts when it’s time to get up and stretch.

Back pain is a real drag — and it can keep you from feeling your best or performing at your highest level. But with the right stretches, you can build strength, alleviate back pain, and maximize your performance. So what are you waiting for? Get stretching!


What Self-Awareness and Gratitude Actually Does For You: Gary Vaynerchuk #518

Today’s guest is one of those people who is definitely changing the world for the better, but he’s not a scientist, shaman, guru or inventor, he is Gary Vaynerchuk.

Gary’s a serial entrepreneur who best known as Gary Vee. He is a chairman of Vayner X, and he runs Vayner Media and Vayner Sports. He has built businesses starting with his family’s wine company when he got out of college, established one of the first eCommerce wine sites in the late 90s, produced 1000 episodes of his YouTube vlog, is on the Fortune 40 under 40 list, and has written four New York Times bestsellers.

If you’re alive and you have a phone or web browser, you’ve probably seen at least one thing from Gary Vee because he’s uniquely positive, extremely interesting, and a rather outspoken person. In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, he lets us look inside his head and talk about how he thinks about success, gratitude, legacy, and what really matters in life.

Enjoy the show!

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What Self-Awareness and Gratitude Actually Does For You: Gary Vaynerchuk #518


Websites: vaynerx.comvaynermedia.comvaynersports.com
YouTube: GaryVee
Twitter: @garyvee
Instagram: @garyvee
Gary’s Book: Crushing It: How Great Entrepreneurs Business and Influence

Show Notes

  • Why Gary believes in legacy and why he cares that he is remembered well 00:07:55
  • How long Gary thinks he is going to live 00:08:35
  • I believe tomorrow is better than yesterday 00:12:00
  • I know the world is unfair 00:13:40
  • How the idea of “positive vibes only” works 00:16:55
  • What happens when people think I am full of shit 00:18:10
  • How do you practice gratitude? 00:20:05
  • What makes you stop and pause? 00:21:30
  • Dealing with failure gracefully 00:22:25
  • What you should actually be worried about in your life 00:23:25

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If you like today’s episode, check us out on Apple Podcasts at Bulletproof.com/iTunes and leave us a 5-star, positive review.

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