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4 Ways to Heal From Childhood Trauma


  • About 60 percent of people report some kind of abuse or trauma in their childhood.
  • Trauma is a huge block when it comes to improving your performance. The good news is that you can heal trauma for good and become stronger for it.
  • You can take the quiz below to measure how traumatic your childhood has been.
  • Neurofeedback, EMDR therapy, psychedelic therapy, and meditation are all powerful ways to process your trauma and heal from it.


Trauma is uncomfortable to bring up in conversation. You don’t often hear about it, despite the fact that 60 percent of adults report some kind of abuse or trauma in their childhood. [ref url=””][ref url=””] You hear even less about tools to heal trauma — to uncover it, face it, feel the pain associated with it, and then let it go.

The lack of discussion around trauma is partly cultural, but it’s also because trauma is hard to pin down. It’s so overwhelming that your brain often tries to bury it; it’s too painful to face, so you push it down or rationalize it and continue with your life. That works in the short-term, but in the long-term, buried trauma can impact your stress response, cause chronic cortisol release, decrease your emotional regulation, and bring up a variety of coping behaviors that hurt your performance.  

By the same token, healing your childhood trauma is one of the most extraordinary biohacks you can do. It unlocks happiness, gratitude, optimism, productivity, and a renewed appreciation for life.

Overcoming trauma

In a recent Bulletproof Radio podcast episode [iTunes], cancer doctor and trauma expert Nasha Winters talks about overcoming childhood trauma and how profoundly it impacts performance.

“Trauma removal techniques today are much stronger [than ever before],” Winters says. “…we can re-circuit our psychology.”

A difficult past doesn’t have to cast a shadow over your life. Here’s a look at how trauma works, as well as four ways you can heal from it.

How trauma rewires your brain (it’s not all bad)

Trauma affects your biology in measurable ways. After a traumatic experience, your brain may become stuck in fight-or-flight mode, constantly watching for threats and releasing cortisol even in the absence of a stressor. [ref url=””]

Your hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, two brain regions involved in regulating emotion, may shrink in size from a combination of stress and constantly suppressing emotional pain. [ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

And according to research using data from the Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) quiz (take it here), which measures the trauma that comes from a rough childhood, adversity you experience before you’re 18 puts you at risk for[ref url=”″][ref url=””]:

– Depression

– Anxiety

– Decreased performance at work

– Trouble sleeping

– Chronic stress

– Alcoholism

– Addiction

– Suicide

Trauma is clearly destructive — but there’s a “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” side to it too. If you’ve faced a lot of adversity in your life, the fact that you’re still here means you were resourceful enough to overcome it, even if you picked up trauma along the way. Learning how to get rid of old traumatic patterns and loops can leave you with the best of both worlds: the resilience of someone who overcomes, as well as optimism and mental freedom.

RELATED: Hormesis: How to Use Stress to Boost Your Resilience 

Ways to heal emotional trauma

Here are four ways to work through emotional pain and let go of a traumatic past.

1) Neurofeedback for immediate results

Neurofeedback is probably the most efficient way to face trauma and learn more about your emotions and how your brain works. That’s how 40 Years of Zen got its name: by the end of the five days of intensive neurofeedback, your brain waves resemble those of a lifelong Zen monk.

In neurofeedback, you have electrodes connected to your head that show you your own brain activity in real time. Using that data, you can train yourself to have higher alpha waves — the calm, focused brain waves you create during deep meditation.[ref url=”″]

Forgiveness is the fastest way to let go of painful experiences and permanently boost alpha waves, and it’s a big component of 40 Years of Zen. Facing trauma, feeling the pain, finding forgiveness, and letting it go, all with the guidance of neurofeedback and qualified therapists, rewires your brain.[ref url=”″] And because of the neurofeedback, you can watch your brain release trauma and get stronger in real time. Neurofeedback is one of the most powerful biohacks available.

2) EMDR Therapy to rewire your response to triggers

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy helps you find triggers that cause a traumatic pattern or loop in your brain activity, and trains you to recalibrate your brain and process the event that caused the trigger.

In an EMDR session, you watch a light move from left to right at specific speeds. The eye movement puts your brain in a state where you can uncover and face distressing events much more easily. A therapist helps guide you through the events, process them, and rewire your brain response for the better.

It’s still not clear exactly how or why EMDR works, but a wide body of research has found that it’s effective at healing emotional trauma in the long-term.[ref url=””]

3) Psychedelic therapy

In her recent Bulletproof Radio podcast episode [iTunes], Winters talks about overcoming her difficult start to life. Winters scored a 10/10 on the ACE questionnaire, meaning she had the most traumatic childhood measurable. She credits psychedelics as one of the three biggest things that helped her heal.

“An experience with Psilocybin cubensis (hallucinogenic mushrooms)…[helped] to lift me up and see what was around me, to see the possibility of my own healing,” she says.   

Psychedelics can change how you look at the world in a lasting and deeply healing way. Clinical studies have found that psychedelic experiences with mushrooms or LSD, combined with psychotherapy, can reverse treatment-resistant depression long-term after only one or two sessions.[ref url=””]

Psychedelics also permanently increase people’s openness scores, which correlates with increased creativity,[ref url=””][ref url=””] and 70% of people who took psychedelics for the first time rated the experience as one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives, on par with the birth of a child.[ref url=”″]

Of course, psychedelics are illegal in many places. Unless you go to Amsterdam or South America, your best hope of legal psychedelic therapy is to join one of the many clinical studies on psychedelics and trauma happening in the U.S. Be sure you know the benefits and risks of psychedelics before using them.

4) Meditation (especially alongside psychotherapy)

Meditation is an amazing biohack. It’s free, you can do it anywhere and any time, and it really works for building a stronger brain and becoming more aware of your emotions.

Meditating regularly relieves chronic stress and boosts alpha brain waves, which are associated with calm focus and happiness.[ref url=”″] Meditation also increases emotional regulation, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and creativity, all things that trauma decreases.[ref url=””][ref url=””]

Increased emotional self-awareness and higher alpha waves make it easier for you to uncover negative brain loops caused by trauma, see them for what they are, and rewire your response. For a particularly intense meditative experience, try a 10-day silent meditation retreat.

Many people report that these retreats are both the most difficult and most healing experiences of their lives. Bonus? They’re typically free.

For maximum growth and help navigating your trauma, pair meditation with psychotherapy. A good therapist will guide you through your emotions and help you heal.



New Study Says Yes, You Can Get Results With a 13-Minute Workout


  • Want to improve your muscular strength and endurance? A new study says you don’t have to spend hours pumping iron in the gym.
  • The study followed 34 men over a period of eight weeks. According to the findings, you can see results with three, 13-minute weekly sessions of intense resistance training.
  • The Bulletproof Diet advocates weight training as an ultra-efficient method to support your health and fitness with the smallest amount of time and effort.


Finding the time to exercise can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Wouldn’t it be great if you could get the same results as an hour-long workout in just 13 minutes? A new study suggests you can — as long as that workout consists of intense, targeted exercises that push you to your physical limit.

The study’s findings echo what Bulletproof has recommended all along: weight training is the most efficient way to maximize your effort (and time). By activating the entire body with a brief, intense workout, you can increase your overall physical performance — without spending hours in the gym.

Related: Burn Fat With This 18-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout

How long should a workout be?

how long should a workout be

In this study, researchers at Lehman College and other institutions tested the ways different weight training programs impacted muscular strength, endurance, and size. Thirty-four men who had experience with weight training were randomly assigned to three groups:

  • A low-volume group that performed 1 set of each exercise per session. Total workout time: A quick 13 minutes.
  • A moderate-volume group that performed 3 sets of each exercise per session. Total workout time: About 40 minutes.
  • A high-volume group that performed 5 sets of each exercise per session with 90 seconds of rest between sets. Total workout time: About 70 minutes.

The participants trained three times per week on non-consecutive days over a period of eight weeks. The workouts consisted of seven common exercises, including bench press, lateral pull-down, and machine leg press. Participants lifted to failure through 8-12 repetitions.

What the study found

By the end of the eight weeks, all of the participants were stronger and had improved muscular endurance. While all of the groups increased muscle size, the high-volume group reported the greatest increases in muscle mass.

So, good news for busy people: unless you’re trying to build killer quads, these findings suggest that you don’t need to spend half your day in the gym to support your fitness goals. The study’s lead author told The New York Times that you can improve your strength with one set of lifts — as long as you’re straining the working muscles to exhaustion.

This study focused solely on a single group of fit, healthy men. Despite this limitation, the researchers say the results would likely be the same for women and older people. What matters is that you’re training effectively and safely.

Upgrade your next workout

two friends workout out together

The Bulletproof Diet advocates weight training as the best form of exercise because strong muscles support healthy bodies, whether you’re an elite athlete or a stay-at-home parent (or both). Weight training boosts your metabolic rate and insulin sensitivity, increases lean muscle mass, decreases your risk of injury, and makes you more resistant to disease, among other benefits.

To get started, check out the Bulletproof Body Exercise Guide. You don’t have to spend an hour at the gym every day. This weight training program is designed to activate your entire body with short high-intensity weight training sessions. Perform 1 set of each movement per workout, and take each set to muscular failure. That’s it.

Looking for more workout ideas? Check out this list of four free workout routines for building muscle, losing weight, and boosting energy. To improve your performance even further, try these workout supplements (that actually work).


Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Fight Pain

  • If you’re in chronic pain, you aren’t alone. Nearly a third of Americans report chronic pain, and a lot of it is the result of inflammation.
  • Following an anti-inflammatory diet makes a huge difference in inflammation and pain.
  • This article covers the best anti-inflammatory foods you can eat, as well as the three most pro-inflammatory foods to avoid.

If you’re in chronic pain — pain that lasts weeks, months, or even years — you’re not alone. Nearly one-third of all Americans report having chronic pain.[ref url=”″] The physical and emotional tax of it is huge.

Pain is a message that something in your body is struggling, and that you should fix it. With acute pain, the message is obvious: maybe you pulled a muscle or broke a bone. Chronic pain is often more subtle. Research suggests that one of the biggest components of chronic pain is inflammation — a background response to continuous, low-level cellular damage.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=””][ref url=””]

Sometimes inflammation is good (the classic example is muscle inflammation after working out, which helps you rebuild your muscles to be stronger). But if you’re in chronic pain, odds are your inflammatory response doesn’t turn off properly, and one of the best things you can do for yourself is eat an anti-inflammatory diet. An anti-inflammatory diet helps you bring your inflammatory response back into balance, giving your body a chance to repair itself and get back to running smoothly.

Unfortunately, a lot of advice about anti-inflammatory foods is misguided. Suggestions like avoiding fat and replacing it with fruit and whole grains can make inflammation much worse, especially for certain people.

Here are the best foods to eat and avoid on an anti-inflammatory diet.

Related: Feel the Best You Ever Have. Download Our Free 30-Day Upgrade.

4 best anti-inflammatory foods

These four anti-inflammatory foods will help you regulate your inflammatory response and decrease oxidative damage that shuts down your cells. Make them staples of your diet when you can.

Turmeric (and other herbs and spices)

Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Fight PainThere’s a reason turmeric tops the list of the 7 most anti-inflammatory herbs and spices. Herbs and spices are concentrated sources of inflammation-fighting antioxidants, and turmeric specifically is one of the most anti-inflammatory spices you can eat. Its active ingredient, curcumin, blocks several pro-inflammatory enzymes that contribute to chronic inflammation.[ref url=”″] Curcumin is as effective at quieting inflammation as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin and ibuprofen, but without the gut-damaging side effects.[ref url=”″]

In addition to adding turmeric to your diet, consider taking a curcumin supplement. And as a general rule, use fresh herbs and spices in your cooking. They taste good and they’re great for you.

Coffee or tea

Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Fight PainPolyphenols are a class of potent antioxidants that turn off inflammatory pathways and protect your cells from oxidative stress.[ref url=””] You want to get as many of them in your daily diet as you can.

Coffee is the biggest dietary source of polyphenols.[ref url=””][ref url=””] It’s packed with chlorogenic acid, hydroxycinnamic acid, kahweol, cafestol, and several other powerful anti-inflammatory compounds.[ref url=”″]

Don’t do caffeine? Opt for decaf coffee; it won’t change the polyphenol content.[ref url=”″] To maximize your coffee’s polyphenol content, choose lighter roasts (dark roasting destroys some of the polyphenols) and brew your coffee without a paper filter.[ref url=”″] Filtering coffee pulls out kahweol and cafestol, two important polyphenols.

And if you don’t do coffee at all, try green tea. It’s rich in polyphenols as well,[ref url=””] and you can make a delicious Bulletproof green tea latte with it. Using butter instead of milk or cream in your coffee preserves those precious polyphenols.

Colorful vegetables and fruits

Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Fight PainBrightly colored vegetables and fruits are also a dense source of anti-inflammatory polyphenols. Berries are the most polyphenol-rich fruits,[ref url=””] and they also happen to be low in sugar, which makes them perfect on the Bulletproof Diet. If you want to decrease inflammation or address chronic pain, try eating a couple servings per day of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries or strawberries. You can also add in colorful veggies like red cabbage, spinach, kale, rainbow chard, broccoli, and asparagus (for a more comprehensive list, check out the free Bulletproof Diet Roadmap).

Wild salmon

Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Fight PainWild salmon is one of the best dietary sources of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. You want a lot of them, especially if you’re dealing with inflammation or chronic pain. Your body uses omega-3s and omega-6s to make your cell membranes, and it will take whichever one you give it. Omega-6s are inflammatory, while omega-3s are not — so one of the best ways to decrease systemic inflammation is to shift your dietary omega-6:omega-3 ratio in favor of omega-3s.[ref url=”″]

The average Western diet has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of about 20:1.[ref url=”″] You want closer to 2:1, or even 1:1.

The best way to reach an optimal anti-inflammatory ratio? Cut out omega-6 oils (more on that in a second) and eat plenty of omega-3 rich fish. Wild salmon is absolutely packed with omega-3s.[ref url=”″]

Don’t eat farmed salmon; it has inferior nutritional value and the fish absorb contaminants from subpar feed and low-quality farm water.

Related: 4 Natural Remedies That Fight Inflammation

Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Fight Pain

3 worst foods that cause inflammation and pain

When it comes to an anti-inflammatory diet, what you avoid is just as important as what you eat. Certain foods trigger massive inflammation and you’re better off eliminating them from your diet whenever possible — especially if you’re dealing with chronic pain.

Here are the three biggest inflammatory foods for most people:


inflammatory foods that cause painSugar is by far the most inflammatory food you can eat. More and more research is coming out showing how sugar compromises your biology and causes persistent, systemic inflammation.[ref url=””][ref url=””] It’s important to mention that sugar causes inflammation even in healthy people, and spikes inflammation even in people with no risk of diabetes or metabolic syndrome.[ref url=””]

For a long time, fat has taken the blame for inflammation, heart disease, and so on, but recent research suggests that fat alone is fine, and that it’s actually the combination of fat and sugar or refined carbs that drives inflammation. The two together wreak metabolic havoc on your body.[ref url=””]

From a nutritional standpoint, the number one thing you can do to decrease inflammation and address chronic pain is to stop eating sugar. It’s just not worth it.

By the way, fructose — the sugar in fruit, agave syrup, and other sweeteners marketed as “low-glycemic” — is no better than table sugar. It’s true that fructose doesn’t spike your blood sugar as much as table sugar does, but it puts a heavy inflammatory tax on your liver.[ref url=””][ref url=””]

Sugar is sugar. The more you cut it out of your diet, the better you’ll feel.

Omega-6 fats

inflammatory foods that cause painYou read about the relationship between omega-3s and omega-6 fats a moment ago: omega-6s are pro-inflammatory, while omega-3s are not. In his podcast interview on Bulletproof Radio, inflammation expert Dr. Bill Sears describes the role of omega-6 fats in chronic inflammation:

“One of the biggest causes [of inflammation] is too many omega-6s and not enough omega-3s. Omega-6s, they’re necessary. They’re essential fat, but they’re like a neighborhood bully. If you eat too much of them, then they use up all the enzymes and the omega-3s can’t get into your cells.”

One of the best ways to decrease chronic inflammation is to shift your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in favor of omega-3s. Eating more omega-3s from sources like wild salmon and grass-fed beef is important. It’s equally important to stop eating foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids.

Vegetable oil is probably the most concentrated and common source of omega-6s. Grain-fed or factory-farmed meat is a close second. Here’s a comprehensive guide to quality fats and what fats to avoid. Choose fats in the green zone and avoid fats in the red zone.

Remove omega-6 fats from your diet and replace them with quality alternatives. You’ll feel the difference.

Whole grains

inflammatory foods that cause painWhole grains often rank high on anti-inflammatory diets. For the majority of people, especially people dealing with chronic inflammation, eating them is a big mistake.

You often hear about how much fiber whole grains contain, and how they’re more nutritious than refined grains. Both claims are true, but that doesn’t make eating grains in general a good idea. The majority of grains have more downsides than upsides (although there are a couple exceptions).

Gluten has caused the scientific community to splinter. Some researchers say it causes lots of inflammation, even in people without celiac disease.[ref url=””][ref url=”″][ref url=””] Others say that gluten doesn’t deserve its bad reputation, and that it’s actually the short-chain fermentable carbs in whole grains that cause a problem.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

Or maybe it’s agglutinin, another inflammatory grain protein.[ref url=”″][ref url=””]

Or it could be the amylase-trypsin inhibitors that aggravate gut inflammation and arthritic joint pain.[ref url=””][ref url=”″]

The point is that there are a lot of inflammatory compounds in whole grains. Whether it’s gluten or something else, you’re better off avoiding most grains on an anti-inflammatory diet. Replace them with high-quality carb sources like sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash instead.

One of the main goals of the Bulletproof Diet is to minimize inflammation, with the goal of promoting longevity and getting rid of chronic pain. For a simple guide to the best anti-inflammatory foods (and the inflammatory foods to avoid), check out the free one-page Bulletproof Diet Roadmap. You don’t have to resign yourself to chronic pain or inflammation. Try changing your diet and see how you feel.

For more advice on how to eat your way stronger and leaner, subscribe to our biohacking newsletter below.


What Is GMO and Are GMO Foods Safe?

  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms that contain artificially altered genetic material that would not otherwise occur in nature.
  • While the uses of genetic engineering range from chemical production to pharmaceuticals, its most debated use is in GMO food production.
  • The most common GMO foods are corn, cotton, canola, soy, sugar beet, papaya from China or Hawaii, and some varieties of yellow squash.
  • To avoid GMO food, look for the “Non-GMO Project Verified” or “Organic” labels.

These days, it’s hard to find a neutral opinion on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Some call GMO food frankenfoods while others call them scientific progress. Today’s GMO industry profits big corporations, abuses farmers and the environment, and ignores conflicting research on consumer health.

More and more people are demanding to know what foods are GMO, and current labeling laws are no help. No matter where you fall on the GMO debate, you deserve to know what you put in your body. Read on to discover why GMO foods are not on the Bulletproof list, how to recognize and avoid them, and what they mean for our food system today.

What is GMO?

what is gmoGenetically modified organisms (GMOs) — also labelled as genetically engineered, bioengineered, or recombinant) — are organisms that contain artificially altered genetic material that would not otherwise occur in nature. Scientists can physically edit the DNA of an organism to achieve a desired change, such as improving the yield of a crop, causing bacteria to produce insulin, or making kittens glow (y’know, useful stuff). When people talk about GMO foods, they’re generally referring to genetically modified plant crops.

Genetic modification today is different than selective breeding, the age-old process of breeding plants or animals with the most desired traits. This is how (over thousands of years) your ancestors grew wheat with bigger kernels, or turned wolves into corgis. While this breeding did change the genes of those species, today “genetic engineering” refers instead to the direct editing of DNA to cause changes in an organism.

What foods are usually GMO?

gmo foods When GMOs were first introduced in the ‘70s, the scientific community greeted them as the future of biology. Scientists now had the technology to edit the genetic master code of organisms, the ultimate biohack. While the uses of genetic engineering range from chemical production to pharmaceuticals, its most debated use is in food production.

Today, the most common GMO foods are corn, cotton, canola, soy, sugar beet, papaya from China or Hawaii, and some varieties of yellow squash.

The first GMO food was approved in 1992, and genetically engineered products quickly became staples on grocery shelves.[ref url=””] While this technology promises crops with bolstered shelf lives, nutrition, and resilience to feed a growing world, the two most common traits engineered into crop plants are herbicide tolerance and insect resistance. Today, 90% of all corn, and 94% of all soy planted in the U.S. are genetically modified to have one or both of these traits, with Monsanto (now Bayer) corporation’s Roundup-Ready and Bt toxin seeds at center stage.[ref url=””]

Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready varietals are genetically engineered to resist even high levels of glyphosate, the potent herbicidal ingredient in Monsanto’s popular Roundup weed killer.[ref url=””]This meant farmers could drench their fields in herbicides to kill off weeds without harming their new GMO crops.

Bt toxin crops contain a gene transferred from the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, which gives them the ability to produce an insect-killing toxic protein.[ref url=””] By nixing pests and weeds, these varieties hugely reduce the amount of labor needed on farms, but their effects on consumer health, the farming industry and the environment are less certain.

Are GMOs safe? GMOs and your health

are gmos safeGMO foods and their derivatives are not included on the Bulletproof Diet, but their health is a hot topic for debate. Studies are contradicting, and few long-term human or animal studies are available, exposing claims on both sides of the fence to criticism.

Animal studies comparing GMO foods (often corn or soy) to their parent (non-GMO) strains often show significant differences, but vary in how they interpret those results.

While some studies simply claim that GMOs are less nutritious (maybe thanks to faster growth and poorer soil), others link them to organ damage, cancer and hormonal shifts.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

Other studies suggest that consuming GMO foods may speed liver stress and aging, as well as cause signs of liver and kidney toxicity.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″] Specific changes in the genes and expression of GMO crops may explain these changes.

DNA and protein comparisons of glyphosate-tolerant GMO corn showed increased oxidative stress within the seeds themselves, and weakened metabolic pathways. These seeds also showed large increases of the polyamines putrescine and cadaverine, which can be toxic in high doses, possibly worsening histamine reactions, and helping form carcinogenic nitrosamines.[ref url=”″]

Unfortunately, most animal studies are too short to investigate what chronic GMO exposure could mean for you. One longer multigenerational study revealed unhealthy differences in kidney weight, cholesterol regulation and protein metabolism in mice fed GMO corn. This study also exposed negative reproductive effects over multiple generations of mice fed GMO corn, another reason why avoiding GMOs is key to detoxing in order to boost fertility. [ref url=””]

One of the earliest concerns with GMOs was their potential to introduce new allergens to our food supply. In an episode of Bulletproof Radio with Jeffrey Smith, founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology, he warned that altering DNA may cause unforeseen changes downstream in the genetic code, such as mutations that change the function or expression of genes.

Monsanto and GMO crops

monsanto and gmoIn the case of our food system, the risks of GMO foods go beyond the genetic modification itself. GMOs such as Monsanto’s Bt toxin crops literally produce pesticides themselves — you can’t rinse that off. The Bt Cry-protein toxins formed by these plants do cause immune (but not allergic) responses in animal tests, as well as damage to intestinal goblet cells, and increased kidney weight in pigs fed Bt corn.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″] While the effects of this toxin may be minute, the long term impact in humans is unknown.

Even more common, Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops are designed to withstand extreme doses of weedkiller glyphosate, allowing farmers to spray billions of pounds of glyphosate-based Roundup each year to protect their crops from weeds. In 2015, the World Health Organization declared glyphosate a probable human carcinogen.

The same mineral-chelating effects that make roundup so great for killing bugs, also make it an potent antibiotic in your body. “Most of the antibiotics are in fact chelators, and most herbicides are chelators, and it kills selectively the beneficial good bacteria,” explains Jeffrey Smith, founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology, “That can create an overgrowth of negative gut bacteria in the gut that can create harsh gases which can damage the walls of the intestines.”

In addition to wreaking havoc on bacteria in your gut biome, studies also link glyphosate exposure to numerous health risks, such as celiac disease, hormone disruption, fertility issues, and even cancer.[ref url=””] One recent report demonstrated that even very low chronic doses of the Roundup used on crops resulted in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats.[ref url=”″]

Not only is glyphosate the most widely used herbicide in the world, it’s also an extremely persistent toxin.[ref url=”″] Private research companies have even found glyphosate residue in everything from honey to cereal to human breast milk.[ref url=”″] Once consumed, your body uses glyphosate indistinguishably from the amino acid glycine, storing it away in proteins in your cells.[ref url=””] The same glyphosate used to grow GMO corn, soy and alfalfa for animal feed also sticks around in those animals’ bodies: another reason to stick to meat, milk and collagen from organic, grass-fed animals.

Learn more about how glyphosate could be hiding in your food

GMOs, farming and the environment

gmos and environmentHow GMOs impact farmers

It turns out there’s a reason there’s so little available research on GMO food safety. The politics of GMOs took a dark turn in 1980, when a supreme court ruling decided that companies could actually own the rights to a genetically modified organism.[ref url=””] Because of this, companies like Monsanto can call on intellectual property rights to make it illegal for certain researchers to use their products, making it even harder to find reliable, unbiased data on GMO safety.[ref url=””]

Farmers also find themselves backed into a corner by GMO companies. Thanks to government subsidies and low crop values, more and more farmers turn to GMO crops to pay the bills, speeding the demise of small farms and traditional agriculture.

Monsanto’s copyrighted seeds are designed to be sterile, meaning that these farmers are financially and legally tied to Monsanto year and year again to purchase new seeds, pesticides and herbicides. Unfortunately, these plants aren’t actually entirely sterile, and can quietly contaminate neighboring organic or non-GMO fields, risking those certifications.

You can read more on the slimy politics of GMOs and glyphosate, but the bottom line is: avoiding GMOs means supporting the farmers and companies working to create a safer, more sustainable food system.

GMOs and the environment

Genetically modified crops haven’t been kind to the environment either. Dumping glyphosate on farmland is like over-abusing heavy antibiotics, but on a much larger scale. In an episode of Bulletproof Radio, David Bronner, president of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps and GMO awareness advocate, puts this into perspective: “The plants are sick, the soil is sick, the system’s sick. It doesn’t have the natural beneficial organisms. It doesn’t have the natural pest predators. It’s just a completely broken system and they’re pouring more and more and more chemicals into this to get these things to harvest.”

As more weeds become resistant to Roundup, farmers add even more chemicals into the soil, binding nutrients, wiping out beneficial bacteria, and allowing toxin-forming fungi to grow unchecked. These effects don’t stop at the fence, and can destroy waterways and ecosystems downstream. Worse, the chemical runoff isn’t the only thing escaping: bacteria can actually pick up pieces of genetic information from GMO crops. This process is called horizontal gene transfer, and allows bacteria to share and recombine DNA faster than natural mutations. While it may be rare for these mutations to occur successfully in uncontrolled conditions, it poses an unstudied risk to the environment.[ref url=””]

A new risk is on the horizon as well: Genetically modified salmon have recently been introduced as the first GMO animal for food. Their release has faced huge criticism over concerns for wild salmon populations, and the tribal sovereignty of people dependent on salmon in the Pacific Northwest.[ref url=””]

“[The Institute for Responsible Technology] is against the use of GMOs for food and for outdoor release, but we’re not against the use of, say, drug manufacturing when it’s done in a contained manner, because the equation is different,” says Smith. “We do believe that [companies] need to increase their respect for what can go wrong and the current respect is so low that it’s dangerous.”

GMO labeling and how to avoid GMOs

gmo labeling how to avoid gmoHow can you tell if your food is genetically engineered? As awareness of GMO technology increases, more and more consumers demand the right to know. Polls consistently show that around 90% of Americans believe GMO foods should be labeled, yet the U.S. has some of the most lax laws surrounding GMO disclosure.[ref url=””][ref url=””]

The limitations of GMO labeling

The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Law, signed in 2016, will make it mandatory for producers to label foods containing GMOs, but it won’t exactly make the information any more accessible for consumers. Instead of risking public opinion by printing the word “GMO” or “Bioengineered” on their boxes, producers can opt to hide that information behind a QR code or toll free telephone number. (Because who doesn’t love waiting on hold in the middle of the grocery store?) To make things more confusing, the law will exclude GMO food served at restaurants, animal products made using GMO feed, and GMO processed foods such as oils or sugars, which do not contain DNA.[ref url=”″]

Myth: PLU labels beginning with “8” indicate GMO produce: while it’s true that the PLU gods did intend this to be true, the indicator never made it to retail. As of 2015, these codes are back in circulation for general produce. Fortunately, you can use PLU codes beginning with “9” to find organic produce, which are always non-GMO.[ref url=””]

To keep GMOs out of your food:

Know the most common offenders: The most common GMO crops are corn, cotton, canola, soy, sugar beet, papaya from China or Hawaii, and some varieties of yellow squash.

Eat organic: Both the Certified organic and non-GMO Project Verified labels guarantee that a product is non-GMO. When it comes to produce, avoid common GMOs by looking for either of these labels. And, as mentioned above, PLU codes beginning with a “9” signify organic produce.

Avoid processed foods: Products made with common GMO foods are harder to identify, but carry the same risks. A recent Environmental Working Group (EWG) report found glyphosate in almost all samples of oat-containing processed foods, including breakfast cereal, granola bars and oatmeal.

Read ingredient lists: Many additives are processed forms of GMO foods, under sneaky names like lecithins, syrups, alcohols, aspartame, maltodextrin, citric acid, dextrose, xanthan gum, and certain vitamins, vinegars and yeast. If you eat non-Bulletproof sweeteners, look for sugars with a known source, such as pure cane sugar, maple sugar or coconut sugar, as the general label “sugar” often comes from GMO sugar beets.

Choose grass-fed, organic meat: Opt for grass-fed, organic meats and dairy to avoid toxic residues from GMO feed, and rbST/rbGH/artificial hormones harvested from GMO bacteria.

If you’re following the Bulletproof diet, you’re already steering clear of GMO food like highly processed foods, grain-fed meats and dairy, soy, corn and canola.

Read Next: 5 Ways to Detox From Glyphosate


GABA: The Neurotransmitter That Dissolves Anxiety and Improves Sleep

  • GABA is your brain’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter. It keeps your brain from becoming overactive and promotes calm relaxation.
  • GABA is great for anxiety, muscle tension, sleep, stress, and improved mood
  • There are a lot of different ways to increase GABA levels in your brain. This article includes a list of GABA-boosting supplements, as well as lifestyle changes that increase GABA.

If you’re looking to sleep better, ease anxiety, decrease muscle tension, or boost your mood, you may want to try increasing your GABA levels.

GABA is your brain’s main inhibitory neurotransmitter — it calms your neurons (brain cells) and keeps your brain from getting overexcited.

You make GABA naturally and use it across almost all of your brain. You have GABA receptors in your gut, too: your gut bacteria use GABA to talk to your brain and influence your emotions.[ref url=””] GABA is a powerful tool if you’re looking to gain control over your sleep, stress, or mood. You can boost it with lifestyle hacks, or you can take supplements that increase GABA.

Here’s a complete guide to GABA’s benefits, how it works in your brain, and the best supplements and habits to balance your GABA levels for a happier, calmer life.

What are GABA receptors and what are GABA’s benefits?

gaba benefitsYour brain runs on neurotransmitters, chemicals that let your neurons (brain cells) communicate with one another. Neurotransmitters bind to receptors on your neurons, much like a key fits into a lock. This key-in-the-lock process runs pretty much everything you do. Movement, thoughts, emotions, senses, breathing, heartbeat — they all rely on neurotransmitters binding to receptors.

There are two major types of GABA receptors: GABAA and GABAB

GABAA receptors generally promote relaxation, sedation/sleep, and anti-anxiety effects when something activates them.[ref url=””] The relaxed, buzzy, social feeling you get when you drink? That happens because alcohol binds very strongly to GABAA receptors.[ref url=””] Anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax and Valium are also strong GABAA activators.[ref url=””] In fact, the reason it’s so dangerous to drink and take anti-anxiety pills together is because they activate GABAA in slightly different ways, so instead of competing with each other (like two keys trying to fit into the same lock), their effects stack, which can be fatal.

Alcohol and Xanax are both strong enough to be addictive, and neither one is Bulletproof-approved. But gentler GABAA activation can help you relax and give you a wonderful sense of calm, without the side effects of more intense activation.

GABAB receptors are the other major GABA receptor type. Activating GABAB promotes mental relaxation and feelings of happiness.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″] GABAB activation also eases muscle tension.[ref url=”″] In general, GABAB receptors have a more subtle effect on your brain than GABAA receptors do.[ref url=”″] Activating both can be useful for improving your performance.

GABA for anxiety and muscle tension

gaba for anxietyStudy after study has found that both GABAA and GABAB activation rapidly and reliably decrease anxiety.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=””]  — so much so that benzodiazepines, strong GABA activators, have become the most common drug for treating anxiety.[ref url=”″]

But if you’re feeling anxious or tense, you don’t want to rely on a benzodiazepine like Xanax or Valium to relax. Because they’re so strong, benzodiazepines are very addictive, and you build tolerance to them quickly.[ref url=”″] There are a lot of sustainable options that have similar relaxing effects without the risk of abuse,[ref url=”″] including lifestyle changes that don’t require you to take anything. Keep reading for a full list

Self-care tools, like the Baloo Living Weighted Blankets, are a great combination with GABA to ease your anxiety and sleep better altogether.

Note: this article should not replace medical advice. If you’re currently on benzodiazepines or any other anti-anxiety medication, absolutely talk to your doctor before making any changes.

GABA for sleep

gaba for sleepGABAA activation can help you fall asleep and stay asleep. But, as with anxiety, there’s a sweet spot with GABA and sleep. Too little GABA and you won’t fall asleep at all;[ref url=””] too much GABA and you’ll go out like a light, but you won’t reach the deeper stages of sleep that are essential for rest and recovery. Benzodiazepines, for example, cause people to fall asleep faster and wake up less, but keep them from reaching deep sleep.[ref url=”″]

Again, the key here is gentle GABA activation. Finding a balance will help you get a good night’s rest.

GABA for depression and mood

gaba for depressionGABA activation also improves mood, although it seems to be indirect and likely comes from easing anxiety and stress.[ref url=””]  doesn’t seem to affect pure depression.[ref url=”″] In other words, if you’re feeling down but you aren’t anxious or stressed, GABA may not help you.

Of course, depression, stress, and anxiety often go hand-in-hand, so GABA indirectly improves mood for a lot of people, and doctors often prescribe GABA-enhancing drugs alongside antidepressants.

If you’re feeling blue and stress or anxiety is a part of it, boosting GABA may help lift your mood and bring a little more relaxed happiness to your life.

The best GABA supplements, dosages, and side effects

Here are a few good ways to increase your GABA with natural remedies and supplements:


gaba and kavaKava is a root native to the Pacific Islands that contains GABA-activating compounds called kavalactones.[ref url=””] A Cochrane Review (the gold standard for research reviews) found that kava significantly decreases anxiety with mild-to-no side effects. Two other studies found that kava is comparable to benzodiazepines at relieving anxiety, without the side effects or risk of addiction.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]  Kava activates GABAA receptors, which makes it great for sleep,[ref url=”″] and kava tea is a good alternative to alcohol if you want to loosen up without the hangover and damage that drinking incurs.

Kava dose and source: Here’s a guide to kava dosage and the best kava sources.


gaba and magnesiumMagnesium is an amazing supplement for stress and sleep. It’s an essential mineral that regulates GABA activation across most of your brain.[ref url=””] It’s also involved in hundreds of other biological processes, and more than half of Americans are deficient in it. Magnesium is a good supplement to take every night.[ref url=””]

Magnesium dose: 400 mg, an hour before bed

Magnesium source: Magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate. Citrate is more bioavailable, but it may upset your stomach; glycinate is slightly less bioavailable and won’t upset your stomach.


gaba and ashwagandhaAshwagandha’s name is Sanskrit for “smell of horse,” and if you’ve ever tried this Indian herb, you can likely attest that the name is accurate. You’ll want to get ashwagandha in capsule form to avoid the smell and taste. As long as you do that, ashwagandha is a great way to relieve stress and promote sleep. It’s a gentle GABAA receptor activator.[ref url=”″]

Ashwagandha dose: 500-1000 mg, taken anytime

Ashwagandha source: Zen Mode or pure ashwagandha root


l-theanine and gabaThis amino acid is a natural component of green tea and is also available in supplement form. L-theanine increases your brain’s natural GABA production.[ref url=”″] It’s great for easing stress and boosting mood, and it also becomes a nootropic (aka cognitive enhancer) when you pair it with caffeine.[ref url=”″]

L-theanine dose: 200-400 mg

L-theanine source: Zen Mode, green tea, or L-theanine capsules


phenibut and gabaPhenibut is a strong GABAB activator that Soviet Union scientists developed for their space program, to ease astronauts’ anxiety. Phenibut is a more bioavailable form of pure GABA, which makes it especially powerful. It also improves focus and memory,[ref url=”″] and is a prescription drug in Russia for tension and anxiety. Phenibut is technically legal in the U.S. (it’s in a bit of a gray area), but it has a high risk of dependency and withdrawal if you don’t take it carefully.[ref url=””][ref url=””] Phenibut stays in your system for about 48 hours, and people who assume they can take it daily often experience tolerance and withdrawal within a week or two. If you’re going to try phenibut, take it at most twice a week, with at least 3 days between each dose.

Phenibut dose: 600 mg, at most twice a week

How to raise your GABA naturally

how to increase gaba naturallyYou can also raise GABA without supplements or drugs. Stress-relieving lifestyle habits increase GABA as well. A few good options to boost your GABA:

  • Meditation: Sitting in silent reflection increases brain GABA levels,[ref url=””] as well as sensitivity to GABA signaling.[ref url=”″] Don’t know where to start? Check out this beginner’s guide to meditation.
  • Yoga: The world’s favorite stretching and mindfulness exercise also increases GABA signaling.[ref url=”″]
  • Exercise: In fact, exercise in general increases GABA signaling and relieves anxiety, stress, and depression.[ref url=””] Try one of these great workouts to include in your daily life.

Whether you take a supplement or start meditating (or both), your brain will thank you for bringing your GABA levels into balance.

5 Best Back Pain Stretches for Immediate Back Pain Relief

  • Because back pain can be so debilitating, many people seek out serious interventions (like surgery or heavy-duty pain killers) in order to alleviate their pain — but it turns out, all you might need is a simple stretching routine
  • Most back pain can be resolved by keeping your spine strong and flexible through regular stretching
  • Incorporating a daily stretching routine to strengthen the spine, loosen muscles, and increase flexibility offers serious relief from back pain

You want to maximize your performance and feel your best — but if you’ve got debilitating back pain, it can be hard to focus on anything else. The good news is, back pain relief is often just a few simple back stretches and exercises away.

There are a few back pain causes (like spasms, muscle strains, or disk issues), but the end result is the same — chronic pain that keeps you from living your best life.

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Because back pain can be so debilitating, a lot of people turn to more serious interventions, like surgery or painkillers — but turns out, all you really need is a good stretch. “Most back pain can be resolved by doing regular exercises to keep muscles that support your spine strong and flexible,” says Fei Jiang, PT, DPT, OCS, at Providence Saint John’s Health Center’s Performance Therapy in Santa Monica, California. In fact, a recent study on back pain found that participants who followed a 12-week stretching regimen reported better back functioning, less pain, and a reduced need for pain medication.[ref url=””]

Clearly, stretching works as an effective back pain treatment (and offers a more natural pain relief solution than other common pain interventions, like prescription painkillers or surgery). But why is stretching so effective? Which back pain stretches should you be doing to maximize results? And what are the best ways to incorporate back pain exercises into your daily routine to strengthen your core and keep pain at bay?

Related: Natural Pain Relief: 5 Ways to Relieve Pain Without Ibuprofen

Why stretching works on back pain

back pain stretchesBefore we dive into the best back pain stretches, let’s talk about why stretching is such an effective treatment for back pain relief.

“Regular movement and stretching can help alleviate back pain by relaxing tight muscles and improving circulation to help nourish the spine,” says Jiang.

Not only will regular stretching help loosen the muscles and get rid of existing back pain, but it can also strengthen the back — and lower your chances of dealing with back pain in the future.

“Stretching of the back and legs can help maintain or improve movement for everyday functions. For example, being limber will help you lift objects off the floor or put on shoes without increased stress to the back,” says Jiang. “Additionally, physical activity [like stretching] can help increase back resilience, so that one can perform more activities without increased pain.”

Stretching is a one-two punch for treating back pain; if you’re currently dealing with back pain, it will get you back to tip-top shape in no time. And by incorporating regular stretching into your fitness routine, you’ll strengthen your back — making it less likely you’ll have to deal with an injury or chronic pain in the future.

When it comes to back pain, regular stretching is a win-win.

Related: 4 Minutes to Perfect Posture and Less Back Pain

Best back pain stretches

So, now that you know why stretching is so effective for alleviating (and preventing) back pain, let’s talk about the how — a proven stretching routine that’s going to deliver real results for back pain.

Here are five stretches to incorporate into your daily routine to alleviate back pain and maximize performance:

Trunk rotation stretch

Stretch: Begin lying on the mat with knees bent. While maintaining upper back flat on the ground, rotate legs towards the floor until a stretch is felt. Repeat the stretch on the opposite side. Hold each stretch for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times.

Why it works: “This stretch helps improve mobility of the spine while relaxing the muscles on the sides of the trunk,” says Jiang.

Child’s pose

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin on all fours. Sit your hips back while reaching out your arms forward until a mild stretch is felt in the back. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Why it works: “This stretch helps improve mobility of the spine while relaxing the muscles of the lower back,” says Jiang.

Cat-camel back stretch

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin on all fours. Arch your back towards the ceiling and hold. Then arch your back towards the ground and hold. Hold each stretch for 5 seconds, repeat 10 times.

Why it works: “This stretch helps maintain mobility of the spine while strengthening the back and abdominal muscles,” says Jiang.

Hamstring stretch

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin sitting on the floor with one leg straight, and the other bent. While maintaining a flat back, lean forward by hinging from the hip until a stretch is felt behind the thigh. Repeat on the other leg. Hold each stretch for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Why it works: “[When you spend a large portion of your time sitting], the back of the legs gets tight. This would cause pulling of the back when bending forward. Having flexible hamstrings allows for decreased stress in the back with bending and lifting activities,” says Jiang.

Hip flexor stretch

back pain stretchesStretch: Begin by kneeling on a mat. Lean forward towards the bent front knee until a stretch in front of the opposite thigh is felt. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds, repeat 5 times.

Why it works: “[When you spend a large portion of your time sitting], the front of the hips get tight. This would cause the hip muscles to pull the lower back forward in standing, thereby increasing stress in the lower back. Increased flexibility in hip flexors will help with decreased back pain in upright activities,” says Jiang.

For back pain relief, make stretching a daily routine

back pain stretchesStretching is one of the most effective ways to relieve back pain — if you’re consistent with your stretching routine. In order for stretching to work — and for you to get the most pain-busting benefits from your stretching routine — you need to stretch every day.

If you want to maximize the benefit of your back pain stretches, the key is to transform stretching into a “once-in-awhile” (or not at all!) practice into a non-negotiable part of your daily routine.

Here are some tips to incorporate stretching into your day-to-day routine (and kick back pain to the curb in the process):

Stretch when your eyes open in the morning…

If you want to make stretching a habit, make it the first thing you do in the morning — before anything else (like, you know…life) gets in the way.

Not only will stretching first thing in the AM make it easier to get into a regular stretching habit, but it will also increase blood flow to your muscles — which will deliver the boost of energy you need to get your day started.

…and before your head hits the pillow at night

Stretching right when you wake up is great — and so is stretching right before you go to sleep. Getting in a good stretch before your head hits the pillow will help alleviate any tension from the day, which will help relax your body and make it easier to drift off to sleep.

Bookend your day with stretching — morning and evening — to maximize the benefit.

Set reminders throughout the day

back pain stretchesYou’ll want to go through a full stretching routine in the AM and PM — but if you really want to maximize the pain-relieving benefits of stretching, you should also plan to take small stretch breaks throughout the day.

Set an alarm on your phone to remind you to get up and stretch every two hours or download an app like StretchClock that will send you alerts when it’s time to get up and stretch.

Back pain is a real drag — and it can keep you from feeling your best or performing at your highest level. But with the right stretches, you can build strength, alleviate back pain, and maximize your performance. So what are you waiting for? Get stretching!


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