Archives for 2019

Menopause Wreaks Havoc on Your Skin: Here’s What to Do About It

Today we welcome guest author Rochelle Weitzner, Pause™ founder & CEO. Weitzner is a seasoned C-suite executive and beauty industry veteran. She was the CEO of Erno Laszlo, CFO of Laura Mercier & Revive Skincare and spent the 19 years before that with International Paper in various SVP finance roles for $1+ billion businesses within IP.

Menopause Wreaks Havoc on Your Skin: Here’s What to Do About It

Before jumping right into skin changes that accompany menopause, it’s important to first understand menopause itself.

What is menopause?

Dr.Lana-Weight and Menopause_Perimenopause vs menopauseMenopause is natural, normal, and marks the end of your reproductive period. Clinically, you are in menopause when your menstrual periods stop, but the word can be used to refer to the changes you go through right before, during, and after your monthly cycles cease.

Typically, around age 45, you’ll start noticing changes in your body that signal that menopause is coming. If it happens before you hit 40, it’s called premature menopause. Premature menopause can happen as a result of chemotherapy, radiation treatments, autoimmune, or thyroid diseases and sometimes fertility treatments.

There’s also something called surgical menopause, which is what happens immediately after any procedure that removes the ovaries. Having a hysterectomy – the removal of the uterus – doesn’t automatically result in surgical menopause. (Your ovaries and uterus would both need to be removed for surgical menopause to occur.)

While natural menopause happens over the span of several years, surgical menopause is immediate. The abrupt disruption of hormones can make typical menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, brain fog, and memory loss more severe than when it occurs naturally.

The 3 phases of menopause: perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause

Menopause consists of 3 phases – perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause.

Phase 1: Perimenopause

Perimenopause, or menopause transition, is the first phase and lasts on average 7-10 years before full-on menopause. This is when symptoms tend to be the most intense due to the extreme fluctuation in estrogen. Skin changes are the most pronounced during perimenopause.

These changes include:

  • Loss of tone and change in texture
  • Thinner skin
  • Loss of collagen
  • Loss of elasticity
  • Excessive dryness
  • Acne due to the overproduction of oil and sebum by the sebaceous glands that no longer have estrogen to keep them in check

Phase 2: 24 hours of menopause

Phase two is what’s officially known as menopause. At this stage, the ovaries have stopped releasing eggs and producing most of their estrogen. Once you’ve gone 12 full months without a period, the very next day you’re officially in menopause. Menopause lasts just one day — every day after is called post menopause.

Phase 3: Post-menopause

Phase three is called post menopause. It begins the day following menopause and is the third and final phase. The bad news is, this part lasts for the rest of your life. You may be done with your period, but you’re never actually “done” with menopause. This sounds a bit terrifying, but with a little extra care, you can look and feel incredible throughout post-menopause.

Change your hormones, change your skincare routine

As your skin changes during this time, it is very likely that your skincare routine and the products you use also need to change.

Skincare products for menopause

The products that may have worked for you in the past may seem like they no longer do anything. You’re not going crazy – this is because of the hormone changes and resulting changes to your skin.

Production of collagen, the structural support net in our skin, slows as we age. It’s really important to find a deeply hydrating day-and-night moisturizer that helps to spark collagen production, with a focus on increasing skin density and improving elasticity during the three stages of menopause. Pause developed a Collagen Boosting Moisturizer to be nourishing enough for dry skin but light enough to be worn under makeup. Ingredients were selected to work together to boost cell turnover, stimulate collagen production, and moisturize the skin.

With your hormones changing, you may also notice excessive dryness and/or oil. You may be tempted to go back to that spot treatment that worked for you as a teenager or an aggressive scrub, but you need to be more careful about drying out your skin. Instead of going straight for benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, look for gentler alpha-hydroxy acids that can provide non-abrasive exfoliation. Serums or masks with gentle yet effective ingredients will become your go-to products, such as:

  • Bromelain (from pineapples)
  • Papain (from papaya)
  • Willow bark
  • Lactic acid

Foods to keep skin young

keto intermittent fasting benefits

We work from the outside in to improve skin and tissue health with topical products (moisturizers, serums, etc.) but we shouldn’t forget to address what happens from the inside out. Research shows that for some, foods with a high glycemic index such as dairy, white bread, even watermelon could change the composition of skin’s oil secretions, making them stickier and more likely to clog pores.

Foods such as leafy greens, oysters, chickpeas, and cashews that help reduce inflammation in the body can do the same for your skin, helping to prevent visible signs of aging. Your skin is getting nutrients from what you eat, so if your body is feeling good, chances are your skin will benefit too. Before making any drastic diet changes, it is always best to consult with your doctor.

Facial massage to boost collagen

Another great way to target skin health from the inside out is with massage tools. However, not all massage tools are created equal. The purpose of facial massage is to boost circulation and encourage improved cellular function – increased collagen and elastin production. Facial massage should never hurt, leave you red, irritated, or cause any abrasions to the skin.

We worked with a Doctor of Physical Therapy who specializes in instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) to patent an FDA-cleared Class 1 medical device made of medical grade stainless steel. Our Fascia Stimulating Tool has a very specific shape and beveled edge that is engineered to stimulate fibroblasts, collagen-producing cells within the fascia connective tissue, without causing discomfort or irritation.

Research suggests that external skin stimulation can reach beyond the surface to the subdermal level. Gentle stroking with The Fascia Stimulating Tool may improve blood ?ow, support cell turnover, remove waste, boost collagen production, and optimize overall skin nutrition—which can help minimize sagging and enhance volume and elasticity.

Menopause skin fluctuations eventually calm down, but a great skincare routine will help preserve tone, texture, brightness, and overall skin and tissue health throughout the 3 phases of menopause.

For more information about Menopause, tools/products available to offset the effects of menopause and the story of Pause Well Aging, visit the site here.


Mastering Brain Waves and Creating Mind Bridges – Dawson Church – #653

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m at the Beverly Hilton in L.A. with my good friend Dawson Church, Ph.D. Today we’re going to dive into brain wave—what they are, why their frequencies are important and what they do in various emotional states, from stress to meditation.

You’ll find out how brain growth is influenced by “the power of our behavior, of our beliefs, of our practices, of our spiritual practices, of our emotional states on our brains,” Dawson says. “We are reshaping our brains with every thought we think, with every emotion we feel, with every meditation session we do.”

Some background you should know about Dawson: He’s an expert tapper—not of the dancing kind, but rather the emotional freedom technique kind. (EFT for short.) He’s also been on Bulletproof Radio before. In episode 474, we talked about all things tapping and he led me through an EFT session on that podcast. He has conducted dozens of clinical trials and founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to promote groundbreaking new treatments. He’s studied the effects of meditation on the brain and tapping as a technique to help people heal from physical, emotional and mental challenges.

As an award-winning author and researcher, his book “The Genie in Your Genes” linked emotions and genetics. His follow-up book, “Mind to Matter” examined the science of peak mental states. We discuss his forthcoming book, “Bliss Brain,” and the surprising science of the brain he discovered in his research and study of brain waves.

“One of the big mysteries of neuroscience for decades was that the brain activity doesn’t fluctuate by more than 5% up or down, day or night,” he says. “When you relax, your brain doesn’t relax. Your brain activity just stays at the same high level.” … “When you’re not doing a task, the brain sees all this unused spare capacity and it says, “Great. Let’s grab this.” And it grabs it to such a consistent degree that we call that the default mode network.”

Listen on to learn more about brain activity and the fascinating way it bridges your consciousness.

*This episode contains a mini session guided by Dawson that is a allows you to quickly access an altered state of consciousness.

Enjoy the show!

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Mastering Brain Waves and Creating Mind Bridges – Dawson Church – #653


Books by Dawson:
EFT Universe:
Mind to Matter:
National Institute for Integrative Healthcare:

Key Notes

  • How we are breeding our own brains in various ways 00:04:40
  • The brain works the same as a bicep 00:06:50
  • “That’s the saddest face I have ever seen” 00:08:30
  • Acceptance of meditation has come a long way in the last 10 years 00:09:45
  • You need to know your current state and where you want it to go 00:12:00
  • What your brain does when it has spare capacity 00:15:50
  • How can we make our default mode do good things 00:20:15
  • What are delta brain waves? 00:24:40
  • What happens in the theta state in the brain? 00:28:50
  • The brain waves of shamans 00:31:15
  • Alpha brain waves 00:33:20
  • The latest research on gamma brain waves 00:37:55
  • Hurry and meditate faster! 00:39:20
  • The relationship between trauma and gamma brain waves 00:47:30
  • The “four-minute” meditation 00:58:35

Go check out my new book Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever and also “Game Changers“, “Headstrong” and “The Bulletproof Diet” on Amazon and consider leaving a review!

If you like today’s episode, check us out on Apple Podcasts at and leave us a 5-star rating and a creative review.

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint While Traveling for the Holidays

For a lot of people, travel and holidays go hand in hand. When the holidays come around, it’s a chance to see the people you might not get to see too often throughout the year. The thing is, travel can be a huge burden on the environment. Cars, buses, planes, hotels, and everything that goes along with it can add up to a lot of greenhouse gas emissions per person.

Does that mean you should be tied down to the place you live? Not exactly. You can travel even long distances if you do it intentionally.

You can research the companies you’re using to see if they have sustainability practices. Look into the different modes of travel and choose the best one for your distance and time constraints. Off-set carbon from your trips when you can. Here are some things to keep in mind when traveling for the holidays this year.

Plane vs. train vs. car vs. bus travel – which has the lowest carbon footprint?

Buses and airplanes surprisingly have a similar carbon output per passenger. According to the BEIS/Defra Greenhouse Gas Conversion Factors 2019, planes generate 133g per passenger per km, and buses come in a little lower at 104g. Here’s the kicker, though — planes come with secondary effects because the emissions get dumped into higher altitude levels of the atmosphere, which has a bigger impact than ground-level emissions. This adds an additional 121g of impact, bringing planes to a total of 254g of greenhouse gases per passenger per km. Choose bus travel over plane travel whenever possible.

Cars can be good or bad depending on how many passengers are in tow. If you’re driving solo, you’re looking at 171g per passenger per km, which is higher than airplane output before you factor in the emissions impact from being at high altitude. If you’re road tripping with the fam, the number drops with each passenger. If you have at least four people in your car, you bring your numbers to around 42g per person per km.

Rail travel is the best way to go, coming in at only 41g per passenger per km. Amtrak, the largest train travel network in North America, is actively working toward reducing its already low carbon footprint.

Ground transportation with reduced emissions

Sometimes, there’s no way around flying, and you have to get from the airport to your destination. When using rideshare apps, choose a shared vehicle to reduce your impact. Lyft makes donations to off-set the carbon output, which makes each ride carbon-neutral.

If you’re renting a car, request an electric or hybrid vehicle. And whenever possible, hop on a bus or train to get to where you’re going. If you didn’t plan ahead, the airport’s information desk can help you find public transportation.

Off-set your carbon with the NOW Carbon Offset tool

Sometimes, because of time or financial constraints, you have to travel in ways that aren’t the most climate-friendly. That doesn’t mean you’re powerless, though. A sustainability project called It Must Be NOW has developed a carbon off-set tool that allows you to calculate the environmental impact of your travel. Then, it gives you ways to invest in carbon off-set projects to help reduce your impact. You can calculate the carbon footprint of your holiday travel here.

Does off-setting your carbon suck your airplane’s carbon out of the air? Not exactly. Does it contribute to the development of technology that will one day suck carbon out of the air, or resesarch other ways to restore our environment’s equilibrium? Yes. It’s a balance — find ways to travel that minimize your carbon footprint, reduce the amount of trips that you take when possible, and off-set your emissions when you do end up taking a trip.

Choose a sustainable hotel, or a hotel working toward sustainability

Hotels run a lot of electricity and gas. They have to keep common area lights on 24/7, they have to heat enough water for every room whether people use it or not, the washer and dryer are running nonstop… it all adds up.

There are hotels that are actively working toward reducing their carbon footprint. Before booking, do a quick internet search for “[hotel name] + sustainability” to find out what the company is doing to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency.

Asking you to reuse your towels is a start, but there are hotel chains that do much more than that. Choose hotels that are taking intentional steps toward reducing their impact.

Bonus points if you write the hotel’s corporate offices and tell them that you chose to stay there because of their sustainability efforts. The higher the demand for sustainable accommodations, the more available they will become.

Choose transportation companies with clear sustainability goals

It’s becoming more and more common for travel companies to set and work toward sustainability goals. Because the travel industry is the 5th largest polluter of carbon in the world today, this is the area where real change can happen.

These are just a few examples of companies that are working toward real solutions. There are many others changing their practices to reduce their impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

Rethinking Strength with Intelligent Muscle Training – Ben Pakulski – #652

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m talking with Ben Pakulski in person at Alpha Labs. Ben is a retired professional bodybuilder and former Mr. Canada who now educates people all around the globe on the benefits of an intelligent and holistic approach to muscle building and its effect on thriving health, longevity, upgraded consciousness, self-confidence and an overall positive outlook on life.

He also hosts the podcast “Muscle Intelligence” and is the creator of the best-selling muscle-building program MI40.

“I want to empower people to realize that the story they tell themself as to why they are the way they are now is not necessarily reality,” Ben says. “It’s just the way you’ve adapted to your environment and your scenarios. You can change. I think that’s the big messaging behind what I do is I want to empower people to change their body and change their mind, and realize that no matter what it is in this world, you can do it. You just haven’t figured out the steps yet.”

Ben uses a unique mindset-based approach to muscle-building. Listen on to learn about all the benefits of muscle, how to maximize your results in a healthy way, and the role of mindfulness in gaining muscle.

Enjoy the show!

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Rethinking Strength with Intelligent Muscle Training – Ben Pakulski – #652


Podcast Instagram:

Key Notes

  • Why bodybuilders are thought to be meat-heads 00:06:00
  • Did winning contests make Ben happy? 00:08:40
  • How do you gain more muscle in half the time? 00:11:30
  • We are looking at muscle building in the wrong way 00:14:10
  • The inverted u curve of muscle necessity 00:19:35
  • Balancing values of your workout time 00:21:50
  • How to choose a yoga teacher 00:25:50
  • Is it possible to overtrain? 00:28:55
  • Most human beings don’t have the proper form or choose the right exercises 00:34:40
  • There are no genetically weak body parts 00:38:40
  • The foundation of all movement starts at the spine 00:42:20
  • How does meditation build muscle? 00:43:55
  • How Ben has changed his diet 00:48:00
  • When to eat gluten and when not to 00:50:40
  • Bodybuilders are the original biohackers 00:56:30

Go check out my new book Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever and also “Game Changers“, “Headstrong” and “The Bulletproof Diet” on Amazon and consider leaving a review!

If you like today’s episode, check us out on Apple Podcasts at and leave us a 5-star rating and a creative review.

Diindolylmethane (DIM): The Hormone-Regulating Supplement for Acne, Weight, Breast Cancer, and More


  • Diindolylmethane (DIM) is the compound in cruciferous vegetables that makes experts advise people at risk for breast cancer to eat more cabbage and broccoli as a preventive measure.
  • Word is getting out, and DIM has started picking up steam as a supplement of choice to deal with a variety of issues such as acne, PMS, mood swings, fibroids, menopause symptoms, and even things like man boobs.
  • DIM restores healthy hormone balance by adjusting the balance of bad estrogens to good estrogens, and it blocks aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen.
  • Read on to find out the benefits of DIM and whether it’s right for you.


As the word gets out, diindolylmethane (DIM) has started picking up steam as a supplement of choice to deal with a variety of issues such as acne, PMS, mood swings, fibroids, menopause symptoms, and even things like man boobs. Read on to find out the benefits of DIM and whether it’s right for you.

[readmore title=”What is DIM, and how does it work?”]

What is Diindolylmethane (DIM)

Let’s take a step back first. Remember when the buzz was that cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) help prevent breast cancer? That’s because they contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol. When indole-3-carbinol hits your stomach acid, a chemical reaction converts it to diindolylmethane (DIM), and that’s what works its magic.

You could eat a giant serving bowl of broccoli and cabbage to get the researched dose of DIM, and veggies are obviously necessary for overall health. But there’s a catch. The veggies that contain indole-3-carbinol are the same ones that contain goitrogenic compounds — compounds that mess with your thyroid.

If you have thyroid problems, you have to pay attention to goitrogens. There’s a two-way cause-effect relationship between your thyroid and excess estrogen. You can still have your broccoli and cabbage with a lazy thyroid. You don’t want piles of it, though. If you take DIM in a capsule, you avoid those extra compounds and the resulting thyroid pitfalls.

The benefits of DIM go way beyond breast cancer prevention. Keep reading to find out what DIM can do for weight loss, acne, menopause and more.

Benefits of DIM

The list of uses for diindolylmethane is growing as research on the topic expands. There is science behind benefits of DIM for things like:

  • Hormonal acne
  • Preventing negative effects of testosterone supplementation
  • Estrogen dominance
  • Weight loss
  • Potential cancer therapy
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Menopause

Science is emerging and the results are promising. Here are the more noteworthy findings around DIM so far.

Is DIM an estrogen blocker?

You’ll see people using DIM as an estrogen blocker, but that’s not exactly how it works. Your body will continue to produce the estrogen it would have produced without DIM. Xenoestrogens (estrogen imitators from your personal and household products and environment) still make their way inside your body as they would without DIM.

More accurately, DIM works two ways. First, it blocks the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. Second, it converts bad estrogens into good estrogen metabolites.

“Good” estrogen vs. “bad” estrogen

A lot of women and a substantial portion of men are either aware or suspect they are estrogen dominant — they have too much estrogen relative to other hormones.

It’s not enough to demonize all estrogens. Certain estrogens have a positive action on the body, while others cause problems.

Related: Find Out If You’re Estrogen Dominant Now

Good estrogen: 2-hydroxyestrone

There’s a bit of controversy as to whether 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1) causes cancer or prevents it. It’s tricky because so many other factors go into DNA damage and tumor formation. So far, evidence points to 2-OHE1 as a cancer preventive.

Healthy levels of 2-OHE1 are associated with:

  • Lower body fat and more muscle[ref url=””]
  • Higher quality collagen in the skin and joints[ref url=”″]
  • Healthy bone density[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]
  • Proper cholesterol levels (in animal models)[ref url=””]

2-OHE1 also serves as a strong antioxidant, protecting the body from damaging free radicals.

Bad estrogens: 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone, 4-hydroxyestrone

Levels of 16-alphy-hydroxy-estrone (16-OHE1), the “bad” estrogen, are elevated in women and research animals with breast cancer.[ref url=””] Newer research takes it a step further, pointing out that it’s not the individual levels that matter — rather, it’s the ratio of good estrogen to bad estrogen. If your estrogen metabolism favors 2-OHE1, you’re less likely to experience the negative effects of estrogen, including pre-menopausal[ref url=””] and post-menopausal breast cancer[ref url=””]

Although 4-hydroxyestrone (4-OHE1) gets far less research attention in estrogen studies, the research that is out there confirms it as a cancer-causing estrogen.[ref url=””][ref url=””] It deserves more scrutiny for its influence on cancer because of its ability to alter DNA without even hooking up to an estrogen receptor.[ref url=””][ref url=””]

These estrogen metabolites are the ones responsible for all of the problems you may attribute to estrogen, including PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, water retention, acne, low sex drive and more.

Related: Science-Backed Ways to Boost Low Libido & Sex Drive

What DIM does to your estrogen metabolite ratio

Researchers showed that DIM and its precursor, I3C, adjust your ratios of estrogen metabolites and protect your body in several ways:

  • Encourage estrogens to metabolize into the protective 2?OHE1[ref url=”″][ref url=””][ref url=”″][ref url=””][ref url=”″][ref url=”;2-K”]
  • Inhibit carcinogenic 4-OHE1[ref url=””][ref url=”″]
  • Induce tumor cell death, preventing tumor cells from replicating[ref url=””][ref url=””][ref url=””][ref url=”″]

DIM as a hormonal acne treatment

Do you have hormonal acne? Here are a few telltale signs of hormonal acne:

  • Does your acne appear at the same time in your menstrual cycle each month?
  • Is your acne the deep, painful, cystic variety that doesn’t easily pop? (Don’t try to pop it…but you know the kind of pimples these are.)
  • Do you see your acne along the chin, jawline, or cheeks?

If this sounds like you, you might benefit from DIM.

Hormonal acne results from an imbalance of good estrogens, bad estrogens, and testosterone. When you supplement with DIM, it works to prevent the bad estrogen pathways and strengthens the good estrogens and testosterone. When everything is in balance, you skin will have the proper support to stay clear and healthy.

Testosterone supplementation and why the bodybuilding community likes DIM

Everyone has testosterone — both men and women need it for cardiovascular health, bone density, skin quality, mental health, and more. By your mid-forties your testosterone typically drops low enough that some of your body processes aren’t working properly, and you’ll need to supplement.

We all have an enzyme called aromatase which converts a portion of our testosterone, whether we produce it naturally or supplement. Aromatase will convert a portion of testosterone into estrogen,[ref url=”″] which comes with all the effects that natural estrogen has. Some people have a gene that causes them to convert testosterone to estrogen more readily than others.

Bodybuilding presents a special case of too much estrogen from testosterone. Since testosterone promotes muscle tone in normal amounts and extreme muscle growth in excess, men and women of the bodybuilding community typically take more than replacement levels of testosterone. It’s the norm in the world of bodybuilding, and if you want to compete without injecting yourself with hormones, you can find “natural” or “drug-free” bodybuilding competitions.

Too much testosterone can lead to an excess of estrogen, which can cause all kinds of problems. Gyecomastia (man boobs, known to bodybuilders as “gyno”) is one of the more undesirable effects of too much estrogen that results from too much testosterone, especially for men who want to get into competition shape. Men develop extra fatty tissue in the breast and a palpable mammary gland behind the nipple. A large portion of competitive bodybuilders who develop gyno will opt for corrective surgery.

DIM inhibits aromatase, so that more testosterone is freely available in your system to benefit your heart, bones, skin, and brain. Plus, when aromatase isn’t able to convert testosterone into harmful estrogen metabolites, you have fewer symptoms of estrogen dominance like acne and mood swings.

DIM for weight loss

People report weight loss with diindolylmethane supplementation, for several reasons.

For one, bad estrogens signal to your body to hold onto weight, especially in the hips and thighs[ref url=”″]. If you have a better balance of estrogen metabolites, you’re less likely to hold onto unnecessary body fat.

Related: What Your Body Type Says About Your Hormones and What to Do About It

Second, DIM and its precursor I3C suppress adipogenesis, which is the formation of new fat cells.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=”″] It also stimulates burning the fat cells you have and the fat you eat through your diet.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

Side effects of DIM and how to deal

DIM is generally well-tolerated with a few mild symptoms for a few days. Side effects of DIM include:

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Dark urine (orange to brownish)

The consensus is that darkened urine is harmless and will return to normal once you stop taking your DIM supplement. Some say it’s a good sign that DIM is working on your liver to neutralize estrogen metabolites. Whatever the cause, don’t be alarmed.

The rest of the side effects of DIM are short-lived and resemble the effects of general detox symptoms — because that’s precisely what’s happening. DIM pulls excess estrogens out of your cells and sends them out into the bloodstream for elimination. While it’s all circulating, you’ll feel like crud.

That’s the case with any detox. When you pull things like chemicals, heavy metals, and mold toxins out of hiding, they have an effect on the cells they come into contact with while they’re on their way out. That’s why it’s crucial to support your body’s detox and elimination systems while you’re taking DIM or doing other detoxes.

Here’s how you can get the ick out ASAP:

  • Support your liver. The liver is a main mode of estrogen breakdown, and when you’re using DIM to usher it out, your liver starts to work overtime. You can support your liver with glutathione, calcium d-glucarate, vitamin C, and liver support herbs like dandelion, burdock, yellow dock, and milk thistle.
  • Use charcoal on rough days. Activated charcoal binds to excess estrogen to prevent it from creating havoc on your cells. Use it on particularly miserable initial detox days — not throughout the entire time you take DIM. Reason being, it also binds nutrients, and you want to get the most out of the healthy food you eat.
  • Drink plenty of clean water. Get a good filter, and drink way more water than you think you need. Frequent urination is a good thing while you’re detoxing.
  • Explore detox biohacks. Saunas, IV therapy, cryotherapy (no chamber needed, you can toss some ice in your bath or take a cold shower), and other detox methods will help things along.

If you had detox symptoms for a few days, it’s a sign that you had a lot of estrogen to deal with and you probably really needed to get it out.

Related: 8 Detox Methods That Actually Work

One more DIM side effect…

There are women who were successful with DIM who anecdotally report breast growth while taking DIM. Coincidence? Maybe. Or, it could be because clearing out the “bad” estrogens frees up estrogen receptors for the “good” estrogens, which have a tendency to perk things up. Your mileage may vary.

DIM dosage

Typically, DIM will come in 100-200mg capsules. Since you could have detox effects, it’s best to start slow, with 100mg every day or every other day until you no longer have detox symptoms. Depending on your goals, you might stay at that dose, or work up to more.

Bodybuilders who use DIM to counteract the effects of testosterone supplementation converting to estrogen tend to take up to 400mg a day.

Cancer patients using DIM to complement their cancer treatment typically take a higher dose as well. If you’re taking a higher dose than the bottle suggests, make sure you’re supervised by a qualified medical professional.

There’s no need to power through the difficult part. If you’re miserable, ease off and pick back up once you don’t get the fatigue and headaches.

DIM might sound like a wonder pill, but the reality is that it acts mainly on one small mechanism that causes havoc when it’s out of control. To get DIM naturally, eat your cruciferous veggies. If you think DIM might benefit you, talk to a qualified medical professional and see if you can get yourself onto a program that will give you the most return.

Altered States of Sex – Layla Martin – #651

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I have a fascinating guest who teaches people the tools and techniques required to experience pleasurable sex. Women’s Health Magazine calls her, “the Headmistress of Pleasure,” and Cosmopolitan calls her a “Sexpert Extraordinaire.”

Layla Martin studied human sexuality and human biology at Stanford and then spent a decade learning from Tantric masters in the jungles of Asia. She combines modern science with the effective practices of Tantra to inspire people to heal trauma or shame and fully awaken their sexuality.

“Humans need access to these mystical states of awareness,” she says. “It’s not something just privileged or woo-woo or something for yoga class; it’s something that people need to be operating at the highest level of neurological health.”

As the founder of the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, Layla teaches people how to experience more epic sex and legendary love through her trademarked VITA™ Method. She has a potent approach to up-leveling sex and life, and she shares her practices on her YouTube channel, which has nearly 90 million views to date.

So, if you’re ready to upgrade your sex life, listen on for this and more of Layla’s advice: “Being connected to your body, understanding your energy system and having an ability to feel heightened sensations all contribute to being excellent in bed.”

Enjoy the show!

Listen on Apple Podcasts or iTunesListen on Google Podcasts

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Altered States of Sex – Layla Martin – #651


“Wild Woman in the Bedroom: Break Free of Insecurities and Awaken Your True
“Epic Lovers: A Playful Guide for

Key Notes

  • How does sex relate to mysticism? 00:04:20
  • Why did tantra get focussed on sex instead of longevity? 00:07:30
  • Sex is an active form of meditation 00:10:05
  • Does yoga make you better in bed? 00:10:35
  • Is it a good idea to match genital size? 00:13:30
  • Having shared meditation practice with your partner 00:17:40
  • Couples are terrified to share what they like 00:18:40
  • Creating safety in a partnership 00:19:55
  • Getting a business divorce 00:23:25
  • What happens when people stop having sex? 00:25:50
  • Woke masturbation 00:28:25
  • Training longer orgasms 00:40:35
  • Taoist energy practice 00:44:00
  • The female orgasm is the highest energy state 00:45:40
  • Was “50 Shades of Grey” good for us or bad? 00:49:30
  • The six kinds of sex 00:51:40
  • What is sexual polarity? 00:55:30
  • Doing sex training in a large group 00:58:55

Go check out my new book Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever and also “Game Changers“, “Headstrong” and “The Bulletproof Diet” on Amazon and consider leaving a review!

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