Team Asprey

Bulletproof Testimonial: A Love Story

The words donuts, Bulletproof and love don’t usually appear in the same sentence, but they describe how one couple transformed their lives.

Jonathan Brnak works as the Assistant Store Manager at the Bulletproof Cafe in Santa Monica. But a few years back, he was a sugar junkie, scrounging for change on the floor of his car to get his fast food fix. He fell into a cycle of binging and then crashing hard as his energy dropped to zero.

With his weight going up and his health on the decline, his doctor recommended the Bulletproof Diet.

 “I had cravings for junk food all day and it didn’t help that I lived by a donut shop,” says Jonathan. “Every time I drove by I had to stop. My personal favorite was the cinnamon roll or a sprinkle. Of course, I was always looking for loose change under my car seat to buy another dozen donut holes. Next thing I knew my energy was crashing which affected all aspects of my life. I wasn’t able to see the possibility life had to offer. I was stuck in survival mode …  It became apparent how low my performance was and how I was showing up to my friends, family and the rest of the world. So I gave the diet a try.”   

Jonathon and his girlfriend Hideko started following the Bulletproof Roadmap and collectively lost more than 100 pounds. “I lost 50 pounds in two months and Hideko lost 66 pounds in four months with no exercise. But the most important aspect of this journey was our deeper connection with each other.”




Not only were Jonathon and Hideko shedding pounds and looking good, they also felt better, which had a direct impact on how they lived their lives and how close they felt to each other.

This is how Jonathon tells it:

“Before Bulletproof I didn’t have the energy or stamina to get through those difficult conversations with Hideko. I just wanted to sit down, put on Netflix and disconnect. Now I have the physical energy and mental power to work through difficult situations and grow.

After going Bulletproof everything became easier. I wasn’t struggling physically. Now I could spend more time in the ocean freediving and pushing myself harder than before. Hiking with Hideko in the Eastern Sierra Nevada, we found new beauty because we weren’t stuck in our heads wondering how much further we had to hike to make it over the pass.”

At the 2016 Bulletproof conference in September, Jonathon surprised Hideko by proposing to her onstage in front of 900 of conference goers. Their story and the proposal drew a standing ovation.

Find out how she answered by checking out the video below.

But be forewarned. If you watch, you might be inspired to lose weight, gain energy and maybe even live happily ever after. 😉  


Has Bulletproof changed your life? Consider telling us your story here and join the hundreds of thousands of people that the Bulletproof Diet and lifestyle has touched. Thanks for reading and stay Bulletproof!

How to Tell Friends & Family You’re Bulletproof

You started the Bulletproof Diet as an experiment. From the first coffee, the impact on your performance was undeniable – at work, at home, in the gym. You lost weight and gained a new kind of steady, long-lasting energy. Now you feel amazing and you want tell everyone.

There’s only one problem …

You fear being judged and marginalized by friends, family and workmates. After all, many of these people follow the Standard American Diet (SAD) and would probably freak out if you told them about the two (or three, or four) tablespoons of butter you plop into your coffee every morning.

What if they don’t take you seriously? What if they call Bulletproof  a crazy fad, or worse, an outright fraud? What if they make a concerted effort to try to tempt you with Oreos, Doritos and kettle corn?

Our founder and CEO, Dave Asprey, often faces this same dilemma. In his opinion, the best defense is an open invitation. This is what Dave tells doubters:

“Drink Bulletproof coffee and notice how you feel. That would be a very important form of evidence.”

In other words, offer the doubters a chance to test Bulletproof themselves before they judge. Invite them to try Bulletproof Coffee. It can do more than change the conversation. It can help others change their lives.

For other ideas on how to share the Bulletproof lifestyle with family, friends and neighbors, read on:

Don’t keep it a secret

One of the main tenets of the Bulletproof Diet is that healthy fats from foods like butter, ghee and Brain Octane Oil actually help you to burn fat and boost mental and physical performance. This runs counter to the conventional opinion that fat is evil and will clog your arteries.

Trying to explain that eating fat has helped to turn your life around might seem like a mission impossible. You might think it easier to avoid confrontations with people you know and hide your Bulletproof connection.

However, research suggests that there’s a connection between positive social support and sticking to your diet.[1] So, in a way, you owe it to yourself to share your experience.

Try telling the story of how you became Bulletproof and how it’s improved your life to others. Almost all people in the Bulletproof community present with some kind of issue or problem they want to address. When others understand where you started and where you want to end up, they often turn from critics to supporters.

If you commit to transparency, you take the first step toward staying Bulletproof for the long run. This way when you gently refuse your mom’s famous tater tot casserole or the donuts your coworker left in the break room, they may understand it’s not a rejection of them, but a life choice.

Stay low-key

Instead of becoming a pushy Bulletproof evangelist, wait for people to ask questions. What’s in your mug? Have you lost weight? How do you have so much energy? If they show interest, you have the opportunity to casually talk about the changes you’ve made. Avoid getting into a debate. There is no debate. It’s your life and your choice. If you feel like you’re under attack, just smile. Thank them for their ideas and change the subject.

But sometimes you may feel you can’t avoid a sticky situation: maybe you’re headed to a family dinner, your office is taking orders for a catered lunch, or your partner wants to bake you a gluten-filled birthday cake. You still have a few easy-going options:

Remember, it’s more mainstream than ever to have dietary guidelines and follow a protocol. Take advantage.

Make it easy to understand

Share some of the great introductions to Bulletproof available for free on the Internet. Print the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap, show them the 10 Secrets to Success on the Bulletproof Diet or Dave’s video on how to make Bulletproof Coffee. You’ll help your loved ones understand the diet’s basic concepts without overwhelming them with research on why it works.

Be generous

If your loved ones want to learn more, go one step further. Lend out your copies of The Bulletproof Diet and The Better Baby Book. Cook recipes from Bulletproof: The Cookbook (like pumpkin flan or ginger-braised ribs). Let them take your blue light-blocking glasses for a spin. Schedule gym time with them and practice Bulletproof-approved exercise techniques. In this way, you may be able to cultivate a deeper conversation about why Bulletproof works and how others can try it too.

Ultimately, the best way to tell people about Bulletproof is to simply live the best life possible, according to what you find works best for you. If you can eliminate brain fog, achieve higher mental and physical performance, and just feel happier, your family and friends may want the same results. From there, it just takes an open conversation—and a good cup of coffee.

And if you’ve already gone through this process, please share your story in the comments on our Facebook page. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.




Fight Fatigue With These 5 Quick Tips

Fatigue is one of the fastest-growing issues in the U.S.

Not too surprising. In a culture that fetishizes working as hard as possible, it’s easy to trade good sleep and home-cooked meals for 10-hour days fueled by on-the-go, prepackaged junk. Almost 15 million Americans work full time on evening shift, night shift, rotating shifts, or other irregular schedules [1], and about 19% of working adults clock in 48-hour or longer weeks; 7% work 60 hours or more [2].

[Tweet “Chronic fatigue leads to hormone imbalance, brain fog, and mitochondrial dysfunction. #fightfatigue #bulletproof”]

Those long hours and late nights, compounded with chronic stress and nutrient-depleted foods, lead to hormone imbalance, brain fog, and mitochondrial dysfunction. And that’s when the fatigue really sets in.

Here’s what happens when you go from simply tired to chronically fatigued:

  • You have trouble waking up in the morning
  • You sleep a lot and still feel tired
  • You feel depressed, anxious, or overly critical of yourself
  • Your energy crashes in the middle of the day
  • You have trouble focusing

If this sounds like you, it’s time for some foundational work. You may think you’re getting more done by skipping sleep, but relaxation and quality sleep will actually make you more productive in the long run.

5 ways to beat fatigue fast

  1. Dial in your diet. When you’re busy and tired, it’s hard to think about eating well, but this is when nutrient-dense foods and cutting out the crap becomes crucial. The Bulletproof Diet is the ideal way to fight fatigue. It eliminates processed food, sugar and most starches and encourages quality fats that satisfy your hunger while increasing cognitive function. Blood sugar stabilizing protein and vegetables throughout the day give you consistent energy and support restful sleep. For even more fatigue-fighting fuel, drizzle Brain Octane Oil on your meat, vegetables – even your sushi – for fats that are quickly absorbed and used as energy.
  2.  Mind your gut bacteria. Your gut bacteria impact your energy levels. A recent study published in the journal Microbiome found that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) sufferers had a reduced overall diversity of gut bacteria and fewer anti-inflammatory bacteria.[3] To keep gut bugs balanced, avoid mold toxins and sugar, both of which can lead to yeast and bacterial overgrowth. And – you guessed it – the Bulletproof Diet can create a powerful shift gut bacteria, leading to improved energy and fat loss. As for supplementation? Over the counter probiotics can be hit or miss – it’s best to work with a practitioner to determine a targeted protocol. You may be better off experimenting with prebiotics from resistant starch.
  3.  Zap mold. A lot of common foods contain mold and mycotoxins that wreak havoc on your energy levels. They dampen your cognitive function, which leaves you unmotivated and makes your mitochondria (the powerhouses of your cells) less efficient at producing energy. Mold in your environment is a big issue too, especially because a microscopic amount can harm you, especially if you’re more genetically inclined to mold sensitivity. Here’s an article with more on mold and how to avoid it.
  4.  Move your body. Exercise boosts your insulin sensitivity and increases testosterone. Insulin sensitivity keeps your blood sugar levels steady so you don’t have those energy crashes throughout the day and testosterone correlates with higher energy.[4] It’s a little cruel that one of the best ways to fight fatigue is by working hard, but exercise links strongly to increased energy levels. Get through those first couple of workouts; it will be worth it.
  5.  Boost your brain with heat and light. Red light donates photons that your mitochondria can use to make more energy. Spending a few minutes under red light, especially in the morning, will get your mitochondria firing on all cylinders. It makes waking up much easier and can give you energy throughout the day. The best part? You don’t have to buy some fancy light machine. Get some $7 red LED light strips and stick them to the ceiling above your bed. When you wake up, pull off the covers and spend 5-10 minutes with red light shining on you. It’s best to be naked so the light hits as much of your skin as possible. And if you’re really struggling with fatigue, you can leave the red light on overnight and sleep with the covers off. Red light doesn’t inhibit melatonin, so your sleep won’t suffer, and you’ll be charging your mitochondria all night. Heat therapy using far-infrared saunas can also fight fatigue. In studies that evaluated heat therapy on the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, patients stayed in an infrared sauna for 15-minutes, then rested under a blanket for an additional 30-minutes. They reported huge increases in energy, less pain and better mood. [5,6]

[Tweet “You can boost your brain, fight fatigue, and balance your body with heat and light. #fightfatigue #bulletproof”]

You’ve probably struggled with fatigue at some point in your life. What hack would you add to this list? Share yours below. And sign up for the Bulletproof newsletter for even more actionable ways to get better at everything.




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5 Anti-aging Secrets for Your Mitochondria

While wrinkles and a sagging belly might be among the wince-inducing initial signs, aging actually begins in your cells. Mitochondria are the power plants within your cells that are ground zero for energy production.

Often called the “powerhouse of the cell,” mitochondria produce energy as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) that your body then uses to fuel your day-to-day activities. Mitochondria dictate how you feel all the time. They’re the bedrock of a strong body and a powerful mind.


Get the two-week plan on how to strengthen your mitochondria and boost brain performance in your copy of Head Strong.


Some cells have more mitochondria than others. Your brain cells are teeming with these little guys. Ditto your heart. Muscle cells have a pretty massive mitochondrial crew.

You want tons of these guys working at full capacity and cranking out constant energy. Stronger mitochondria make for stronger brains and stronger bodies. So does consistency: mitochondrial biogenesis, or creating new mitochondria, becomes crucial for vibrant aging, optimal energy production, and protection against oxidative stress.

The opposite – mitochondrial dysfunction – spells disaster for your energy levels, contributing to numerous problems including cardiovascular disease and obesity. [1]

Unfortunately, the enormous amount of energy your mitochondria produce makes them susceptible to free radical damage and decay as you age. This means that your mitochondria become weaker and decline in number as you age. Ultimately, all the things we associate with aging – fatigue, excess fat, and a decrease in muscle mass and cognitive ability – are all symptoms of weakening mitochondria.

[Tweet “Strong body and powerful mind? It starts with your cells. #mitochondria #Bulletproof”]

But if you’re familiar with Bulletproof, you know that we don’t stand for weight gain or low energy. Mitochondrial glitches are not inevitable. Here are five ways you can support your mitochondria (even grow new ones!) for greater vitality and a more vigorous life. 


5 Ways to Upgrade Your Mitochondria

In the past, researchers and doctors have relied on things like chronic calorie restriction (CR) to convince your body to create more mitochondria. [2] That works, but it takes a great deal of willpower. These five hacks are much easier than starving yourself.

  1) Curb inflammation

Inflammation plays a key role in aging, damaging mitochondria and increasing mitochondrial dysfunction. [3] Ways to dial down inflammation include Bulletproof Protein fasting, exercising, taking a quality krill oil supplement, and following the Bulletproof Diet, where you replace inflammatory foods like grains, dairy, and omega-6 oils with anti-inflammatory , nutrient-rich fats, meats, and vegetables.

  2) Get good sleep

Studies show crappy sleep and sleep disorders play a key role in mitochondrial dysfunction. [4] In 2012, researchers identified the glymphatic system, which uses the cells’ mitochondria to remove cellular waste from the brain, particularly while you sleep. [5] In other words, as you sleep, the cells in your brain use their mitochondria to remove cellular waste. Join our 14-Day Free Sleep Challenge to hack your sleep

3) Boost your brain fuel

Brain Octane turns into ketones within minutes, providing abundant fuel for your mitochondria. Ketones boost your metabolism, increase fat burning, curb hunger, and sharpen your focus. They make your mitochondria more efficient at producing energy. 

4) HIIT it

Among its gazillion benefits, moving your body improves mitochondrial function and helps your brain perform better. [6] Walking has its merits, but the real advantages come from stepping it up a notch. Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to work out your mitochondria. One study found just two weeks of HIIT “significantly increased mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle.” [7]

5) Try Unfair Advantage

The best supplement to crank up your mitochondria is a unique active form of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), the cousin of the popular supplement CoQ10. Adding ActivePQQ, the activated form of PQQ, can make you feel like you’re flipping on a switch of clean-burning energy. Bulletproof takes it a step further by packaging ActivePQQ in a colloidal delivery system along with CoQ10, to enhance bioavailability and absorption. The result is Unfair Advantage, a powerful way to support your mitochondria.  

Have you hacked your mitochondria to increase your energy? Any tips or tricks? Share them below. Thanks for reading and have a great week. 


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Cracking the Back-to-School Code

Back-to-school season usually means trying to prepare your kids for school by buying them stuff. But if you really want to prime your offspring for a year of growth and discovery, try biohacking with them.

These simple tips can help you hack your child’s sleep, focus, diet, stress, and more.

1. Sleep – Establish a bedtime routine

Kids have been sleeping less and less over the last 100 years [1]. Early start times, too much homework and the stress of packed schedules can all affect sleep. Don’t let them, because sleep is one of the most powerful ways to improve your kid’s life. Your kids are happier, their brains function better, and they have lower cortisol when they sleep well. [2] Sleep is especially important for teenagers. They’re growing like crazy; they’ve got to rest.

Simple sleep hacks:

  • Create consistency – Studies show that children with non-regular bedtimes had more behavioral problems than children who had a stable bedtime routine. [3] Given the importance of sleep, establish a specific bedtime and begin enforcing it about a week before school starts. The National Sleep Foundation can recommend how much sleep your child needs based on age.  
  • Limit electronic devices before bedtime – Blue and white light from electronic devices suppress melatonin, a hormone that helps you fall asleep. [4] Have your kids power down at least an hour before bed, including TV. You can also install an app called f.lux on computers for free and set phones and tablets to night mode, which filters out the melatonin-suppressing blue light.
  • Black out your kid’s room and remove electronics – Install blackout curtains in every bedroom and remove electronics that emit any light. Just the illumination from a cell phone can wake you up. [5] Keeping electronics out of the bedroom also stops your kids from sneaking onto the computer or playing games after you tuck them in.
  • Supplements – Chamomile is a mild sedative that’s gentle enough for kids. Brew your child a mug of chamomile tea an hour before he/she goes to bed. Lavender is another great bedtime herb because its aroma has sedative effects. [6] Try using lavender soap or lotion at bedtime. And if herbs aren’t strong enough, melatonin will most likely put your child right out. According to the Boston Pediatric Hospital, it’s “probably safe” for anyone 3 and older. Start with a very low dose (2-3 mg). Melatonin supplementation isn’t recommended long-term for kids or adults!

[Tweet “Study: Kids with regular bedtimes have less behavior problems. #backtoschool”]

2. Brain food

Diet is probably the most important hack on this list. Kids’ brains function better with good fuel [7]. Try these kid-friendly Bulletproof Diet tips from the archives.

Eating your broccoli is great, but won’t make much of a difference in energy and cognitive function while there’s sugar in the mix.

Sugar is straight kryptonite for kids (and adults, for that matter). It causes a sugar high followed by a major crash. That sucks for anyone, but it’s even worse for youngsters because they don’t have the emotional control to deal with such a roller-coaster. That means crazy hyperactivity followed by lethargy, grumpiness, and tantrums. Plus, sugar messes with hormones. Not good for a growing kid, and even worse for a teenager.

The Bulletproof Roadmap works as well for children as it does for adults. Making upgraded versions of old favorites can ease the transition.

Get your children off sugar and on healthy fats, good quality protein, and plenty of veggies. It makes an astounding difference in learning and behavior, especially if your kid has trouble paying attention in school or suffers from mood swings.

[Tweet “Parents, ever seen your kids go hyper only to crash in a tantrum? Couldn’t be  #sugar, could it? #backtoschool “]

3. Stress – It’s not just for grownups 

Kids feel stress as much as you do. Teens rate the emotional and physical symptoms of stress in similar proportions to adults, and almost half of the teens polled in one study said they do not believe they are doing enough to manage their stress. [8]

  • Breathe – Deep breathing increases oxygen to the brain and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of calm. [9] Children can use deep breathing to improve concentration, help with anxiety and to relax before bed. Have your child lie on her back, close her eyes, and place her hands on her belly. Ask her to take a slow, deep breath in while you count to four (or whatever she’s comfortable with), hold the breath for two, then slowly release. Repeat for a few cycles. Follow along if you’d like. This is good for grown-ups, too.
  • HRV – Heart rate variability (HRV) training teaches your child emotional and fight-or-flight control, as well as stress management. It helps that it’s laid out like an interactive game. Have your son or daughter practice for 5 minutes a day at first, moving up to 10. Frame it as a game that will give your kid superpowers – “This teaches you to stop being scared.”
  • Learn to listen – Want to know how your child is feeling? Just ask. The goal is for your kids to express themselves, so they feel understood and validated. Ask them what they are looking forward to and what they’re anxious about. Let them know that even if they can’t name an emotion, they can describe where in their body they feel it. Your job is to stay present and mirror what you hear. For example, if they say that they are nervous about taking tests, don’t dismiss it by saying that you are sure that they will do well. Instead, validate what they said by repeating it back to them: “Sounds like you are worried about all of the tests you’ll have to take. Is that right?” Often our first instinct is to fix things when in fact it can be very empowering for your kids to feel like you’re acknowledging them. Brainstorm possible solutions only after they feel heard.

[Tweet “Share slow, deep breaths with your kids – #parenting tip #backtoschool”]

4. Got Germs?

Schools create the perfect storm for getting sick. And while kids can’t avoid germs, they might be able to avoid getting sick. If your child follows the steps above (good sleep, minimizing stress and eating well), then they are already at an advantage. Here are some other tips to battle the bugs.

  • Hydration – Keeping adequately hydrated will help your detox organs work to elimination toxins and waste materials. All of this works to keep your immune system strong. Add a few drops of chlorophyll or minerals to the water for a nutrient boost. 
  • Vitamin D and fish oil – Vitamin D is crucial to our immune system and improves the immune response. Combining the vitamin D source with high-quality omega 3 fish oil provides your child with additional immune support. [10]
  • Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that plays a protective role in the immune system. It’s a water-soluble vitamin and that means the once it’s gone, it’s gone. So it’s important to replenish! Especially during cold and flu season.
  • Elderberry – Usually cooked into a syrup or used in a tincture or tea, elderberry is an antiviral that is particularly effective when you or your little one has the flu. It can also be used proactively to keep the immune system strong and bad bugs away. Try 1-2 tsp. syrup per day with children and 1-2 tbsp. per day for adults.

5. Recess makes kids smarter

  • Playing promotes creativity, socialization, and brain cell growth. [12] Unfortunately, playtime is on the decline as P.E. and recess get cut from school schedules and children become busier with extracurricular activities. Send your kids outside to play when they get home or go out with them. Again, this is good for adults, too. Playing keeps you sharp, and most of us, young and grown, don’t do it enough.
  • Get your kid moving. An hour of exercise a day dramatically improves attention and makes your child less likely to get distracted. [13] Being in nature also boosts mood and mental performance. [14] Check out some more tips on the benefits of nature here. Sometimes the best hacks are also the most basic.
  • Kids who play in dirt develop a robust gut microbiome and a strong immune system. Encourage your kids to get dirty and avoid antibiotics and antibacterials. Turns out, antibacterial soap messes up your skin’s microbiome and might even make you sick more often. [11]

[Tweet “Turns out recess is bio-hack for the brain. And playing in the dirt can keep you healthy. #backtoschool”]

Keep in mind that children form habits by observation. What’s the best way to encourage your child to eat well, turn off electronics and plays outside? Model it for them.

We’re interested in your back to school hacks. Share your ideas and comments with other Bulletproof parents below.



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Does Grounding Really Work?

Grounding (sometimes called earthing) is controversial. Plenty of people say it’s nonsense; plenty of others say it works. It’s an unlikely biohack – but there may actually be something to it.

Here’s the theory behind grounding:

The earth has a mild negative charge to it (this part has decent evidence behind it). As you walk around day-to-day, you build up a positive charge in your cells. Back when we were all walking around barefoot and sleeping on the ground, this wasn’t an issue; direct contact with the earth canceled out the positive charge and left us neutral. But now that you wear rubber-soled shoes and sleep indoors, you’re insulated from the earth, and your body doesn’t return to neutral. You just keep building up a positive charge, which saps your energy and causes inflammation and disease (according to the theory, at least).


Is there any research to back up grounding?

Two studies on grounding found meaningful results.

The first had participants sleep on a grounding mat (a conductive mat connected to the earth’s charge). It found that grounding normalized cortisol release and improved sleep; it also mentioned case reports that grounding decreased inflammation [1].

The second study found that grounding decreases blood viscosity, improving blood flow and protecting against cardiovascular disease [2].

Here’s the thing, though: both these studies were small and very poorly conducted. The researchers recruited participants through word of mouth. There were only ten participants in each, and there was no blinding or placebo control.

So as far as research, it could go either way. Maybe the studies are meaningful. Maybe they’re useless.


Why bother writing about grounding then?

Two reasons:

1) Dave does it, and it quantifiably affects him.

Dave was skeptical of grounding for a long time, but when he finally tried it he felt results. In his words:

 “In 2005, I was flying from the West Coast to Cambridge, England every month because I was an executive for a startup based there. Even with Virgin’s awesome seats, the jet lag from flying east was painful. I could kill it with a variety of chemical techniques and more complex nutritional approaches, but it was inconvenient and sub-optimal. I had heard about the idea that if you grounded yourself by walking barefoot on grass for 20 minutes, it made jet lag go away. I laughed at the idea.

I know that raising body temperature by exercising in the morning is effective for resetting circadian rhythms, so I tried doing yoga in the park by my hotel, barefoot. What an incredible difference! I did not experience the negative effects of jet lag at all. I figured it was the yoga, and tried yoga indoors on the next trip doing the same series at the same time of day. It did not have any effect. After a few trips, I confirmed for myself that grounding worked for reasons I didn’t understand. I used it, but I didn’t tell anyone because I already have a reputation for weirdness given my butter-eating and collection of electrodes that only sometimes appear in my board meetings. You can only go so far and retain your credibility, or so I thought. I just kept grounding as one of my secret tools for being Bulletproof.”

It also quantifiably improves Dave’s REM sleep – a consistent REM increase of 30-35% – when he puts a grounding mat under his bed (the times waking data point is an error). Dave collected this data with a Zeo sleep tracker. Too bad Zeos aren’t in production anymore. They were great.

Most mainstream researchers and doctors dismiss grounding, but just because scientists don’t understand something yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.

Dave liked grounding so much that he had grounding panels put in the floor at the Bulletproof Cafe in Santa Monica and the new Bulletproof retail outlet in the Los Angeles Arts District (20 percent off coupon here). Look for the label next time you visit:

—– Los Angeles Arts District Bulletproof Store Photo: Amy Herrera

2) It’s easy to test grounding yourself and measure the results, if there are any.

You can buy a grounding mat and put it under your feet while you work/under your bed while you sleep. Or just spend significant time walking around barefoot on natural ground (dirt, sand, etc., not concrete or asphalt). You can track a few results without much hassle:

  • Sleep quality. Download the Sleep Cycle app (it’s free) and track your sleep each night. Do both grounded nights and ungrounded nights, and keep everything else (hours of sleep, bedtime and wake time, supplements, exercise, etc.) as constant as you can. If you want to go a step further, get someone else to either turn on the grounding mat or leave it off, so you don’t know which nights are which. That’ll eliminate placebo effect.
  • Daily cortisol rhythm. Cortisol tests are more expensive, so this may not be a viable long-term experiment. You could do one day while grounding yourself and one day while not. Again, keep as many other variables constant as you can.
  • Jet lag. Next time you land in a different time zone, spend an hour walking through a park with your bare feet. The time after that, walk around a park wearing shoes. See if you feel a difference in jet lag.
  • Happiness. Take the Beck Depression Inventory or a similar test of mood for 5 days when you’re grounding and 5 days when you aren’t. Average the scores and see if there’s a difference.

Grounding is a great introductory experiment if you want to try making a change and measuring its impact. And if you do decide to do a little self-experimentation, or if you have previous experience with grounding, post your results in the comments below! Thanks for reading and happy biohacking.


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