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Keto FAQ: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Keto Diet


  • The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb style of eating. It places your body in ketosis, a state in which you burn fat for energy instead of carbs.
  • The keto diet is safe and effective, but like any diet, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Below, get answers to frequently asked questions about keto, including tips and resources to feel your absolute best.


Eat fat to burn fat and lose weight. It sounds counter-intuitive, but this principle is the foundation of the ketogenic diet — a high-fat, low-carb eating style followed by celebrities like Halle Berry and elite athletes like LeBron James. Whether you’re thinking about starting keto or you’re five weeks in, here’s your guide to all things keto, including answers to common questions, and tips to get the best keto results.

Getting started on keto

Two women eating keto foods

1. What is the keto diet?

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb style of eating that puts your body into ketosis, a state in which you burn fat instead of carbs for energy. There are tons of benefits of keto, including weight loss, improved energy and focus, reduced inflammation.[ref url=””] [ref url=”″] [ref url=”″] To get the full story on what the keto diet is and how to get started, check out this essential keto diet for beginners guide.

2. How many carbs do I eat on keto?

In order to stay in ketosis and reap all the fat-burning benefits of the keto diet, you need to restrict your carb intake. The Bulletproof Diet recommends eating fewer than 50 grams of carbs per day, but all diets are different. Some keto diets advocate no more than 20 grams of carbs per day.

Because the Bulletproof Diet uses keto diet hacks like intermittent fasting and MCT oil to keep you in ketosis, you can generally eat more carbs than you would on a standard keto diet. But keep in mind that this number can vary based on your biology, activity level, age, goals and gender. Here’s how to determine how many carbs on keto you should be eating.

3. What foods should I eat on the keto diet?

For the best results on keto, stick to these principles:

  • An abundance of high-quality fats, like grass-fed butter and ghee, MCT oil, avocado oil, and virgin coconut oil
  • Moderate amounts of fatty proteins, like grass-fed meat, pastured eggs, wild-caught fatty fish, and collagen protein.
  • Lots of nutrient-dense and low-carb vegetables, like organic broccoli, zucchini, avocado, cucumbers, cabbage, and celery.

For a more detailed guide on what to eat on the keto diet, check out this downloadable complete keto food list. Take it with you to the grocery store.

Download the free 7-Day Keto Meal Plan & Keto Recipes for Beginners Cookbook now

4. What is the keto flu?

If after a few days of embarking on the keto diet, you start feeling off — like you’re getting sick, welcome to the keto flu. Learn about keto flu symptoms here, how long it lasts, and how to deal with it. Tip No. 1: Stay hydrated.

Other temporary side effects of the keto diet may involve stomach issues, like constipation or diarrhea, and keto rash. This skin condition, also known as Prurigo pigmentosa, is super rare. 

5. How do I know if I’m in ketosis?

It can take anywhere from 2-3 days to a few weeks to enter ketosis, depending on your body’s ability to adapt to burning fat for fuel. Once you enter ketosis, your body will naturally produce ketones — molecules that fuel your brain and body with fat, not carbs.

You can usually tell if you’re in ketosis if you have steady, lasting energy, better focus, and a reduced appetite. For definitive answers, test your blood ketone levels. Get all the details here on the best ways to measure ketones, and how to know if you’re in ketosis or not.

6. Do I need to calculate macros, and how do I count them?

Macros, or macronutrients, are the carbs, fats, and protein that make up your food and help you create energy. It’s not essential to count macros on the keto diet, but it’s a useful way to learn more about your food and understand your body’s needs. Learn more about ideal keto macros, including the benefits (and drawbacks) of counting them.

7. And what about net carbs?

Even if you don’t calculate macros, you should keep track of net carbs — the carbs your body actually uses for energy. Calculating net carbs can help you stay in ketosis and inform your food choices. Find out how to calculate net carbs on keto and how many net carbs vs. total carbs you need.

8. Is the keto diet healthy?

The ketogenic diet is healthy, effective, and backed by science, with a few caveats that we’ll get into in a moment. When done properly, the keto diet has been shown to support weight loss, create more mitochondria in your brain, reduce inflammation, and even combat metabolic syndrome diseases like diabetes.[ref url=”″] [ref url=”″] [ref url=””] However, any diet can be good or bad for you, depending on what you put on your plate. If you stick to the Bulletproof Diet roadmap, you eliminate technically keto foods that make you feel like crap and don’t belong in a healthy diet. Here are some of the worst keto foods to eat.

9. What about “dirty keto?”

That brings us to dirty keto, which follows the same high-fat, low-carb structure of the standard keto diet — but it allows processed, packaged, and fast foods. It’s still possible to enter ketosis and burn fat while you’re on dirty keto, but it has serious drawbacks like inflammation and weight gain. Here are the facts about dirty keto, and why you should avoid it.

10. Will keto spike my cholesterol?

Eating more saturated fat can increase your HDL “good” cholesterol, total cholesterol, and sometimes even your LDL cholesterol — and contrary to popular belief, that’s a good thing if you’re eating high-quality fat. Confused? Here’s what you should know about high cholesterol, saturated fats, and low-carb diets.

11. Does the keto diet cause diabetes?

No, keto does not cause diabetes. Several studies have found that ketosis can even reverse diabetes because it decreases glucose intolerance and stabilizes blood sugar.[ref url=””] [ref url=” “] [ref url=””]  

12. Is the keto diet sustainable long-term?

Yes and no. Some people thrive on the full keto diet without any problems. Other people run into issues from restricting carbs long-term, like insomnia and hormone imbalances. If that’s the case, experiment with keto carb cycling (aka cyclical ketosis), where you eat a moderate amount of carbs one day a week, so your body can cycle in and out of ketosis. It’s an effective modification that helps many people avoid any potential dangers and risks of a keto diet. Here’s how to do a keto carb cycling diet, and whether it’s right for you.

13. What are the different types of keto and how do I know which is right for me?

If you aren’t enjoying full keto, or you’re struggling with issues like insomnia and chronic fatigue, experiment with other styles of the keto diet.

On cyclical keto, you spend one day each week eating more nutrient-dense carbs to fuel your body’s systems.

On targeted keto diet (TKD), you time your carbs around your workouts and periods of high stress for extra fuel.

Troubleshooting keto

Alarm clock next to blue bowl of stew

14. How do I know if I need more carbs?

Some people feel fine when they eat very few carbs for extended periods of time. But if you’re dealing with symptoms like dry eyes, insomnia, fatigue, and mood swings, your body might be asking for more carbs — especially if you’re a woman, an athlete, or dealing with lots of stress. Learn more about the benefits of experimenting with your carb intake.

15. Why aren’t I losing weight on keto?

You might be eating too much, not enough, or the wrong foods altogether. Here are seven reasons you’re not losing weight on keto — and what to do about it.

16. How does MCT oil work with keto?

MCT oil is a powerful tool on the ketogenic diet because it helps your body produce more ketones and stay in ketosis, so even if you eat a few more carbs than usual, you won’t fall out of ketosis. However, not all MCT oils are the same, and some are more effective than others. Here’s a guide to MCT oil and keto.

17. Should I be taking exogenous ketones?

Exogenous ketones are synthetic ketones that help raise ketone levels in your blood. They’re popular supplements, but definitely not required — instead, focus on eating enough high-quality fats. Your body will naturally produce all the ketones you need to power through your day. If you want to add a supplement to your keto diet, MCT oil is a great place to start.

18. Should I try intermittent fasting?

Definitely. Intermittent fasting can actually make keto more effective by boosting your fat burn and weight loss results. Learn more about keto and intermittent fasting.

Ready to start whipping up keto dishes of your own? Check out the Bulletproof Recipes page for a full list of keto recipes, including keto shrimp scampi and easy keto casserole recipes.



31 Small Steps to Upgrade Your Life and Be Bulletproof


  • Here’s the secret to transforming your diet, fitness, and mindset: Make small, positive changes that build up over time.
  • When you upgrade your biology, you’re biohacking your way to a better life. That’s what being Bulletproof is all about.
  • Below, you’ll find 31 steps to becoming a stronger, more resilient, more powerful you. Adopt one of the principles, or adopt them all.
  • Use the hashtag #IamBulletproof on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter so we can follow along on your journey.


Want to be your best self? Being Bulletproof is a mindset. It doesn’t mean overhauling your entire diet or drinking Bulletproof Coffee every morning. Being Bulletproof means you’re working toward a stronger version of yourself.

Every small choice you make matters. That’s because positive change builds up over time to create lasting results.

When you upgrade your body and mind, you’re biohacking your way to a better life. Biohacking is the art and science of taking control of your own biology to be more resilient — mentally and physically. That’s what being Bulletproof is all about. It means working toward a stronger version of yourself, one step at a time.

Adopt one of the Bulletproof principles below, or adopt them all. Either way, you’re on the path to becoming more awesome.

How to use this post

Below, you’ll find 31 small steps to become more energized, more focused, and more resilient.

You can follow along and do one hack every day, or skip the ones that don’t appeal to you. There’s no shame in passing on a day or going at your own pace — but the more you do, the better you’ll feel.

Did you swap grain-fed meat for grass-fed meat?

Did you meditate this morning?

Did you walk 20 minutes today, instead of zero?

Use the hashtag #IamBulletproof on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter so we can follow along on your journey.

Want to follow an illustrated guide instead? Download the free Bulletproof 30-Day Upgrade to supercharge your brain and body in just a month, including tips, recipes, and meal plans.

31 small steps to becoming Bulletproof

31 small steps to becoming Bulletproof calendar1. Get your kitchen ready

Clean, wholesome foods in kitchen

Plan your attack for the month by giving yourself a day or two to prepare your kitchen. Clean out your shelves of bread, pasta, candy, sugar, factory-farmed meat, and vegetable oils. They’re sneaky sources of antinutrients that tank your energy, wreck your gut, and make you put on fat. Learn more here.

Then, stock up on high-quality fats like grass-fed butter and MCT oil, plenty of organic vegetables, grass-fed beef, pasture-raised eggs, and wild-caught fish. Here’s a complete roadmap of which foods to eat and which ones to avoid.

Oh, and ditch the breakfast cereal. If you want to start your morning with way more energy, focus, and time, try Bulletproof Coffee. Find out how to make it and why it works.

2. Choose one thing to be grateful for

Woman writing in gratitude journal

Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to build your happiness. Find something you’re grateful for today and write it down, keep it in the “Notes” app in your phone, or just take some time to think about it. Focus on the feeling it brings up in your body.

Try sharing your gratitude with your partner or a friend. This way you can keep each other accountable and keep the practice going. Find out how to use gratitude to rewire your brain.

3. Drink more water

Woman drinking water after workout

Your detox organs — your liver, kidneys, and skin — depend on water to do their jobs effectively. Drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and working efficiently. Shoot for half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 pounds, aim to drink about 75 ounces per day. Heads up: Water quality matters. Learn about the difference between tap and filtered water.

4. Get up, stand up

Woman walking along sidewalk

The phrase “sitting is the new smoking” gets thrown around a lot these days. Research shows that it’s true — how much you sit is one of the strongest predictors of mortality.[ref url=””] It tightens your muscles, slows your metabolism down, and drives high blood sugar and weight gain. Yikes.

Starting today, make it a point to stand up every 20 to 40 minutes. Set a timer if you have to. You can also find a higher surface like a counter or some stacked books to create your own standing desk. Ditch TV tonight and take a walk, or do some crunches while you watch. Find even more ways to upgrade your workspace here.

5. Replace morning carbs with healthy fat

Pastured eggs for breakfast

Carbohydrates from bread, pastries, cereal, fruit, oatmeal, and sugary foods will sap your energy and lead to brain fog and inflammation. They’ll also send your blood sugar into a yo-yo, meaning you’ll crash around noon.

Fat is different: It provides stable energy for hours and actually encourages your body to burn fat for fuel. Start by removing carbs from breakfast and replacing them with foods that actually make you feel good, like pastured eggs with avocado or some wild salmon. Or just drink a creamy cup of Bulletproof Coffee. It has all the energy you need to power through your morning with laser-sharp focus. Get the recipe here.  

6. Hug someone

Two people hugging

Oxytocin, nicknamed the “cuddle hormone,” increases romantic attachment, social bonding, empathy, relaxation, and trust. It reduces anxiety, too. That means it’s a great hack for your mental health — and getting a bump of oxytocin is easy.

Today, hug someone for an uncomfortably long period of time. Women release oxytocin after a 3-second hug. Men release it after a 6-second one. Not sure who to hug? You can pet a dog instead, and you’ll both release oxytocin.

7. Start foam rolling

Woman using foam roller at home

Foam rolling is different than stretching. It breaks up knots in your muscles to restore normal blood flow. That encourages oxygen and nutrient delivery throughout your body and into your cells. Foam rolling will likely hurt, especially if you’re not used to it and work out a lot. Do it anyway. You’ll increase your range of motion and decrease pain. Learn more about the benefits of foam rolling here.

8. Add some color to every meal

Colorful plate of wholesome foods

Today, try to eat the rainbow. Brightly colored vegetables contain fiber and antioxidants, which clean up the free radicals that contribute to chronic disease. The polyphenols found in brightly colored vegetables are particularly potent. They fight free radicals and act as prebiotics, feeding good bacteria in your gut. That’s a big deal because a healthy gut microbiome can help you lose weight, curb inflammation, and boost your mood. Learn more about gut health here.

For some extra good-for-you fat, drown your veggies in grass-fed butter or ghee. Choose vegetables from this list in every meal to keep your gut in good shape.

9. Stretch out

Woman stretching before workout

Stretching increases blood flow to heal your muscles, helps prevent injury, and builds stronger joints. Yoga is a great way to learn how to stretch and move your body, and it has tons of other benefits, too. Yoga has been shown to relieve chronic pain, decrease anxiety, and reduce stress. Try a local yoga class today, or look up some stretching videos on YouTube. This series of back pain stretches borrows from foundational yoga moves to provide much-needed relief.

10. Get some sun

Woman wearing sunglasses

Sunlight is great for your skin, eyes, and mitochondria. The key is to get the right dose. Spend 10 to 15 minutes in direct sunlight today (and every day, ideally). Expose as much skin as you can without getting arrested. If you start to burn, you’ve gone too long. Scale it back by a couple minutes next time.

Sunlight stimulates vitamin D production, testosterone, blood flow, and feel-good dopamine. Sunscreen companies want you to believe that you should never go out in the sun without protection. In reality, sun-exposed skin actually has a far lower risk of cancer than covered skin.

Having access to real, unfiltered sunlight is not optional. It’s so important that it was cited as one of the things leaders, innovators, and mavericks do to win at life in Bulletproof founder Dave Asprey’s book, “Game Changers.” Pick it up now.

11. Eat more fat

Avocado on yellow background

Power your brain, support your hormones, and enhance mitochondrial function by eating more fat today. Versatile sources of high-quality fat in the Bulletproof Diet include wild-caught fish, avocado, coconut oil, and Brain Octane Oil (a concentrated MCT oil derived completely from coconuts). You’ll find all the inspo you need on the Bulletproof Recipes page.

To learn which fats will make you feel good and which will sap your energy, check out this guide to dietary fats. Heads up: You’re going to want to throw out that old bottle of canola oil.

12. Go for a walk

Man walking in field outdoors

Take a 20-minute walk sometime today, preferably outdoors. Walking will sharpen your memory and cognition. It’ll also loosen your muscles, strengthen joints, boost your metabolism, and circulate lymph to remove metabolic waste from your system. Your body is made to move. Oblige it.

Strapped for time? You can reap all the benefits of walking by spending just five minutes on a  Bulletproof Vibe. If you’re in Los Angeles, you can use a Vibe for free at the Bulletproof Café and the LA Arts District Store.

Related: Download the Bulletproof Exercise Roadmap now

13. Get creative

Woman painting with watercolors

Whether you simply read a poem or pick up those old watercolors, engage your creative brain  in some way. This may lead to your next big idea or breakthrough at work. Creativity is a skill, and it’ll grow if you make it into a habit. Creativity builds new pathways in your brain and strengthens your analytical thinking, too.

Today, do something creative. It doesn’t have to be big or extraordinary. Draw, dance, write, sing, cook, plant a flower, play guitar, make up a new workout — whatever you enjoy. It’ll keep your brain young and strong. Learn more about the best ways to strengthen brain function.

14. Blackout your bedroom

Person sleeping in dark bedroom

Want to function at your best? Go to sleep. You don’t need a lot of it, as long as you focus on sleeping better, not longer. To make that happen today, cover your windows, turn off electronics, and use electrical tape to cover light that’s peeking through stubborn screens. Your room should feel like a cave.

Why is this so important? Light pollution can impact the quality of your shut-eye. That’s bad news because sleep is critical for tissue repair, detoxing, muscle and brain growth, and hormonal production. To learn how to upgrade your sleep in 30 days, check out the Bulletproof 30-Day Sleep Challenge.

15. Switch to grass-fed meat

Cow grazing in field

Grass-fed beef and grain-fed beef are two completely different foods. Grass-fed meat contains more antioxidants, omega-3s and other beneficial fatty acids, trace minerals, and vitamins. Grain-fed beef contains added hormones and fatty acid profiles that make you feel sick, fat, and definitely not Bulletproof.

Today, pick up some grass-fed beef, lamb, or bison and check out the Bulletproof Recipe page for dinner ideas. Want to learn more about the benefits of switching to grass-fed? Listen to Asprey speak with Mike Salguero, CEO and founder of ButcherBox, about why quality meat matters for you and the planet in this episode of the Bulletproof Radio podcast.

16. Relax and play

Relaxing with book and coffee

Most people work too hard these days. Block out time in your schedule to have fun: Pencil a couple hours of relaxation into your day, and treat the time as seriously as you would a meeting.

If you feel guilty about taking time off, remember that relaxing will make you far more productive. Look at your playtime as part of work. Chase your kids around the house. Take your dog to the park. Hike. Read. Do yoga. Try sensory deprivation. Meditate. Go for a drive with music cranked up and sing along.

Whatever you do, enjoy it. Life is too short to spend your days working all the time. Caveat: zoning out in front of the TV doesn’t count.

17. Upgrade your vocabulary

Magnifying glass on book

This is a great step to take during a workday. Eliminate the words “need,” “can’t,” “bad,” and “try” from your vocabulary. Weasel words limit you mentally. You’ll discover that it’s hard to get through a day without using them. Replace them with active, impactful words and actions. Don’t try to make better choices for your health — do them.

18. Change your brain with music

Headphones on pink and blue background

People talking, the sight of colorful computer screens, folks moving around the office — these distractions sap your time and focus. Certain kinds of music interrupt your brain’s response to distractions and help you stay on track with the task at hand. Specifically, binaural beats can increase your concentration. Learn more about them here, including a free Spotify playlist.

19. Skip breakfast and fast instead

Wooden utensils on white plate

Fasting can increase your lifespan, improve your lipid profile, make you more resilient to stress, increase mental clarity, and help you lose fat.[ref url=”″] [ref url=”″] [ref url=”″] [ref url=”″] [ref url=”″] [ref url=” “] Intermittent fasting (IF) is a more practical spin on a traditional long-term fast. You eat all your meals in a 6-hour window. The easiest way to do it? Try Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting, which gives you the benefits of a fast without the hunger and crash. Learn more about the benefits of intermittent fasting with this beginner’s guide.

20. Work on your mobility

Man bear crawling outdoors

Pain isn’t normal. It’s your body’s way of telling you you’re doing something wrong, and you should probably listen. Mobility goes beyond traditional stretching. It involves soft tissue massage, dynamic movement, and strengthening exercises, too.

Ready to get started with some functional movement today? Try the Bear Walk and the Crab Crawl from this post. Kelly Starrett, one of the best mobility experts in the world, has tons of free videos online. You can listen to him talk about mobility on this episode of the Bulletproof Radio podcast.  

21. Breathe good air

Woman inhaling deeply

Do you think about the air you breathe as nutrition? Indoor air may have mold, dust, industrial gases from furniture, and all kinds of other junk. Outdoor air is far cleaner. Go outside this morning and fill your lungs by inhaling deeply into your belly through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth.

Can’t get away from the office? Work outside at a cafe for a portion of the day, if your job allows. Make sure you stand up, move around, and feel the sunshine on your face. Even if you’re stuck at your desk, take a break and step outside. Use these breathing exercises to strengthen your brain and release tension. You’ll like the way you feel.

22. Get rid of one of your possessions

Wooden chair and table with white teapot

Don’t let your things own you. Minimalism encourages getting rid of material goods so you can focus more on what matters — experience, family, friends, and whatever else brings you joy. You can embrace minimalism without getting rid of all your possessions and living out of a backpack. Instead, only buy and keep the things that bring you joy long-term.

Today, think of all the things you could trash, recycle or donate. Commit to getting rid of at least one thing that no longer serves you.

23. Have a conversation with a stranger

Woman having a conversation with a stranger

Exercise your social muscle. Do this especially if it freaks you out. Practice makes perfect, after all. If you aren’t sure what to say, ask a question or pay them a compliment. Learn more about beating social anxiety and upgrading your social life.

24. Do a digital detox

Reading glasses on closed laptop

Technology use — social media use, in particular — correlates strongly with depression and anxiety.[ref url=””] Give your brain a break. Say goodbye to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, internet TV, video games, and all other technology for at least 24 hours.

Can’t go a full day? Start small, like uninstalling your most-used social media app. You might be surprised by how difficult it is at first. Power through; you’ll feel more focused and present after you do it a couple times.

25. Make yourself uncomfortable

Two friends with arms on shoulders

The only way to see what lies beyond your fears is to face them. Plus, being consistently comfortable puts you into a state of complacency. Today, start training for a Spartan race, take a cold shower, or try rejection therapy. It’s good for you.

26. HIIT it

Woman working out

Torch fat and reap the benefits of exercise in less time today with HIIT (aka high-intensity interval training). HIIT alternates between brief, strenuous exercise and periods of active rest. This might look like a 60-second sprint, followed by push-ups, followed by walking. Check out this post for a sample workout and get moving.

Why should you try HIIT? Studies say that it may be more effective than either resistance training or aerobic exercise alone. It helps your brain perform better. It’s also super efficient, offering the benefits of longer workouts without having to spend ages at the gym.

27. Deepen your connection with a loved one

Father smiling with daughter outdoors

The quality and quantity of your relationships affect your mental health, your behavior, your physical health, and even your risk of mortality. Today, sit with someone you care about and spend quality time together. Leave your phones in another room and shut off the TV. Not sure where to start? Ask each other some of these questions.

28. Meditate

Woman meditating

Today, start with just 5 minutes of meditation. Over time, work your way up to 10 to 20 minutes per day. Among other benefits, meditation relieves stress, boosts your immune system, and eases anxiety and depression. Don’t think you need to sit for ages — it’s better to be consistent and form a habit over time.

Set aside five minutes right when you wake up, right before you go to sleep, or even while you’re in line at the post office. Check out this full guided practice with Barry Morguelan, MD, a double-board certified gastroenterologist and internal medicine doctor.

29. Throw away your multivitamins

Array of vitamins and pills on blue background

Supplements are a double-edged sword. The wrong ones can do more damage than good, but the right ones can massively improve your health, even if you already eat a great diet. Check out this step-by-step guide to nutrients that increase energy and performance.

30. Take a cold shower

Woman taking cold shower

Cold showers are cryotherapy 101. This may sound excruciating, but the benefits are worth it. Cold exposure decreases inflammation, speeds up recovery, and can help you burn fat and sleep better.

Start by blasting your entire body with cold water at the end of your shower today. Over time, try to work your way up to 30 seconds or a minute. If that’s too intense, try this easy workaround.

31. Upgrade your brain

Blue brain on orange background

Nootropics (aka smart drugs) are compounds that enhance brain function. For many people, they’re an effective way to give your mind an extra boost. Today’s hack is to read this post and pick a smart drug to add to your supplement stack.

Congratulations. You made it to the end. Did you try something new? How did it feel? Did these small hacks inspire you to rekindle a lost habit? Share your story of how you’re becoming more Bulletproof in the comments below. Post about your experience on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with the hashtag #IAmBulletproof.

Ready for more ways to upgrade your body and mind? Download the free Bulletproof 30-Day Upgrade to supercharge your brain and body in just a month. You’ll have access to tips, recipes, and meal plans to help you feel like your best self, one day at a time.


30-Day Bulletproof Body Workout Plan

Welcome to the 30-Day Bulletproof Body Workout Plan, a diet and exercise plan that burns fat, builds muscle, and helps you lose weight — up to a pound a day.

When it comes to body goals, exercise is only part of the equation. To eliminate cravings, perform better and reset your metabolism, you have to clean up your diet, too. Fortunately, this easy-to-follow diet and exercise plan sets you up for success — not hanger or calorie-counting.

How the Bulletproof Body Plan works

Woman writing in calendar

With the Bulletproof Body Workout Plan, you don’t have to wonder what to eat or how to move in order to feel great.

The 30-Day Bulletproof Body Workout Plan features:

30-Day Calendar

Bulletproof Body Workout Plan

Want to see the rest of the calendar? Download the Bulletproof Body Workout Plan now

Bulletproof Body workouts

Smiling in mountain pose

HIIT: Twice a week, you’ll do a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that takes less than 20 minutes. HIIT combines all the benefits of resistance training and aerobic exercise in one workout. It’s the most efficient way to build muscle and endurance and torch fat, so you spend less time exercising and reap all of the rewards.

Weights: Once a week, you’ll hit the weights to stimulate muscle growth and increase your metabolic rate. You can follow the workouts provided here, or choose your own.

Move: On days you aren’t working out, make sure you’re still moving. Take a long walk, do some light yoga, or try a new fitness class. 

Click here to jump to the workouts

Bulletproof Body meal plan

Man preparing vegetables in kitchen

For the first two weeks, you’ll follow the two-week Bulletproof Protocol, straight out of “The Bulletproof Diet.” This plan was developed by Bulletproof Founder Dave Asprey to help you lose up to a pound a day without feeling hungry.

What it is: The Bulletproof Diet combines intermittent fasting and a cyclical ketogenic diet. That means 50 – 70 percent of your calories come from fat, 20 percent from protein, and 5 percent from fruit or starch. One day a week, you’ll take a break from keto and eat more carbs than usual.

How it works: Because you’re fasting, you drink only coffee for breakfast (more on that below), and eat lunch and dinner within a six-hour window. Eat lunch 15 to 18 hours after last night’s dinner, and eat dinner 5 to 6 hours after lunch. So, if you finished dinner at 6 pm, eat lunch the next day around noon.

What you’ll eat: Every day starts with a cup of butter-filled Bulletproof Coffee, which is the ultimate breakfast because it keeps you full and energized for hours. Because it contains only fat, and no carbs or protein, it won’t break your fast (more on that here). After the two-week Bulletproof Protocol, you’ll have the option to skip intermittent fasting once a week. See how you feel on the days you eat a tasty, high-fat breakfast.

In the Bulletproof Body meal plan, you’ll find recipes that taste great, are easy to prepare ahead of time, and adhere to the Bulletproof Diet. Download the recipe booklet here. It’s filled with ingredients that will help you look and feel your best by removing foods that spike blood sugar and cause inflammation.

Related: Download the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap

Why the Bulletproof Body Workout Plan works

Woman tying running shoes on bed

Your time is precious. The way you use it can help you live longer, enjoy more meaningful interactions with the people you love, and recognize spots in your life that are bringing you down.

With the Bulletproof Body Workout Plan, you’ll spend less time in the gym, but more time burning fat; less time cooking breakfast, but more time feeling energized; less time feeling tired, but more time accomplishing your goals.

You’ll also find plenty of room for flexibility. Think of these workouts and recipes as your personal inspo. Listen to the way your body feels after a great HIIT workout or a plate of grass-fed steak and organic vegetables, and check in with yourself along the way.

Are you thinking more clearly, moving more easily, and sleeping better?

Great. You’re on your way to a Bulletproof Body.

Download the Bulletproof Body Workout Plan now

Grocery list and recipe booklet

Woman shopping at grocery store

Download the grocery list here. It gives you a week-by-week overview of what you need for the Bulletproof Body Plan. 

Customize this list based on your needs and what’s available. Buy grass-fed, pastured, organic food whenever possible. Some foods listed here are suspect on the Bulletproof Diet, and should be eaten in moderation. Refer to the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap for more info.

Want to view all the recipes as a simple booklet? Download it here.

Workouts for a Bulletproof Body

HIIT A: Bulletproof bodyweight workout

Woman doing push-up

Equipment: None

Do each exercise for 60 seconds. Between moves, walk in place for 30 seconds.

  • Jog in place
  • Bodyweight squats
  • Push ups
  • High jumps
  • Sit-ups
  • Burpees

Repeat until you’re spent. Work up to 15 minutes.

HIIT B: Fat-blasting bodyweight and cardio workout

Woman doing burpees on mat

Equipment: None

Repeat this circuit 10 times:

  • 30 seconds burpees
  • 30 seconds walking in place

Then, hop on the treadmill or hit the track:

  • Run for 1 minute
  • Walk for 90 seconds
  • Repeat for a total of 20 minutes

HIIT C: Push-pull-core dumbbell superset


Equipment: Dumbbells

Do each of these exercises one after the other:

  • 10 reps dumbbell bench
  • 10 reps dumbbell single-leg squat, both legs
  • 60-second plank

Rest 30 seconds. Then, repeat the circuit 3 – 4 times.

Weights A: Bulletproof resistance workout

Woman doing pull-ups

Equipment: Dumbbells

Perform 10 sets of each of these moves with a 30-second rest in between:

  • Pull-ups
  • Dumbbell squats
  • Push-ups
  • Dumbbell deadlifts

Repeat the circuit 3 – 4 times.

Weights B: 13-minute dumbbell workout

Equipment: Dumbbells

Perform one set to failure of each exercise, resting for 45 to 90 seconds between moves. Choose a weight heavy enough that you can safely perform 8 – 12 reps of each weighted move.

  • Goblet squat
  • Pull-up
  • Hip thrust
  • Dumbbell overhead press
  • Dumbbell lunge
  • Dumbbell chest press
  • Dumbbell bent-over row

Ways to move 

Bulletproof sun salutation

Woman doing upward-facing dog

Equipment: Yoga mat

This sun salutation will help improve your focus and wake up your entire body. Hold each pose for a minute before moving onto the next one.

  • Mountain pose
  • Upward salute
  • Forward fold
  • Halfway lift
  • Plank
  • Low plank
  • Upward dog
  • Downward dog
  • Halfway lift
  • Forward fold
  • Halfway lift
  • Mountain pose
Back stretches everyone should do

Woman doing hip flexor stretch for back pain

Regular stretching can help loosen your muscles and strengthen your back — big benefits if you sit at a computer all day. Plus, it feels great. Here’s a quick stretching series you can do any time of day. Hold each stretch for 5 – 10 seconds and repeat 5 – 10 times.

  • Trunk rotation
  • Child’s pose
  • Cat-camel back stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Hip flexor stretch
Other ideas

People walking in nature

  • Explore a new part of town on foot
  • Go on a hike outdoors with your family
  • Sit less during your workday
  • Use a foam roller
  • Walk while you’re on the phone
  • Stand on a vibration plate


How to Set Failproof Goals and Resolutions

Have you ever been to a gym in early January?

It’s usually packed — the regulars are there, of course, but suddenly they’re side-by-side with dozens of newcomers. Every squat rack is taken, and every yoga class is full. Gym owners have a name for this phenomenon: the January rush. Gyms often encourage it even more by offering special membership deals starting January 1st. Why the sudden boost in members? What gives?

It’s simple: the newcomers have made New Year’s resolutions to get in shape. They’re fed up with their old way of life. They’re finally going to lose that last 10 pounds, dammit, and they’re going to do it by hitting the gym four times a week until they’re fit. This will be the year.

The other thing gym owners will tell you is that the gym will be back to normal by February, or March at the latest. It’ll be the regulars again, and maybe one or two determined new members.

The difference between the newcomers who give up on their resolutions and the regulars who stick with them is surprisingly small. A lot of it comes down to the way you view your goals. You can set smarter goals this year, and you’ll be much more likely to succeed. In this article, I’ll explore why resolutions fail, and then look at how to create lasting change in your life.

Set failproof goals

Most goals come from a great place: they’re positive and geared toward improvement. The vast majority of New Year’s resolutions fall into four buckets:[ref url=”″]

  • Health
  • Money
  • Self-improvement
  • Relationships

Even though most resolutions come from positive places, a recent poll found that only 8% of people who make New Year’s resolutions actually follow through.[ref url=””] Let’s unpack why so few people succeed, and talk about how you can be part of that 8 percent.

Focus on direction, not perfection

Say you want to go to the gym more. You set an ambitious goal for yourself: “I’m going to work out four times a week.”

You just equated success with going to the gym four times a week. If you only make it to the gym three times in a week, you’ve failed to keep your resolution, and you get discouraged. But three times a week is impressive, especially if you were going zero times a week before. You’ve made serious progress, but your resolution doesn’t let you to recognize it.

Here’s what happens if you change your goal from “I’m going to work out four times a week” to “I’m going to move more.”

Now, it’s okay to go to the gym three times a week. You haven’t failed; you’re simply improving at a 7/10 instead of a 10/10. If you didn’t go to the gym at all, and you walked to the grocery store, you’re improving at a 2/10.

With an intention, you can’t fail — there are just degrees of success. That mindset makes change much more sustainable.

Trade negative resolutions for positive ones

A lot of resolutions are negative — “I won’t eat cake” or “I’m going to stop procrastinating.” When you stop yourself from doing something you want to do, you feel deprived, and it’s only a matter of time before you’re back to old habits.

You’ll succeed more if you frame things positively: “I’m going to be on time more” beats “I’m going to be late less.” With the first one, you’re striving toward a goal and challenging yourself to be better, not avoiding failure and beating yourself up when you don’t meet your expectations.

My top upgrade to New Year’s resolutions

My favorite intention is simple:

“I’m going to do something every day to make myself better.”

I’ve been following this one for years. It hits that sweet spot between vague and precise. You aren’t specifying how you better yourself, or how much you better yourself, but you are challenging yourself to grow in some way every day. Each night, before bed, try reflecting on your growth. It’s a great way to end the day.

What are your goals this year? Do you have any that you’ve succeeded with? What was the key to your success? Let me know in the comments, and happy New Year!


Kava: Why Nature’s Xanax Is Making a Comeback

For years, chamomile tea has been a light sleeper’s staple. It’s warm and floral in taste, with a mild soothing effect that can calm you and help you drift off a little faster than usual.

Then there’s kava.

Disclaimer: In rare cases, kava can cause liver toxicity. If you’re on any medication, consult with your doctor before using kava. 

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What is kava?

Kava is like chamomile on steroids. This muddy-tasting little root comes from the Pacific Islands, where people have used it for centuries as everything from a pain reliever to a ceremonial drink. A potent anxiety reliever, kava offers a non-alcoholic way to wind down at the end of the day, especially if you’re working late or you have trouble falling asleep.

The secret lies in kavalactones, the psychoactive parts of the kava plant. The kavalactones in a cup of kava tea, or a few drops of kava extract, can put you into a rare state of relaxed focus. Download this handy chart on kava to get started.

Benefits of kava

Kava can be a powerful calming and relaxing tool in your biohacking arsenal. Here are some of its benefits:

Eases anxiety

Anxious? Kava can help you relax without dulling your mental edge. A Cochrane Review of kava looked at 11 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies with a total of 645 participants. It found that kava significantly relieves anxiety, with mild to no side effects[ref url=”″].

Several studies have found that kava extract is comparable to antidepressants and benzodiazepines (Xanax and Valium, for example) for improving social and general anxiety disorders[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]. Participants who took it daily for up to 24 weeks showed none of the side effects or addiction you can get from pharmaceuticals.

Keeps you relaxed but alert

Perhaps the best part of kava is that it doesn’t impact mental clarity. A cup of kava tea will make you feel pleasantly relaxed, similar to the way a glass of wine might, but you’ll be perfectly sharp mentally. Even heavy and long-term kava users show no decrease in cognitive function[ref url=””].

Improves sleep

Kava can help you sleep, too. Animal studies have found that it influences GABA[ref url=”″] and serotonin[ref url=”″], two key neurotransmitters for helping you wind down. Kava decreases stress and relaxes your muscles, making it easier to fall asleep. It also produces a mild, pleasant euphoria – but again, not enough euphoria to make it addictive.

Try taking kava an hour before bed. Kava tea is a good option for sleep, as tea is relaxing in and of itself.  This brand is in most grocery stores and tastes better than straight kava root, although it’s not very strong. You can steep two or three teabags at once for a more potent dose.

Soothes sore muscles and reduces pain

You may feel kava numb your mouth when you drink it. That’s thanks to dihydrokavain and dihydromethysticin, two natural pain relievers in the kava plant[ref url=”″]. These compounds relieve pain and muscle spasms when you drink them, and they also make for a great muscle rub.

You can buy kava paste, mix it with a carrier oil that’s good for your skin (XCT Oil is a good option), and rub it on sore muscles, an aching back, or anywhere else you may feel muscle pain.

A satisfying alcohol substitute

The combination of social relaxation and mental clarity makes kava an excellent alternative to drinking. In fact, kava bars are a social staple on many Pacific islands, and they’ve been popping up in the U.S. too.

Kava loosens you up socially without the negative effects of drinking. It’s a good way to keep up with the party and wake up feeling good the next morning. Be wary of combining kava and alcohol – the two enhance each other in rodents[ref url=”″].

Risks of using kava

In 2001, researchers reported that, in rare cases and in long-time heavy users, kava can cause liver toxicity[ref url=””]. The FDA and CDC cited case studies and warned people with liver disease about taking kava, and several European countries made kava a controlled substance[ref url=””].

However, several studies in the last 5 years have challenged the idea that kava is toxic to your liver.

  • One review found that the people who got liver toxicity were taking other drugs and medications that are rough on the liver[ref url=”″].
  • The New Zealand government concluded that kava is safe both short- and long-term[ref url=””].
  • The German government reversed its ban on kava after researchers concluded that the liver toxicity was the result of a kava allergy that affects roughly one in 100 million people[ref url=”″].

Certain varieties can also cause nausea and lethargy — more on that below.

How to use kava

Another issue with kava is taste. It’s like eating grainy mud.

Pre-made kava teas do a good job of disguising the taste but they’re often not particularly strong. Most research uses kava extract. It’s easy to take, but it may not have the full range of kavalactones that you’d get from kava paste or whole root.

Kava root and kava paste have horrible taste and consistency, but plenty of kavalactones. You can chew/swallow them, add them to a smoothie, or mix them in hot water and strain them to make tea. The trouble with them is that, like many tropical crops, including coffee, they’re at risk for mycotoxin contamination.

How much kava to take and when?

You can take kava in tea, powder, capsule, or tincture form. Experts recommend a dose of 70-250mg of kavalactones a day. Read the product label to find out kavalactone content.

For better sleep, take kava an hour before bed. For anxiety relief, divide up your dose throughout the day.

What to expect

Your lips might feel a bit numb — that’s normal. It takes about 20 minutes to kick in, and you’ll feel the relaxing effects for at least three hours after taking it. You won’t get high — kava is a muscle relaxant, so it simply loosens up the body while keeping you alert.

How to make kava tea

Whipping up the mixture in a blender is the quickest and easiest method to make kava tea. Follow these simple steps —


  • 2-4 tablespoons kava root powder
  • 8 ounces of hot water


  1. Add your kava root powder and water to a blender. Make sure you use hot (around 120 degrees) and not boiling water — water that’s too hot can cause the kava to thicken, making it difficult to strain. Blend on high for about 4 minutes.
  2. Strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth, wringing out the liquid into a glass. Throw away the pulp and sip away.
  3. Since kava can taste unpleasant, you can chase it down with something sweet, like a small piece of high-quality dark chocolate or a handful of organic blueberries. Or make it Bulletproof and add grass-fed butter and Brain Octane Oil. The good fats will speed absorption of the psychoactive kavalactones.

Where to buy kava

When choosing a kava product, make sure you buy “noble” kava — varieties of kava that carry less risk of nausea or next-day tiredness. So-called “non-noble” kava have a higher concentration of compounds that can cause negative reactions. Non-noble kava typically isn’t sold outside of the Pacific Islands, so you should be good.

Kava root powder and paste:

  1. Drink Root Dehydrated Kava Juice, $26
  2. Wakacon Kava Fijian Waka Powder $44
  3. Kavalactone Full Spectrum Paste 55%
  4. 11 Year Waka — Micronized Kava Instant Powder $48 – $94

Kava extract:

  1. Liquid Kava Extract $18
  2. Nature’s Answer Kava 6 $12.49
  3. Tru Kava Full Spectrum Kava Oil $48

Kava pre-made tea:

  1. Yogi Tea, Kava Stress Relief $6
  2. Sakara Sleep Tea $20


12 Best Adaptogens to Feel Less Stressed, Get Laser Focused and More

In India and China, soldiers have used adaptogens for centuries to handle the stress of combat, recover faster, and increase their energy. Today, you can use adaptogens for – you guessed it – their adaptogenic properties: they help your body adapt to biological and psychological stress by making it easier for you to balance your hormonal systems. What does that mean, exactly?

Adaptogens help you cope with common symptoms of living in the modern world, including fatigue, impotence, and infertility. In other words, adaptogens make you more resilient in all facets of life, giving you energy, focus, strength and a better overall mood.

Even though these adaptogenic herbs have worked for thousands of years, scientific research is only beginning to reveal to the West the potential that adaptogens have to upgrade your stress response and energy levels.

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[readmore title=”What makes adaptogens so powerful? Plus the top adaptogens for sleep, stress and fatigue”]

What are adaptogens?

Adaptogens are unique plants or herbs that support your adrenal system. They help balance your hormones, so you can manage your stress response on a day to day basis. They adapt to what your body needs and have the ability to regulate your system up or down depending on the need in the moment.

How do adaptogens work?

Think of it like this. If you’ve ever driven a sports car, when you step on the gas, it very quickly moves forward, and when you let off, it slows down quickly. In contrast, in your grandmother’s car, you can pin the accelerator to the floor, but you have to wait two seconds for the car to lurch forward. When you release the gas, it kind of coasts.

Your adrenals are the same way. You want them to make stress hormones quickly when needed, then to stop making the hormones as soon as you’re done. That’s what adaptogens do – they make your adrenals react more quickly, so you spend less time and energy making stress hormones.

This article will walk you through 12 adaptogens I’ve used for more than a decade, and dig into some of that research to help you decide which adaptogenic herbs are best for you. You don’t have to take all of these, or any of them for that matter. Different adaptogens work for different people. That’s why we have functional medicine docs, Ayurveda, herbalists, and even shamanic practitioners who work with herbs.


adaptogenic herbs ashwagandhaAshwagandha, one of the most common adaptogens, translates to ‘smell of horse,’ — it is used in Ayurvedic practices for all kinds of things, most notably for reducing stress. (Remember that stress comes from exercise, diet, infection, fear of stuff, and even your mother-in-law…and your body doesn’t care about the source.)

Related: Ashwagandha’s Benefits for Stress, Anxiety and Immunity

Benefits of ashwagandha

Decreases anxiety and stress: Several human studies show that ashwagandha decreases anxiety, stress, c-reactive protein and cortisol.[9, 10, 11] The decrease in cortisol is worth talking about, especially when you compare the effects of ashwagandha to those of other stress-reducing supplements. Studies show ashwagandha decreased stress 14.5-27.9% in healthy but stressed people.[9] (note: if you check email or Facebook, at least part of your body is stressed…you’re human.)

Ashwagandha may also be effective when used synergistically with alcohol to reduce stress and anxiety, although I think you’re better off skipping the alcohol or at least choosing a clean one and mitigating its harmful effects when you’re stressed.

Improves memory: Another cool thing about ashwagandha is that it shows promise in improving memory formation. This could be important in research for treating Alzheimer’s patients.[13] More large human studies are needed to show how and why this adaptogen might be effective, but there is research to suggest that ashwagandha could reverse the effects of neurological toxins associated with neurodegenerative diseases.[14, 15]

How to use ashwaghanda

You can use ashwagandha as a powder or in supplement form. You can also get creative in the kitchen and try out some adaptogenic recipes, like a stress-reducing drink or snack.
• Powder – 3 to 6 grams of powder per day
• Supplement – 1 capsule 2-3 times per day (found in Bulletproof Zen Mode)
Adaptogenic Bulletproof Chocolate recipe
Adaptogenic Turmeric Latte recipe

Ashwagandha is best for

  • reducing stress and anxiety
  • decreasing c-reactive protein levels
  • lowering the stress-hormone cortisol
  • improving memory formation
  • aiding with neurodegenerative diseases

I’ve taken this adaptogen daily for years, particularly because of the memory formation and neurological toxin effects. Reducing exposure neurological toxins (like Ochratoxin A, the most common coffee mold neurotoxin) can improve performance, and I feel the difference.


adaptogenic herbs astragalusAstragalus is a fundamental adaptogenic herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is primarily used for longevity, to fight inflammation, and for kidney support. It can also reduce levels of c-reactive protein, one of the inflammation markers that you can drive down with the Bulletproof Diet. Astragalus has 126 useful components, mostly flavonoids, saponins and polysaccharides.[31]

Benefits of astragalus

Lengthens telomeres (and lifespan): Astragalus is particularly interesting in that it’s the only natural substance that contains cycloastragenol, a molecule that can lengthen telomeres by activating telomerase production by 2-3x.[32, 33] Telomeres are structures on the end of chromosomes that, the shorter they become, the closer that cell is to dying. By lengthening telomeres, you could essentially delay cell death and slow down aging. The length of your telomeres is related to your lifespan, which is why protecting your telomeres may be key to aging gracefully.

You may have heard of TA-65. This is the branded and patented form of cycloastragenol. While studies do show that this substance is effective in increasing telomerase activity, but many of those studies were also conducted by the manufacturer of TA-65. It doesn’t make them irrelevant, it’s just something to keep in mind.

For the last two years, I’ve been taking up to 200 mg/day of cycloastragenol, which takes about 100 pounds of astragalus to make. It’s freaking expensive, so I stopped. Really hoping my telomeres are grateful, and wishing I’d measured them beforehand. My telomere measuring kit is on its way.

Boosts immune system: Astragalus also has immune-boosting properties and can activate T-cells even more than echinacea.[34]

How to use astragalus

You can use Astragalus as an adaptogenic supplement or in root form for cooking, teas, or tinctures.
• Supplement – 2 to 3 (500 milligrams) capsules per day
• Tea/Decoction – 3 to 6 grams of dried root per 12 ounces of water, up to three times a day
• Tincture – 2 to 4 millimeters per day

Astragalus is best for

  • reducing inflammatory-causing c-reactive protein
  • possible longevity effects
  • lengthening your telomeres
  • boosting your immune system

You should probably take astragalus to live longer because of inflammation and immunity, but don’t count on it to lengthen your telomeres unless you are willing to forgo buying a car to get cycloastragenol. (Seriously…that stuff starts at a couple hundred dollars a month and ranges up to thousands; I was fortunate to get some samples.)

Bacopa monnieri

adaptogenic herbs bacopa monnieriBacopa monnieri is a creeping marsh plant that is traditionally used as a nootropic (cognitive enhancer), for longevity, and as an adaptogen to help with anxiety and depression. It’s possible that the improved cognition is likely a result of the reduced anxiety. Bacopa is an effective adaptogen and can help you cope with stressful situations and decrease stress in all regions of the brain.[25] It’s also an antioxidant.

Benefits of bacopa monnieri

Enhances memory and recall: There’s some solid research on its effects on memory and can reliably improve memory in both healthy people and those experiencing cognitive decline. Studies show improvements in verbal learning, memory acquisition and delayed recall.[26] Other studies showed an increase in retention of new information, likely from a decrease in forgetting (as opposed to an increase in rate of learning).[26, 27] Bacopa promotes communication between neurons by increasing the growth rate of nerve endings.

Reduces stress: The evidence for Bacopa as a stress-reducer (and adaptogen), is solid. Research shows it reduces the effects of physiological stress, especially when taken in advance.[28]

This adaptogen does take time to work so you likely won’t see immediate results when you start taking it. It is also fat-soluble, so you can take it the traditional way, with ghee, or with your Bulletproof Coffee.

Protects against oxidative stress: You may have heard that Bacopa contains mercury and that’s probably because a crop in the past did. This isn’t a common occurrence and, on top of that, Bacopa is actually protective against the oxidative and adverse effects of metals on the brain, mostly iron and aluminum, but also mercury.[29, 30]

How to use bacopa

Bacopa is generally found as a supplement, powder, or extract. You can also make tea or add it to a pesto:

Bacopa is best for

  • reducing anxiety and stress
  • relieving symptoms of depression
  • improving cognition
  • reducing free radicals
  • boosting memory
  • protecting against toxic metal overload

This is a potent adaptogenic herb, one I use often and really like. I’m sad to see that many supplement marketing companies include small amounts of it in their formulas for cognitive enhancement, but they don’t include enough to actually work. Some of the most famous nootropics do this, and it sucks. When I use it, I take about 600mg per day. That won’t fit in over-hyped nootropic “stacks” capsules, so they put in decorative amounts.


adaptogenic herbs chaga mushroomChaga mushrooms can be found growing in the forest on birch trees resembling a large clump of dirt. But the benefits of this fungus are astounding. Those who live in Russia and Siberia have used this adaptogenic mushroom for thousands of years. Known as a folk medicine in the past, it is now being recognized in research and has shown its power in supporting cellular health. While mushrooms are not part of the Bulletproof Diet, well-sourced, high-quality medicinal mushrooms do serve a purpose as supplement. You shouldn’t, however, eat mushrooms as part of your meal plan.

Benefits of chaga

Suppresses tumor growth: Chaga is rich in antioxidants and has shown to support apoptosis (cell death). A study performed on mice in 2016 showed that using an extract of Chaga reduced tumor size by 60%. It also showed a decrease in temperature after implantation of the tumor. The decreased temperature could explain the reason Chaga suppresses cancer growth by regulating energy metabolism.[ref url=””] Multiple studies performed on mice have shown that Chaga suppresses tumor growth in liver cancer,[ref url=””] lung cancer and breast cancer.[ref url=”″] [ref url=”″][ref url=”″] It can even support the immune system during chemotherapy.[ref url=””]

Reduces blood sugar levels: Many mice studies have observed a positive effect of Chaga on diabetes. Not only does Chaga lower blood glucose levels, but also cholesterol and triglycerides. [ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

Prevents DNA damage: Stress causes a substantial amount of harm to the body leading to many different diseases. Chaga has been shown to reduce oxidative stress by almost 55%. Not only is it believed to support digestive issues, it could be a beneficial supplement to reduce oxidative stress in general.[ref url=”″]

How to use chaga

You can use Chaga in many ways from teas and supplements to tinctures.

  • Tea – It is best to stick to pre-made teas unless you want to spend a lot of time preparing the mushroom to make tea.
  • Tincture – You can make a tincture, but it will need to soak for about six months, so trying one already made may be the better option.
  • Supplement – Take as directed on package. Typically, 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per day.

Chaga is best for

  • Supporting cancer cell apoptosis
  • Lowering blood glucose levels
  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Boosting your immune system


adaptogenic herbs cordycepsCordyceps is a rare combination of caterpillar and fungus found in Sikkim, India used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine to promote longevity. Folk healers use this adaptogen to treat 21 different ailments including cancer, colds, low libido, and low energy.[ref url=””]

Benefits of Cordyceps

Combats fatigue: A two-week study used mice to observe the effects of Cordyceps on fatigue. The results showed that Cordyceps increased energy and reduced oxidative stress compared to the mice who did not receive it. It also supported the balance of energy and hormone levels.[ref url=”″]

Enhances memory: Cordyceps was shown to reverse memory loss and improve memory by supporting the nerve growth. It promoted growth of the neuron pathways, which is crucial for memory development and neuroplasticity and regeneration. This could be part of the puzzle for treatment of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.[ref url=”″]

Boosts exercise performance: A study observing 20 healthy individuals aged 50-75 years showed that endurance and breathing thresholds both increased significantly after 12 weeks of taking Cordyceps as an adaptogenic supplement. This suggests supplementation improves exercise performance in healthy older subjects (and may be beneficial for younger athletes as well)[ref url=”″].

How to use cordyceps

Cordyceps can be added to soups and stews or taken in supplement or powder form.

  • Add 1/2 ounce of this adaptogen to your favorite Bone Broth Recipe
  • Supplement – follow directions on package

Cordyceps is best for

  • Combating fatigue
  • Enhancing memory
  • Supporting brain function
  • Fighting free radical damage
  • Increasing endurance and exercise performance

Holy basil (Tulsi/Ocimum sanctum)

adaptogenic herbs holy basilHoly basil, or Tulsi, is an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine and is traditionally used as an adaptogen, aphrodisiac, and liver supporter. It’s also used for longevity!

Benefits of holy basil

Protects liver: Studies show that this herb can be an effective liver protector, and is especially potent when paired with milk thistle, another liver supporter.[16]

Lowers stress and anxiety: Other practices include using holy basil as a stress reducer, antioxidant, and anti-anxiety supplement.[17, 18, 19, 20]

Increases muscle mass: Holy basil is high in ursolic acid, a compound also found in apple peels, that may affect body composition by increasing muscle mass and decreasing body fat, although there’s not enough solid evidence out there yet showing this really works.[21, 22] (I’ve used other forms of ursolic acid for body composition too…an interesting idea, but I couldn’t tell if it worked in my very short and not well controlled n=1 experiment.)

Boosts libido: Holy basil is also known to be both an anti-fertility agent and libido enhancer, so this could be a fun herb for couples not ready to conceive. Holy basil is one of the only aphrodisiac and testosterone boosting-supplements, while also being reducing fertility in men, and researchers aren’t entirely sure why. Some animal studies suggest that it could also be tied to its high ursolic acid content.[23, 24] The ursolic acid could prevent spermatogenesis.

How to use holy basil

You can use Holy Basil as a garnish on your dishes, add it to your water, or make a tea. You can also purchase a powder or supplement form.

Holy basil is best for

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Supporting your liver
  • Lowering inflammation
  • Building muscle mass and lowering body fat
  • Lowering men’s fertility*
  • Boosting your (or your partner’s) libido

*I love the anti-inflammatory effects of holy basil, but I have some concern that anything that reduces fertility is often harmful to the rest of your cells too. Your swimmers (or eggs) are great signs of how healthy your system is. But I use it whenever I’m inflamed because it works.


adaptogenic herbs macaMaca is a Peruvian root that grows in the Andes and is becoming known for its abilities to support sex drive and boost fertility, which can go down in times of stress.

Benefits of maca

Boosts libido: In multiple studies with men and women, Maca has been shown to increase libido and the desire for sex. From antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction to erectile dysfunction, Maca can boost the libido and get you in the mood.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″] [ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

Increases fertility: Maca has also been shown to increase fertility in both men and women. For men, Maca improves sperm count and motility (their ability to move through the woman’s reproductive system). For women, Maca encourages overall hormone balance, which can support regulation of the woman’s cycle.[ref url=””][ref url=”″]

How to use maca

Adding Maca powder to your Bulletproof Coffee or morning smoothie is a great way to make it a daily habit. You can also take this adaptogen in supplement form.

Maca is best for

  • Boosting libido
  • Increasing fertility
  • Balancing hormones

Mucuna pruriens

adaptogenic herbs mucuna pruriens l dopa beanMucuna pruriens, also known as the dopa bean, has a high content of L-dopa which is a precursor to the neurotransmitter dopamine. This adaptogen is known for its ability to boost your mood, lower stress, improve mood, reduce anxiety, and help you focus. Some people with ADHD find it works as well as Adderall at keeping them calm and productive.

Related: Mucuna Pruriens: The Mood-Boosting Productivity Pill You’ve Been Looking For

Benefits of mucuna pruriens

Lowers stress and anxiety: Dopamine is essential for mood, and when you don’t have enough, you can struggle with stress and anxiety. While you don’t want to take too much Mucuna, adding some to your diet can be effective at calming the nervous system and reducing anxiety, stress and even depression.[ref url=””][ref url=””][ref url=””][ref url=””]

Increases fertility and libido: While reducing stress, Mucuna has been shown to improve semen quality in infertile men. After three months of taking a daily dose of Mucuna, 120 men showed a decrease in stress and increase in sperm count.[ref url=””]

Boosts productivity and focus: Taking Mucuna can give you that extra focus to get things done. L-dopa, the main compound found in Mucuna, has been studied for its ability to increase focus and learning in adults. One study in adults ages 21-28 showed it increased reaction time, while another showed lasting memory recall of new words.[ref url=”″][ref url=”″]

How to use mucuna

Mucuna is best used in supplement form with dosage between 100-200mg per day. You can also add mucuna to your Bulletproof Coffee.

Mucuna is best for

  • Increasing dopamine
  • Lowering stress
  • Boosting mood
  • Improving fertility
  • Enhancing memory and focus

Panax ginseng

best adaptogenic herbs for stressPanax ginseng is probably the most well-known adaptogen. Traditional Chinese Medicine has used ginseng for a wide variety of treatments, especially in preventative practices and as a performance enhancer and immune booster. You may have also heard that it enhances libido, although that aspect is way over-marketed.

There are more than a dozen forms of panax ginseng. Only five of them are used medicinally, and two very popular ones are Korean red ginseng and white ginseng. There’s science to back up claims about this root that resembles two legs of a human.

Benefits of panax ginseng

Improves brain power and focus: Studies show that ginseng is effective when used to improve cognition and focus.[1] The improvement in cognition is most likely a result of a decrease in fatigue (kind of like coffee). In studies where individuals were not already experiencing fatigue, they did not see an increase in cognition.

Increases sense of well-being: There’s conflicting evidence when it comes to using ginseng as a mood-booster, with ginseng having the same effects on mood as the placebo.[7] Other studies, however, do show that in healthy people, ginseng does have a mood-boosting effect and can increase calm and improve memory and performance.[8]

Boosts libido and sexual performance: Research shows that taking panax ginseng improves the quality of erections in men suffering from erectile dysfunction [2, 3, 4]. It also stimulates sexual behavior (e.g. friskiness) in animal studies.[ref url=””] Other research in post-menopausal women found that Korean red ginseng improved their sexual arousal.[ref url=”″]

Lowers blood sugar: There’s also some evidence that ginseng can lower blood glucose levels, although it doesn’t appear to have any effect on people that don’t have an existing condition like diabetes or hypertension, for example.[5, 6] Large human studies are lacking though and there’s conflicting results in the studies that do exist.

How to use panax ginseng

You can take Panax Ginseng as a supplement or add it to your teas. You can also use it as a root.

Ginseng is best for

  • Decreasing fatigue
  • Balances blood glucose levels
  • Boosting libido and sexual arousal
  • Improving erectile dysfunction
  • Boosting your mood

One annoying thing is that most studies don’t use the same forms or the same preparations of ginseng, so it’s hard to know if you’re getting the right stuff, or even if there’s anything besides sawdust in your capsules. Real ginseng is expensive and fake stuff is all over the place. I’ve used panax ginseng occasionally as an energy booster but not daily most of the time.


Reishi mushroom has been used for over 2,000 years in China with documented scripts of their many benefits. From boosting the immune system and reducing blood sugar to supporting the liver and fighting cancer, this mushroom is one to keep on hand, assuming you’re using high-quality, medicinal-grade mushrooms — and not taking it every day.[ref url=”″] Mushrooms are OK as medicine, but not something to eat in your diet.

Benefits of reishi

adaptogenic herbs reishiBoosts the immune system: Reishi contains antioxidants which protect cells from oxidative damage. With this protection comes the ability to be more resilient and respond to threats properly.

Detoxes your system: A study of 300 one-day-old male broiler chickens fed a contaminated diet of aflatoxin (poisonous carcinogens produced by mold) showed that when Reishi was introduced to the diet, it counteracted the negative effects of the aflatoxin. This suggests that reishi is protective of the immune function and helps detox the system – especially useful when you’ve been exposed to allergens or toxins.[ref url=”″] [ref url=”″]

Fights cancer: Studies on different types of cancer show the possibilities of Reishi as an antitumor and cancer preventative. Human prostate cancer cell lines were used to observe the effect on prostate cancer. Results showed that the cells were sensitive to Reishi, causing a 45% to 55% decrease in cells.[ref url=””] A study of reishi on inflammatory breast cancer also showed anticancer properties with a reduced tumor growth and weight.[ref url=”″]

How to use reishi

You can use Reishi as a tea, tincture, or supplement.

Reishi is best for

  • Boosting immunity
  • Supporting apoptoisis
  • Protecting the liver
  • Balancing blood sugar

Rhodiola Rosea

adaptogenic herbs rhodiola roseaLike other adaptogenic herbs, rhodiola rosea is known for helping your body adapt to stressful situations, by keeping fatigue and exhaustion at bay. Also known as arctic root or golden root, this potent root contains more than 140 active ingredients, the most bioactive ones being rosavin and salidroside.

Benefits of rhodiola rosea

Fights fatigue and exhaustion: Rhodiola is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is often used to promote vitality and immunity. Rhodiola can reduce fatigue and exhaustion in prolonged stressful situations and can also reduce c-reactive protein.[35, 36] (If you commute, you’re in prolonged stressful situations every day!)

Boosts cognition and performance: There’s also plenty of evidence to show that rhodiola will improve cognition, independent of fatigue-reduction. A study on the effects of rhodiola on physicians on night duty fatigue showed that the herb could improve performance by about 20%, regardless of fatigue levels.[37]

Improves mood and lowers depression: Rhodiola could also improve your mood and decrease the symptoms of depression.[38] Improvements in feelings of well-being might be, in part, caused by rhodiola’s effect on serotonin levels.[38]

How to use rhodiola

Like the others, this adaptogen is best taken as a supplement or tea.

Studies show that if you take rhodiola for longer periods of time, it helps even more.[36] There does appear to be a bell-curve response, so finding the right dose matters, and mega-dosing is counterproductive (and expensive!). It can also have a slightly stimulatory effect, so it might be better to take in the morning. Some people find it helpful when trying to go off of caffeine.

In the Bulletproof Coffee shop in Santa Monica, we will gladly blend this into your Bulletproof Coffee!

Rhodiola is best for

  • Reducing fatigue
  • Lowering c-reactive protein levels
  • Boosting your mood and sense of well-being
  • Improving cognition

Siberian Ginseng

adaptogenic herbs siberian ginsengTraditional healers have used Siberian ginseng (not to be confused with panax ginseng) to fight fatigue, maximize physical performance, and improve overall immunity and longevity. Research backs their practices.

Benefits of Siberian Ginseng

Improves endurance: Looking to up your endurance? In one study, Siberian ginseng increased subjects’ time to exhaustion by more than 500% [40].

Fights mental and physical fatigue: Other research shows that it can improve resistance to both cognitive and physical fatigue.[41, 42]

Boosts immune system: There’s also promising evidence that this adaptogen has immunity-boosting effects and can increase t-cell count.[44]

How to use Siberian ginseng

Siberian Ginseng is best used as a capsule or tincture.

• Capsule – 100-200mg twice per day or as directed
• Tincture – Use as directed on package

Siberian ginseng is best for

  • Fighting fatigue
  • Improving endurance in strenuous activity
  • Increasing cognitive and physical performance
  • Boosting your immune system

Consider adding adaptogens into your day, especially when you’re going to have a big day, or when you were out late partying or otherwise didn’t recover well the night before. There’s an argument for taking them every day, which is what I do. That’s why I created a special blend of adaptogens that is available only at the Bulletproof Coffee shop in Santa Monica. Take the time to look around online, and try single adaptogens so you know what works best for you!

Let me know how it works on Facebook…really interested in your results!
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